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研究生: 廖元禎
Liao Yuan-Jen
論文名稱: 馬庫色與美國60年代學生運動
Marcuse and the Amercian Student Movement in the 60's
指導教授: 鄧元忠
Teng, Yuan-Chung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歷史學系
Department of History
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 158
中文關鍵詞: 馬庫色學生運動60年代
英文關鍵詞: Herbert Marcuse, Student Movement, 60's
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:271下載:0
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  • 由馬庫色的生平看來,他一生中面臨了三次重大的轉捩點。第一次是第一次世界大戰以及德國革命的爆發,馬庫色被迫結束貴族式的學生生涯,投入軍旅,並開始接觸政治,研究馬克思主義。但是德國革命的失敗使他對政治失望,轉而產生分析現代社會的熱情。戰後他受到海德格的影響,決定回到大學從事學術研究。不過,海德格雖是驅使他研究的動力,但法西斯在德國掌權時,海德格的極右政治立場卻也使猶太裔的馬庫色不得不離開弗萊堡大學。幸而經由胡賽爾的居中引介,馬庫色成為法蘭克福社會研究所的成員,這是他人生的第二個轉捩點,因為在霍克海默和阿多諾等人的影響下,馬庫色重新燃起了對政治的熱情,也開始對心理學產生興趣。不過希特勒不久後便在德國取得政權,對於猶太人的迫害也越來越積極,於是,馬庫色與法蘭克福社會研究所成員只好輾轉移居美國,並在美國資本主義社會的衝擊下,對於「批判理論」有更進一步的發展。這是馬庫色人生的第三個轉捩點。他在移民美國之後,融合了黑格爾、馬克思與佛洛伊德的思想,提出了對先進工業社會以及傳統馬克思主義的批判。也使他以左派思想家的身分知名於學術界,並在60至70年代因學生運動而受到世人矚目。
    從分析學生活動者背景的結果中可以看出,60年代的激進學生承襲了50年代末期「披頭世代」對既有社會的反思,他們不熱衷於物質生活的享樂,認為既有社會是虛偽、不人道、墮落的象徵;他們關心社會、人群,對藝術與哲學具有高度的興趣,而任何能對社會提出批判,能啟發他們心靈,又能描繪理想願景的思想,都可能獲得他們的青睞,成為他們共同的心靈養料。因此,卡謬思(Albert Camus)、孔司基(Noam Chomsky)、米勒(C. W. Miller)、沙特(J. P. Sartre)、蓋瓦拉(Che Guevara)、狄百瑞(Rbis Debra)、法農(Frantz Fanon)、古德曼(Paul Goodman)和馬庫色等人才會成為他們的英雄。

    緒 論 第一章 馬庫色之生平及思想發展歷程 第一節 早年之生平與思 第二節 馬庫色在美國的發 第二章 戰後青年與馬庫色對美國體制的反思 第一節 二次大戰後美國青年在意識形態上的轉變 第二節 馬庫色對當代先進工業社會的批判 第三章 大學校園的反叛風潮 第一節 學生運動之肇興與訴求 (1960-1964) 第二節 學生革命的形成與發展 (1965-1970) 第三節 學生運動與新左派之關係 第四章 馬庫色與學運的互動 第一節 馬庫色對學生運動的影響力 第二節 馬庫色在學運期間的活動 第三節 理念的異同 第四節 馬庫色對學運的評價 結 論 徵引書目

    Anderson, Perry. Considerations on Western Marxism. 文貫中、魏章玲譯,《西方馬克思主義探討》。 臺北:桂冠 圖書股份有限公司,1990年。
    Bottomore, Tom. The Frankfurt School.廖仁義譯,《法蘭克福學派》。臺北:桂冠 圖書股份有限公司,1998年。
    Burner, David. Making History with the '60. 許綬南譯,《 60年代》。 臺北:麥田出版股份有限公司,1998年。
    Flacks, Richard.Youth and Social Change.區紀勇譯,《青年與社會變遷》。 臺北: 巨流圖書公司,1975年。
    Jay, Martin. The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research 1923-1950.善世聯譯,《法蘭克福學派史(1623-1950)》。 廣東: 廣東人民出版社,1996年。
    Lind, Peter. Marcuse and Freedom.關向光譯,《馬庫色的自由理論》。 臺北: 遠流出版事業股份有限公司,1994年。
    Macintyre, Alasdaiv. H. Marcuse. 邵一誕譯,《馬庫色》。臺北:桂冠 圖書股份有限公司,1992年。
    Yinger, J. Milton. Countercultures: The Promise and Peril of a World Turned Upside Down. 高丙中、張林譯,《反文化:亂世的希望與危險》, 臺北: 桂冠圖書股份有限公司,1995年。
    馬驥雄主編,《戰後美國教育研究》。江西: 江西教育出版社,1991年。
    陳學明,《馬孤哲的新馬克思主義》。臺北: 森大圖書有限公司,1991年。
    劉少杰,《馬庫色:批判與重建》。 臺北: 唐山出版社,1993年。
    Fender, Lewis.李念虎譯, 〈世代衝突與學生運動〉。《 大學雜誌》 ,第49期,1972年1月。
    Footlick, J. K..王杏慶譯,〈美國大學動亂之析判〉。《大學雜誌》,第32期,1970年8月。
    余剛,〈六○年代的最後一場好戲:芝加哥八君子〉。《 當代》, 第2期,1966年。
    昭明,〈美國大學動亂與學生運動趨向〉。 《時代批評 》,第31卷,第 1、2期,1970年9月。
    徐鍵,〈馬庫色的革命理論與學生運動關係研究〉。臺北: 政治作戰學院政治研究所碩士論文,未刊稿,1988年。
    洪鐮德,〈 新馬克思主義與當代人文思潮以及社會學說的互動〉。《 中山社會科學學報》, 第8卷 第1期,1994年春季。
    張炳玉,〈馬庫色的革命理論與學生運動〉。《 共黨問題研究》 第14卷,第8期,1988年。
    蔡發林,〈美國六○年代學生運動〉。 臺北: 國立政治大學政治研究所畢業論文,未刊搞,1988年。
    I. Books by Herbert Marcuse
    Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory (New York: Oxford University Press1 1941). First published as a paperbook in 1986 by Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Eros and Civilization (Boston: Beacon Press, 1966). First edition published in 1955.
    One Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society. 2nd ed. (Boston: Beacon Press, 1994). First edition published in 1964.
    A Critique of Pure Tolerance with Barrington Moore and Robert Paul Wolff (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969). First edition published in 1965.
    An Essay on Liberation (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969).
    Counterrevolution and Revolt (Boston: Beacon Press, 1972).
    Revolution or Reform? A Confrontation. A debate with Karl Popper. trans. by Michael Aylward and A. T. Ferguson. (Chicago: New University Press, 1976). Original German language edition published in 1972.
    From Luther to Popper. trans. by Joris De Bres. (London: Verso, 1972).
    The Aesthetic Dimension: Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics (Boston: Beacon Press, 1978). Original German language edition published in 1977.
    II. Articles, Interviews and Prefaces by Herbert Marcuse
    Preface to Raya Dunayevskaya, Marxism and Freendom (New York: Bookman, 1958), pp. 7-12. Omitted from Later editions.
    "Ethics and Revolution," in Ethics and Society: Original Essays on Contemporary Moral Problems, ed. by Richard T. De George (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc, 1966), 133-147. A 1964 Lecture delivered at the University of Kansas.
    "The Responsibility of Sciety," in The Responsibility of Power: Historical Essays in Hornor of Hajo Holborn, eds. by Leonard Krieger and Fritz Stern (Garden City, New Yokr: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1967): 439-444. Revised text of a lecture presenteD at the University of California, Los Angeles in July 1966.
    "The Question of Revolution," New Left Review 45 (September-October 1967): 3-7.
    "Democracy Has/Hasn't a Future......A Present," New York Times Magazine, May 26, 1968, pp. 30-31; 98-104.
    "Marcuse Defines His New Left Line," New York Times Magazine, October 27 1968, pp. 29-109.
    "On Revolution," in Student Power: Problems, Diagnosis, Action, eds. by Alexander Cockburn and Robbin Blackburn. (Maryland: Peguin Books Ltd, 1970), pp. 367-372. An Interview by Gther Busch.
    "Re-Examination of the Concept of Revolution," New Left Review 56 (July-August 1969): 27-34.
    "Student Protest is Next to Society Itself," New York Times Magazine, May 4, 1969, p. 137.
    "Conversation with Sam Keen and John Raser," Psychology Today 4, 9 (February 1971): 35-40; 60-66.
    "A Reply to Lucien Goldmann," Partisan Review 38, 4 (1971-1972): 397-400.
    "Art as Form of Reality," New Left Review 74 (July-August 1972): 51-58. 1969 talk presented at a conference sponsored by the Gugenheim Museum in New York.
    "Art and Revolution," Partisan Review 39, 2 (Spring 1972): 174-187.
    "Can Communism be Liberal? Hebert Marcuse v. Raymond Aron," New Statesman, 23 (June 1972): 860-861.
