簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 黃翠玉
Huang Tsui-yu
論文名稱: 專門圖書館編目工作者之編目工作流程相關知識分析研究
Catalogers’ Professional Knowledge in Special Library Setting
指導教授: 吳美美
Wu, Mei-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 專門圖書館編目工作者編目工作流程編目知識
英文關鍵詞: special libraries, catalogers, cataloging workflow, cataloging knowledge
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:154下載:14
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  • 圖書館所提供的資訊服務,依業務功能區分為技術服務與讀者服務,而技術服務為圖書館之基礎業務。技術服務中的編目工作,是圖書館資訊服務的核心支柱,例如線上公用目錄是圖書館服務的入口,編目工作則是將圖書館館藏資源呈現於線上公用目錄,並應用相關標準、資訊技術將館藏資源提供給讀者。編目業務的進展著重於實務與經驗累積,而編目工作者從經驗中學習的能力和應用經驗所獲得的知識,則反映在執行該項業務的流程中,本研究探討圖書館技術服務工作中,編目工作及其相關知識之內涵,以便歸納編目工作相關的知識及其來源,期能促進編目工作者對編目工作知識之瞭解,以協助其提供高品質的資訊組織服務及提升編目工作者的專業形象。準此,本研究的研究問題有:(一)專門圖書館編目工作者之工作任務與工作內容為何?其中工作內容所涉及的工作項目、工作流程和工作特性為何? (二)編目工作者之編目工作所需知識為何? (三)編目工作者的編目工作相關知識之來源為何?這些編目知識又如何獲得?

    A library provides information services which includes technical and reader services. Technical service is the foundation for library operation. Cataloging as the core task of technical service supports library service, such as OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). Catalogers perform as the core workers who ensure library resources to be easy access to readers. It is important to learn how catalogers accumulate knowledge from their daily practice. This study attempts to identify the tasks, processes, and characteristic of catalogers of special libraries, in order to determine what knowledge is required for experienced catalogers and how these related knowledge is gained by the experienced catalogers. Research questions are: 1.What tasks, processes and characteristics of cataloging occur in special libraries? 2. What types of knowledge required for catalogers? 3. How catalogers obtain relevant-knowledge to meet the need of cataloging tasks? In this study, data are collected through semi-structure interviews and are analyzed by qualitative methods. A total of seven respondents from four special subject domain libraries at the same research institute are recruited, among them, five cataloging librarians and 2 library administrative chiefs. This study collects seven interview transcripts. The texts of the transcripts are analyzed and coded. The findings of this study include:(I)The mission of catalogers in special libraries include: (1) real-time updates and routine maintenance for a bibliographic database; (2) maintenance and development of cataloging policies; (3) provision of professional knowledge and organizational services.(II)Cataloging services can be described in three aspects, namely, cataloging tasks, cataloging process and task characteristics. Cataloging tasks include descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging, authority control and manual preparation for cataloging. Cataloging processes include duplicate copy checking, descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging, authority control, verification and correction, book processing and others. As for task characteristics, they are accuracy, completeness, consistency and flexibility. (III)Cataloging knowledge for catalogers include: (1) familiarizing with cataloging rules, standards, tools and processes; (2) involving knowledge for special subjects; (3) paying attention to the rapidly changing information environment and the development of information technology.(IV)Tacit knowledge involved in cataloging processes is fourfold: (1) cognitive knowledge: possession of missions, beliefs , values, ability to judge and insight to the work of cataloging; (2) attitude-based knowledge: positive learning, responsible, attention to efficiency and careful attitude when facing cataloging; (3) skill-based knowledge: familiar with the use of cataloging tools, including cataloging rules, classification and subject tables and among many others; (4) relationship between ability-based knowledge includes:(a) an exchange of experience and heritage among peers to develop team understanding and organizational culture shaping;(b) to provide appropriate information organization services in order to face the dynamic change of readers’ needs. (V)Sources for catalogers’ knowledge: (1) obtaining specialized knowledge through: self-learning, learning by doing, peer communication, professional training, conference participation, visiting activities, in-service continuing education; (2) access channels include professional websites, regular meetings in the library, conferences, and staff training.(VI)Compared to the prior publications, this study has found new knowledge for catalogers that is not documented in the prior literature: (1) sence of values of library cataloging; (2) sence of innovation due to the new information environment; (3) ideal work model to be created by daily experiences and knowledge.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究問題 3 第四節 研究範圍與限制 4 第五節 名詞解釋 4 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 編目工作者的工作任務與工作內容 8 第二節 編目工作相關的知識 19 第三節 編目工作相關知識之來源 27 第四節 編目工作相關的實徵研究 29 第五節 小結 32 第三章 研究設計與實施 35 第一節 研究方法 35 第二節 研究對象 35 第三節 研究流程 36 第四節 訪談前準備 37 第五節 資料蒐集 41 第六節 資料整理與分析 41 第四章 資料分析結果 44 第一節 編目工作者的工作任務與工作內容 44 第二節 編目工作者所需知識 53 第三節 編目工作者之編目相關知識來源 64 第四節 研究發現與文獻知識之比較 66 第五章 結論與建議 69 第一節 結論 69 第二節 研究建議 72 第三節 未來研究建議 72 第四節 研究者反思 73 參考文獻 75 附錄 79 附錄一:訪談大綱修正版 79 附錄二:深度訪談同意書 81 附錄三:訪談逐字稿 85

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