研究生: |
蔡碧夆 |
論文名稱: |
升學氛圍下國中學生的課程觀:一個班級的民族誌研究 |
指導教授: | 黃鴻文 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 239 |
中文關鍵詞: | 國中學生 、課程觀 、升學 |
英文關鍵詞: | junior high school students, curriculum perspectives, examination |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:534 下載:60 |
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一、學生對學校課程的分類系統有二,第一種分類系統是將「所有科 目」分為「主科」與「非主科」,學生認為「主科」是有壓力的、不好玩 的、無聊的、與生活無關的,「非主科」是沒有壓力的、好玩的、有趣 的、與生活無關的,學生面對「主科」與「非主科」會有不同的行動策 略。第二種分類系統是將「主科」科目分為「背科」與「理科」。
二、學生會再依其性質,將「主科」科目的課程內容分為「背的」、「理解 的」、「難以準備的」三類。基本上,每一「主科」科目都會包含這些 性質的課程內容,只是比例多寡的不同。「背的」、「理解的」、「難以 準備的」的課程內容有不一樣的定義與特徵,學生會有不同的因應方式。
三、在教室系統內,學生的課程觀會受導師、科任教師、同儕的影響。導師的 班級管理措施會間接影響學生的課程觀,若導師擁有多元專長,可成為學 生課程的補充者與支持者。學生會將科任教師分類,「不嚴格且教得很 好」的老師是學生最喜愛的類型,對學生課程觀有較正面的幫助。另外, 同儕對學生課程觀也會產生正、負面的影響。
四、在學校系統內,學校為回應家長的需求以及維持高升學率的榮譽光環,是 以升學為導向的。學校的升學氛圍會透過學校的課程規劃與安排、考試與 「紅榜」、活動、秩序管理、物質環境等方式傳遞給學生,進而影響學生 的課程觀。
五、除了學校系統外,補習班也是學生重要的學習場域,是最有效的課程支援 管道,因此,有些學生是以補習班為重的。補習班與學校會相互競逐學生 的時間,補習班對學生課程觀也會產生正、負面的效應。
壹、學生將學校正式課程分為「主科」與「非主科」,學生對其有不同的知 覺、感受與行動策略。
貳、「主科」的課程內容包括「背的」、「理解的」、「難以準備的」,三類 課程內容之間有高低位階之分。
參、影響學生課程觀的因素是錯綜複雜的,而且學校與補習班之間是相互拉扯 的。
肆、學生認為學校課程只是為了考試與基測,而且「主科」的課程內容是與生 活無關的。
This is a study on the analyzing the curriculum perspectives of junior high school students. In order to know how junior high school students classify, perceive, feel, think and act to the formal school curriculum, the research purposes are as follows. First, analyzing the curriculum perspectives of junior high school students. Second, describing how classroom culture forms the students’ curriculum perspectives. Third, describing how school culture forms the students’ curriculum perspectives. Last, discussing how cram schools affect the students’ curriculum perspectives.
By ethnography, a public junior high school in Taipei County is chosen. The subjects include a class, through 8th to 9th grade. Observation, interview, document analyzing and questionnaire are the ways to collect data. The main findings of this research are stated as follows:
A、Students use two systems to classify the school curriculum. One is the major subject and minor subject, the other is reciting subjects and science subjects. Students describe the major subjects are pressure, unfunny, boring, and not related to daily life.
B、According to the character of subjects, students assort the major subjects into three types: reciting, comprehending, and hard to preparing.
C、Curriculum perspectives of students are affected by teachers and peers. Teachers’ strategies of classroom management indirectly affect curriculum perspectives of students. The teachers who have multiple specialties would become supports or supplementary in curriculum. Students also classify their teachers. Those who are not strict but teach well are the most popular teachers.
D、To reply parents’ demands and keep higher proportion of students entering a higher school, school hold the doctrine of entering higher school. In this atmosphere, all the activities which could raise the proportion of students entering a higher school would affect curriculum perspectives of students, such as the curriculum plans, tests, classroom order, and so on.
E、Besides school system, cram schools are the other important learning fields for junior high school students and also play the role as the most effective support system. Therefore, some students pay more attention on it. Going to cram schools might have positive or negative influences on junior high school students.
Based on my finding, I generalize four conclusions.
1、The formal school curriculum could be classified to major subjects and minor subject by students. Students would have different perception, feeling and action among them.
2、Context of major subjects include reciting, comprehending, and hard to preparing, and they are gradation.
3、The factors that influence the curriculum perspectives of students are daedal, and schools and cram schools are both involve in.
4、Students consider that school curriculum is just for high school entrance examination, and major subjects are not related to daily life.
At last, researcher proposed some reflections.
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