    "Murder is not a Political Weapon," New German Critique 12 (Fall 1977): 7-8.
    "Some Social Implications of Modern Technology,?in The Essential Frankfurt School Reader, ed. by Andrew Arato and Eike Gebhatdt (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1978), pp. 138-162. Original published in Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 2, 4 (1941-42): 564-565.
    "On Science and Phenomenology," in The Essential Frankfurt School Reader, ed. by Andrew Arato and Eike Gebhatdt (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1978), pp.466-476. Address prensented at the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, February 13, 1964.
    "Theory and Politics: A Discussion With Herbert Marcuse, Jgan Habermas, Heinz Lubsz and Telman Spengler," Telos 38 (Winter 1978-1979): 124-153. Orginal published in Gesprhe mit Herbert Marcuse (1978), pp. 9-62. English trans. by Leslie Adelson, Susan Hegger, Betty Sun and Herbert Wienryb.
    "The Failure of the New Left,?New German Critique 18 (Fall 1979): 3-11.
    "On the Aesthetic Dimension: A Conversation with Herbert Marcuse," Contemporary Literature 22, 4 (Fall 1981): 416-424. A 1978 Interview with Larry Hartwick.
    "Interview with Bryan Magee, 'Marcuse and the Frankfurt School,'?in Men of Ideas: Some Creators of Contemporary Philosophy, ed. Brayn Magee (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), pp. 43-55. Published transcript of a BBC television interview.
    "Heidegger's Politics: An Interview With Frederick Olafson," in Marcuse: Critical Theory and the Promise of Utopia, eds. Robert Pippin, Andrew Feenberg and Charles P. Webel (London: Bergin & Garvey Publishers Inc., 1988), pp. 95-104. Interview taken from the transcript of a film taken at a conference on the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California, May 4, 1974.
    III. Documents and Memoirs by Students and Eyewitnesses
    Camejo, Peter. "How to Make a Revolution in the U.S." in On Revolution, edited by William Lutz and Harry Brent (Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishersd, Inc., 1971), pp. 206-217.
    Davison, Carl. "The New Radicals in the Multiversity: An Analysis and Strategy for the Student Movement," in On Revolution, edited by William Lutz and Harry Brent (Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishersd, Inc., 1971), pp. 298-315.
    Domhoff, William G.. "How to Commit Revolution in Corporate America," in On Revolution, edited by William Lutz and Harry Brent (Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishersd, Inc., 1971), pp. 186-205.
    Johnson, Lyndon B. "Why We are in Vietnam," in A History of Our Time: Readings on Postwar America, edited by William H. Chafe and Harvard Sitkoff (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), pp. 297-302. Originally Titled "Peace Without Conquest," an address at John Hopkins University, April 6, 1965.
    Karin Ashley, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Doum, John Jacobs, Jeff Jones, Gerry Long, Howie Machtinger, Jim Mellen, Terry Robbins, Mark Rudd and Steve Tappis. "You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows," in A History of Our Time: Readings on Postwar America, edited by William H. Chafe and Harvard Sitkoff , (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), 351-354.
    Klonsky, Mike. "Toward a Revolutionary Youth Movement," in The University Crisis Reader, edited by Immanuel Wallerstein and Paul Starr, (New York: Random House, 1971), pp. 258-260.
    Lasky, Melvin J. "Revolution Diary.?Encounter 31, 2 (1968): 81-92.
    Leaflet by Protest Distributed during the Student Strike at San Francisco State College, ca. October-November 1968. "On Violence," in The University Crisis Reader, edited by Immanuel Wallerstein and Paul Starr, (New York: Random House, 1971), pp. 7-9.
    McGill William J.. The Year of the Monkey (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1982).
    Oglesby, Carl. "Notes on a Decade Ready for the Dustbin," in The University Crisis Reader, edited by Immanuel Wallerstein and Paul Starr, (New York: Rondom House, 1971), pp. 300-320.
    -----------------. "The Revolted," in On Revolution, edited by William Lutz and Harry Brent (Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishersd, Inc., 1971), pp. 54-65.
    Rudd, Mark. "Columbia," in The University Crisis Reader, V. II, Confrontation and Counterattack, edited by Immanuel and Paul Starr, (New York: Random House, 1971), pp. 177-197.
    ................... "Events and Issues of the Columbia Revolt," in The University and Revolution, edited by Gary Weaver and James H. Weaver, (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1969), pp. 133-140.
    ................... "We Want Revolution," in On Revolution, edited by William Lutz and Harry Brent, (Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishersd, Inc., 1971), pp. 319-322.
