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研究生: 陳思妤
Chen, Szu-Yu
論文名稱: 服務設計應用於手機APP研究與創作-以地震防災為例
Service Design Research and Creation of Educational Apps for Mobile Phone. Evidence from Earthquake Education.
指導教授: 王千睿
Wang, Chien-Jui
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 地震教育服務設計使用者體驗使用者介面
英文關鍵詞: Earthquake education, User Experience, User Interface, Service Design
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000054
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:578下載:0
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Taiwan is subject to frequent earthquakes due to its natural geographical environment. In recent years, the numerous earthquakes have caused regrettable events. Taiwan’s earthquake education mainly involves basic earthquake education and escape drills, focusing on elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school students. University students and the general public on the other hand have fewer channels for receiving earthquake knowledge. Knowledge on disaster prevention is often only popularly discussed following an earthquake event, as the topic loses people’s interest, the issues on earthquake prevention are no longer followed, and the cycle goes on and on when a disaster struck again, resulting in disaster prevention education in Taiwan failing to improve. Therefore, with earthquake education adopted as the issue in this study, the method of using service design to effectively convey earthquake and disaster prevention knowledge was explored, thereby enabling users to voluntarily take part in earthquake prevention activities.

This is divided into four stages. The first stage is literature collection and analysis intended to gain an insight into service design, user experience, user interface design, and earthquake education, as well as summarizing the main customer groups of the earthquake education services, how to provide users with better earthquake education service experience, understand the general situation of Taiwan’s current earthquake education, and the methods of improvement. In the second stage, three existing earthquake education products were selected. In addition to APP, different media delivery products were also included, such as websites, e-books, and printed materials. Then, six users were invited to undergo SUS usability assessment and semi-structured interviews in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the users’ earthquake education needs and views. The third stage involves summarizing seven user needs from the interview results to conceptualize the functions of the design creation, and along with information images and visual design in line with the issue of earthquake education, to conduct the design and creation of earthquake education APP, including mobile phone and iPad versions. The fourth stage covers creation checking assessment. Six users were once again invited to undergo SUS usability assessment targeting the finished work in order to understand whether the users’ needs were met, and they were asked to explain their reasons in order to correct the design creation. The evaluation results are all positive, indicating that in addition to preparing for disaster prevention systematically with friends and relatives, they can also clearly understand the knowledge of earthquake disaster prevention. Users give a lot of positive feedback.
After research and design at the current stage, as the theme of this research is service design. I hope that it can be connected with the earthquake education in Taiwan and practice the purpose of service design to give back to society.

摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 謝誌 iii 目錄 iv 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 一、緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究範圍與限制 3 1.4研究流程圖 4 二、文獻探討 5 2.1服務設計 5 2.1.1服務設計定義與內涵 5 2.1.2服務設計流程 7 2.1.3服務設計運用於社會議題 9 2.2使用者經驗 10 2.2.1使用者經驗設計定義與內涵 10 2.2.2使用者經驗設計流程 10 2.2.3使用者經驗設計應用於APP 12 2.3使用者介面設計 13 2.3.1使用者介面設計定義與原則 13 2.3.2扁平化設計之使用者介面趨勢 16 2.3.3使用性 18 2.4地震教育 22 2.4.1臺灣的天然災害 22 2.4.2地震災害基本知識與預防方法 24 2.4.3臺灣地震防災教育現況與發展 32 2.4.4地震介面相關產品 35 2.5本章小結 37 三、研究方法與流程 38 3.1使用者調查 39 3.2案例蒐集 40 3.3個案使用性評估 44 3.4使用者訪談 49 3.4綜合分析結果 54 四、創作過程及理念說明 56 4.1概念發想與資訊架構 57 4.2 APP原型製作 60 4.3介面設計 62 4.4創作檢核評估 79 五、研究結論與建議 82 5.1研究結論 82 5.2 後續研究建議 83 參考文獻 84 附錄 88




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