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Author: 王啟光
Chii Guang Wang
Thesis Title: 高階非線性方程問題之探討
Higher order abstract Cauchy problem
Advisor: 張幼賢
Chang, Yu-Hsien
Degree: 碩士
Department: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
Thesis Publication Year: 2000
Academic Year: 88
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 19
Keywords (in Chinese): 高階抽象柯西問題
Keywords (in English): Higher order abstract Cauchy problem with initial data
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 177Downloads: 7
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本篇論文主要是探討下列在 Banach 空間X上的高階抽象柯西問題(Higher order abstract Cauchy problem with initial data),
其中Ai 為在X上 C0半群的生成元,滿足某些條件,且f(t,u) 亦滿足某些適當條件下,我們證明了解的存在性和唯一性,並得到解的表現式。

This paper discusses the higher order abstract Cauchy problem with initial data on a Banach space X.Where Ai is a C0-semigroup
on X.We get the existance,uniqueness,and presentation of solution.

1.摘要 2.簡介 4.主要結果 16.應用 19.參考文獻

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