    Rustin, Bayard. "The New Radicalism: Round III," Partisan Review 32, 4 (Fall 1965): 526-542.
    Savio, Mario. "An End to History," inOn Revolution, edited by William Lutz and Harry Brent, (Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishersd, Inc., 1971), pp. 316-318.
    SDS. "The Port Huron Statement (1962)," in Democracy is in the Streets: From Port Huron to the Siege of Chicago, edited by James Miller, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987), pp. 329-374.
    SNCC. "Student Nonviolent Coordinatiog Committee Statement of Purpose,' in Student Protest, 1960-1970: An Analysis of the Issues and Speeches. Revised Edition with a Comprehensive Bibliography, Donald E. Phillips, (Lanham: University Press of America, Inc., 1985), pp. 242-243.
    William Leise, John Davis, and Erica Sherover. "Marcuse as Teacher.?in The Critical Spirit: Essays in Honor of Herbert Marcuse, edited by Jr. Kurt H. Wolf and Barrington Moore, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1968), pp. 421-425.
    Widener, Alice. Teachers of Destruvtion: Their Plans for a Socialist: An Eyewitness Account, (Washington, D. C. : The Citizens Evaluation Institute, 1971).
    IV. Newspaper and Newsmagazine
    New York Times
    1954: August.
    1960: February - March.
    1961: May
    1965: April.
    1966: February.
    1967: April - November.
    1968: April - October.
    1969: February.
    1970: March - July.
    1971: March
    1979: July.
    "Battle of Vietnam Day," Newsweek,October 25, 1965, pp. 98.
    "Campus '65," Newsweek, March 22, 1965., pp. 29-49.
    "The Demostrators: Why?," Newsweek, November 1, 1965, pp. 25-26; 31-34.
    "Why Those Students are Protesting," Time, May 3, 1968, pp. 18-26.
    The Nation
    "The Columbia: Onus of Violence," The Nation, October 28. 1968, p. 420.
    "The Legion vs. Marcuse," The Nation, October 28, 1968, p. 421.
    V. On-line information
    Kovacevic, Filip. (May5, 1999). Herbert Marcuse'sHome Page [On-line]. Available: http://www.missori.edu/~tapscifk/dolcevital.html
    University of Viginia, Special Collection Department, (November 11, 1998). The Psychedelic '60s [On-Line]. Avaliable: http:// www.lib.virginia.edu/exhibits/sixties/index.html
    VI. Secondary Works
    Antonio, Emile. "Marcuse and Weatherman," New York Times, December 12, 1977, p. 34.
    Blackey, Robert and Payton, Clifford. Revolution and Revolutionary Ideal (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman Publishing Company Inc., 1976).
    Breines, Wini. Community and Organization in the New Left, 1962-1968: the Great Refusal (New Brunswich and London: Rutgers University Press, 1989).
    Brookeman, Christopher. American Culture and Society Since the 1930s (London: Macmillan, 1984).
    Cantor, Milton. The Divided Left: American Radicalism, 1900-1975 (New York: Hill and Wang, 1978).
    Chafe, William H. The Unfinished Journey: America Since World War II. 2nd ed. (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991).
    Clarkin, Tomas. "The Civil Right Movement.?in Events that Changed American in the Twentieth Century, edited by John E. Finfling and Frank W. Thackeray (London: The Greenwood Press, 1996).
    Bacciocco, Jr., Edward J. The New Left in America: Reform to Revolution (California: Stanford Univ., Hoover Institution Press, 1974).
    Brandon, Harry. "Of Herbert Marcusand Anarchy," New York Times, November 28, 1977, p. 30.
    Feuer, Lewis S.. The Conflict of Generation: The Character and Significance of Student Movements (New York: Basic Book, 1969).
    Flug, Michael. "Organized Labor and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s: The Case of the Maryland Freedom Union," Labor History 31, 3 (Summer 1990): 322-346.
    Gitlin, Todd. The Whole World is Watching: Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1980).
    Hack, Andrew. "Philosohpy of the New Left," New York Times Book Review, March 10, 1968, Ⅶ, p. 1.
    Hall, Laurence and Associates. New Colleges for New Students. (San francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1974).
    Handlin, Oscar Handlin and Mary F. The American College and American Culture: Socailization as a Function of Higher Education (New York: Mc Graw-Hall Book Company, 1970).
    Harding, Vicent. "So Much History, So Much Future: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Secind Coming of America.?in A History of Our Time: Readings on Postwar America, edited by William H. Cafe and Harvard Sitkoff (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991).
    Held, David. Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1980).
    Jay, Martin. The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Reaeach 1923-1950 (Boston.Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1973).
