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研究生: 吳振豪
Wu, Chen-Hao
論文名稱: 輕量化且高效能的多角度車牌辨識模型
A Lightweight, High-Performance Multi-Angle License Plate Recognition Model
指導教授: 林政宏
Lin, Cheng-Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電機工程學系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: 車牌辨識系統深度學習模型輕量化多角度
英文關鍵詞: license plate recognition system, deep learning model, lightweight, multi-angle
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900730
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:378下載:4
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  • 近年來在台灣的街道上,經常會看到許多路邊收費員一手騎著機車,一手拿著行動裝置對在路邊停放的汽機車開立繳費通知單。然而路邊收費員的工作內容與危險息息相關,除了要先將機車停靠在要收費的汽機車旁,還得用雙眼確認車牌號碼,將車牌號碼輸入至行動裝置中,再將繳費單貼在汽機車上。因此本研究意圖將自動車牌辨識系統實現在路邊收費員的行動裝置中,提升路邊收費員的工作效率以降低他們在道路上工作的時間。



    最後,我們訓練了一個針對車牌字元結構優化過的深度學習模型來辨識車牌上的字元。實驗結果顯示此模型能夠辨識100公分內傾斜0~60度之車牌,且recall rate達89.6%。與Tiny-YOLOv2在同樣的範圍下相比,所提出的模型的運算量減少61%,處理時間減少30%,可是recall rate略為下降。

    On the streets of Taiwan, many roadside tollers are often seen riding motorcycles in one hand, and the other hand holding mobile devices to issue payment notices for cars and motorcycles parked on the roadsides. The work of roadside tollers is very dangerous. First, they must first park their motorcycles next to the roadside cars and motorcycles. Then they use their eyes to confirm the license plate number, enter the license plate number into the mobile device, and finally place the bill on the car's windows or attach the bill to the motorcycles. Our idea is to implement an automated license plate recognition system in mobile devices to increase the efficiency of roadside tollers and reduce their work time on the road.

    Recently, license plate recognition systems have been widely used in various aspects of life, such as parking lot toll systems, access management systems, and traffic management systems. However, existing license plate recognition systems must have good recognition rates under a number of constraints, such as fixed angles and fixed light sources. Moreover, due to the insufficient computing resources of the general mobile device, the application cannot have a good recognition rate in the complex environment or skewed angle in the license plate recognition. Therefore, this paper proposes a lightweight and high-performance multi-angle license plate character recognition model, which reduces the complexity and computational complexity of traditional license plate recognition. This paper also collects a large number of license plate images from different environments, angles and sizes as training data. Finally, we propose an optimized deep learning model to identify the characters on license plates. The experimental results show that the proposed model can recognize the license plate with a tilt of 0~60 degrees, and the overall recall rate is 84.5%. Compared with Tiny-YOLOv2, the proposed model has a 61% reduction in computational complexity and a 30% reduction in processing time, but the recall rate is slightly reduced.

    摘要 i ABSTRACT iii 目錄 v 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 ix 第一章  緒論 1 1.1  研究動機與背景 1 1.2  研究目的 5 1.3  研究方法 5 1.4  研究貢獻 5 1.5  論文架構 5 第二章  文獻探討 7 2.1  字元辨識方法 7 2.2  物件檢測模型 9 第三章  研究方法 19 3.1  字元辨識模型實驗 19 第四章  實驗結果 30 4.1  字元辨識實驗 30 4.2  不同距離與角度實驗 36 4.3  實驗結論 38 第五章  結論與未來展望 39 5.1  結論 39 5.2  未來展望 39 參考文獻 40

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