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研究生: 岑淳耀
Sammet, Patrick Oliver
論文名稱: 聲望規劃、語言態度與本土語言教學:以噶瑪蘭語教科書為例
Prestige Planning, Language Attitudes and Textbooks in Kavalan: A Critical Textbook Analysis on the Shaping of Language Attitudes
指導教授: 賀安娟
Heylen, Ann
口試委員: 廖秀娟
Liao, Hsiu-Chuan
Khoo, Hui-lu
Heylen, Ann
口試日期: 2021/07/15
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 臺灣語文學系
Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 語言復振噶瑪蘭語聲望計畫課本研究語言態度
英文關鍵詞: language revitalisation, language attitudes, textbook research, prestige planning, Kavalan language
研究方法: 個案研究法言談分析內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101250
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:130下載:18
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  • 此項研究旨在闡明和分析台灣國小與國中本土語言教育的教科書及課程的現狀,並以噶瑪蘭語這個僅約20人母語者的台灣東部原住民語言為例。從聲望規劃(prestige planning)的角度進行案例分析,透過批判論述分析當前教材如果按預期使用所將引起的語言態度。
      本研究的目的有三:(1)為所有南島語言提供一針對統一教材計畫之全面評述 (2) 提供當今教材發展階段現況及課堂教學方法之圖像及(3) 討論本土語言課程及教材是否具備相對應的語言聲望計劃策略。

    The purpose of this study is to showcase and analyse the status of textbooks and the curriculum in local languages education in Taiwanese schools with a focus on Kavalan, a Formosan language natively spoken by the Kavalan people in Eastern Taiwan. This case study is conducted with a particular emphasis on the importance of prestige planning. Through the lens of Critical Textbook Analysis, the current teaching materials are analysed regarding the language attitudes they could evoke.
    Following nearly half a century of authoritarianism and the promotion of Mandarin Chinese, Taiwan democratised in the late 1980s. Taiwan's democratisation was accompanied and followed by a movement that favoured the revitalisation, reinvigoration, and maintenance of local languages to promote linguistic equality and minority rights. Even though these languages are taught as part of the standard curriculum today, much work needs to be done.
    For the past 25 years, there was a lack of textbooks, and teachers were ill-qualified, but during this period, the curriculum, the textbooks, and the requirements meant to be met by teachers have progressively become more and more standardised. Much progress has been made, and much research has been done on the teaching of Taigi and Hakka. Due to a lack of speakers, the Aboriginal languages have been often overlooked when it comes to the quality of the teaching materials and the significance this has to the revitalisation efforts.
    The primary aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive critique of a unified textbook for all Formosan languages. Additional purposes of this study are (1) to provide a picture of the current development stage of teaching materials (with a focus on textbooks) and teaching methods in these classes and (2) to discuss whether one can identify a coherent prestige planning strategy in the design of local language classes and the teaching materials.

    English Abstract i Chinese Abstract - 中文摘要 iii Acknowledgements v Table of Contents vi Overview of Tables viii Chapter 1 – Introduction 1 1.1. On the Terminology Employed in this Thesis 3 1.2. Overview of Previous Research 5 1.3. Research Questions and Methodology 6 1.4. Relevance and Contribution of this Thesis 7 1.5. Hypothesis 7 Chapter 2 – The Language Situation in Taiwan and among the Kavalan People 9 2.1. A Short History of the Language Situation 10 2.2. Policy Overview on Local Language Education in Modern Taiwan 14 2.3. The Situation of Formosan Languages in Taiwan after 1945 17 2.4. A Short History of the Kavalan People and the Language Situation 19 Chapter 3 – Literature Review 22 3.1. Language Policy, Language Attitudes and Language Education 22 3.2. Language Economy and the Value of Language 25 3.3. Language Use and Language Attitudes in Taiwan 27 3.4. Formosan Languages and the Education System 30 3.5. Taiwan: Attitudes, Use and the Education System 33 3.6. Language Attitudes and Textbooks 35 3.7. Conclusion 37 Chapter 4 – Research Methodology 39 4.1. Subjects of the Study 40 4.2. Research 48 4.3. Interpretation of Results 56 Chapter 5 – Discussion of results 60 5.1. Revival Linguistics 61 5.2. Prestige Planning and Formal Teaching 65 5.3. Prestige Planning and Education 67 5.4. The Curriculum and Prestige Planning 71 Chapter 6 – Conclusion 75 Bibliography 80 English Bibliography 80 Bibliography in other Non-Chinese Languages 87 Chinese Bibliography (中文參考資料) 88 Graphs and Tables Used 92 Appendix 93 a. List of new vocabulary introduced in the first year’s textbook in Amis and Kavalan 93 b. Book 1, Lesson 1 - Example of the lesson structure 97 c. Curriculum 101 d. New Vocabulary per lesson in Kavalan 102 e. New Vocabulary per lesson in Coastal Amis 105

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