    Katz, Barry. Herbert Marcuse and the Art of Liberation (London: Verso Editions and NLB, 1972).
    ..................."Praxis and Politics: Toward an Intellectual Biography of Herbert Marcuse [1898-1979]," New German Critique 18 (Fall 1979): 12-23.
    Kellner, Douglas. Herbert Marcuse and the Crisis of Marxism (Berkeley.Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1984).
    Keniston, Kenneth. The Uncommitted: Alienated Youth in American Society (New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1965).
    Ladd, Jr., Everett Carll and Lipset, Seymour Martin. The Divided Academy: Professors and Politics (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1975).
    Lasky, Melvin J.. "The Ideas of '68: A Retrospective on the 20th Anniversary Celebrations of 'the Student Revolt'," Encounter 71 (November 1988): 3-18.
    Levy, Peter B. "The New Left and Labor: The Early Years (1960-1963)," Labor History 31, 3 (Summer 1990): 294-321.
    Lichter, Stanley Rothman and S. Robert. Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians, and the New Left (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1982).
    Lipset, Seymour Martin. "American Student Activism.?in Student Politics and Higher Education in the United States: A Select Bibliography, edited by Philip G. Altbach, (Cambridge, Mass.: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1968), pp. 1-14. Also in The University and Revolution, edited by Gary R. Weaver and James H. Weaver, (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1969), pp. 19-42.
    Lipset, Seymour Martin. "The Possible Effects of Students Activism on International Politics," in Students in Revolt, edited by Seymour Martin Lipset and Philip G. Altbach, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1970): 495-521.
    Lipshires, Sidney. Herbert Marcue: from Marx to Freud and Beyond (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc., 1974).
    Mandel, Ernst. "Where is America Going?" New Left Review 54 (March-April 1969): 3-15.
    Matusow, Allen J. The Unraveling of America: A History of Liberation in the 1960s (New York: Harper & Row, 1984).
    ............................. "Rise and Fall of a Counterculture," in A History of Our Time: Readings on Postwar America, edited by William H. Chafe and Harvard Sitkoff, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), pp. 378-392.
    Mead, Margaret. Culture and Commitment (New York: National History Press, 1970).
    Miller, James. Democracy is in the Streets: From Port Huron to the Siege of Chicago (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987).
    Neiman, Greg Calvert and Carol. A Disrupted History: The New Left and the New Capitalism (New York: Random House, 1971).
    Oglesby, Carl. The New Left Reader (New york: Grove Press, 1969).
    Peteron, Richard E. "The Student Left In American Heigher Education," in Stidents in Revolt, edited by Seymour Martin Lipset and Philip G. Altbach, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969), pp. 202-234.
    Philips, Donald E. Student Protest, 1960-1970: An Analysis of the Issues and Speeches, Revised Edition with a Comprensive Bibliography (New Yor: university Press of America, Inc., 1985).
    Pippin, Robert, Feenberg, Andrew and Webel, Charles P.. ed. Marcuse: Critical Theory and the Promise of Utopia. (London: Macmillan Education LTD, 1988).
    Reich, Charles A. The Greening of American (New York: Random House, 1970).
    Robinson, Paul A. The Freud Left: Wilhelm Reich, Geza Roheim, Herbert Marcuse (New York: Harper & Row, 1969).
    Rudy, Willis. The Campus and a Nation in Crisis: From the American Revolution to Vietnam (New Jersey: Associater University Press, Inc., 1996).
    Sale, Kirk J.. "Ted Gold: Education for Violence," in Styles of Political Action in America, edited by Robert Paul Wolff, (New York: Random House, 1972), pp. 178-28.
    Sargent, Laman Tower. New Left Thought: An Introduction (Homewood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1972).
    Schoolman, Morton. The Imaginary Witness: The Critical Theory of Herbert Marcuse (New York: The Free Press, 1980).
    The Carnegie Commission on Hogher Education. Dissent and Disruption: Proposals for Consideration by the Campus (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971).
    Triesman, "The Impermanent Stronghold," New Left Review 53 (January-February 1969): 33-35.
    Woodis, Jack. New Theories of Revolution: A Commentary on the Views of Frantz Fanon, Ris Debray and Herbert Marcuse (New York: International Publishers, 1972).
    Young, Nigel. An Infantile Disorder? The Crisis and Decline of the New Left (Colorado: Westview Press, 1977).
    Wiatr, Jerzy J.. "Herbert Marcuse: Philosopher of a Lost Radicalism," Science & Society 34 (Fall 1970): 319-330.
    Winder, Alvin E.. Adolescence: Contemporary Studies (New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1974).
