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Author: 趙蕙慈
Chao Hui-Tzu
Thesis Title: 國民中學家政教科書之家庭價值觀內容分析研究
A Study of Family Values in the Home Economics Textbooks of the Junior High School in Taiwan
Advisor: 周麗端
Degree: 碩士
Department: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
Academic Year: 86
Language: 中文
Keywords (in Chinese): 家政教科書家庭價值觀內容分析國民中學
Keywords (in English): Home Economics textbook, family values, content analysis, junior high school
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 635Downloads: 0
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  • 本研究採內容分析法,以國民中學自民國57、61、72及83年四次課程修訂後所編寫的家政教科書為研究對象,研究工具為研究者自編之家庭價值觀分析類目。本研究試圖建立家庭價值觀分析類目,並透過質與量的分析,藉以瞭解國民中學家政教科書中家庭價值觀教材數量與分配情形,以及所呈現的概念與價值觀改變的情況,作為未來制定、修訂、及分析教科書課程內容與相關研究的參考,並對家庭價值觀教育提供具體建議。由各年代的家庭價值觀內容分佈可得知,家庭價值觀內容在家政教科書中仍只佔極少部份,本研究結果可以歸納如下﹕一、倫理面向的家庭價值觀分為「尊奉尊長」、「親族觀念」及「家人關係」等分析單元,為目前家政教科書中家庭價值觀的重點議題。在各分析類目中,除了尊敬尊長、教養方式、家人責任等內容未隨時代變遷而改變外,其各分析類目之價值觀內容均隨時代變遷而有所改變。二、家庭面向的家庭價值觀可分為「家庭定義」、「家庭類型」、「家庭功能」、「家庭重要性」、及「生養子女」等分析單元。「家庭定義」在各屆均有不同的描述重點,「家庭類型」及「家庭功能」的描述也隨時代改變而改變,「家庭重要性」仍受到相當重視,「生養子女」部份內容隨時代變遷而有所修正。三﹑婚姻面向的家庭價值觀可分為「婚姻重要性」、「擇偶條件」、「婚姻組成與解組」、及「婚姻法律」等分析單元,此面向在家政教科書中數量最少。「婚姻重要性」及「婚姻法律」部份完全未提及,「擇偶條件」僅敘及適婚年齡,「婚姻組成與解組」也僅提出婚姻調適與婚姻解組的問題。四、角色發展面向的家庭價值觀可分為「性別角色」、「角色分工」分析單元,在各分析類目中,除角色期望、服飾穿著、家務分工等內容隨時代改變而改變,及未提及家庭決策的價值觀外,其餘各分析類目只有部份年代的教科書提及相關內容。由研究結果顯示,家庭價值觀內容在家政教科書中內容不多,且不夠完整,多數隨著時代的變遷而在內容上有所改變,因此在未來課程修訂時,宜配合社會現況調整家庭價值觀相關的教材內容。

    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the content, quantity, and distribution of the family values in the Home Economics textbooks published in 1968, 1972, 1983,1994 for the junior high school students in Taiwan. Content analysis is adopt in this study and family values analysis categories are build through literature review.In this study, family values includes four different dimensions which are the ethics, the values of family, the values of marriage, and the values of gender role inside the family. According to the results of analysis, the content of family values occupied quite few chapters in all the junior high school's Home Economic textbooks. The major results of the study can be concluded as follows:1. Ethics dimension, 'respect and tend eldership', 'the concept of kinship', 'family relation', is the most important part in the Home Economics textbooks.2. The values of family dimension, 'the definition of family', 'the genre of family', 'the function of family', 'the importance of family', ' breed child', changes its content during the latest thirty years.3. The values of marriage dimension, 'martial importance', 'the conditions of selecting spouse', 'marital composition and divorce', 'martial laws', is the fewest in the Home Economics textbooks.4. Gender role development dimension, 'gender role', 'the labor division of gender', is found in some textbooks only.The results of this study suggest that the concept of 'family values' in the textbooks are not enough and not so complete. Therefore, we should enhance in the future, and we had better change family values content according to the changing society.
