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研究生: 劉純峻
Liu, Chun-Chun
論文名稱: 剛柔之外:性別的灰色地帶-劉純峻創作論述
Beyond Masculinity and Femininity : The Gray Areas of Gender-The Research of Art Creation by Liu Chun Chun
指導教授: 蔡芷芬
Tsai, Chih-Fen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 性別自我刻板化性別特質區間性別創意
英文關鍵詞: gender identity, gender stereotype, trait interval, gender creativity
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DFA.024.2018.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:154下載:18
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  • 在整個社會能逐漸接受各種多元文化之際,與所有人都息息相關的性別文化的部分,在父權體系的影響下,總是難以突破陽剛與陰柔的框架,同時,這也造成了許多性別歧視與暴力的現象。身為視覺藝術創作者,筆者期望藉本研究與創作破除陽剛與陰柔的二元思維,並提供一種認識多元性別認同的角度。



    As the entire society has been gradually accepting all kinds of cultural diversity, the gender culture that is closely related to everyone always uneasily break through the framework of masculine and feminine under the influence of the patriarchy. In the same time, it also caused plentiful phenomena of gender discrimination and violence. As a visual art creator, I hope to eliminate the dualistic thought of masculinity and femininity through my research and creation, and provide perspective for understanding the multiple gender identity.

    This paper focuses on the research of complete discussion and academic research under the series of Beyond Masculinity and Femininity: The Gray Areas of Gender. In this article, the author (creator) connects own gender experience with social and cultural contexts, in order to carry out the analysis through applying theory of cognitive development on gender stereotypes. Later, the relationship between gender stereotypes and gender traits in masculine and feminine and the patriarchal system, has been sorted out. Based on the concept of “trait interval” and “gender creativity” proposed by the writer, it means to respond the masculinity and femininity under a patriarchy, and explore the possibility of deconstructing and reconstructing the existing system of judging gender value. In the creation, creator visualizes the concept of “trait interval” with gray color and responds the fuse of “gender creativity” with multi-color and multi-layer oil painting glazing techniques, in order to reflects the look of diversity and provide perspectives of gender diversity.

    During the process of actual creation and research, the creator realized that the profound social impact under a patriarchy will not be eliminated in a short duration of time. Research and creation can only give new thinking on the gender view, but in an attempt to break the barriers between masculine and feminine as well as achieving full of diverse gender identity, we still need to rely on long practices and insistences during daily life.

    謝誌 .......................................... i 摘要 .......................................... iv Abstract ...................................... v 目次 .......................................... vii 第一章 緒論 ................................... 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 ......................... 1 第二節 名詞釋義 ............................... 3 第三節 研究範圍與論文架構 ..................... 6 第二章 性別特質的多元樣貌 ..................... 9 第一節 羅曼.布魯克絲與女性丹迪 ............... 11 第二節 薩迪.李-被建構的性別 ................. 16 第三節 萊恩.威爾克斯的性別背叛 ............... 19 第三章 性別價值判斷系統的解構與重建 ........... 22 第一節 《剛柔之外》前的創作脈絡 ............... 22 第二節 無所不在的性別刻板印象 ................. 27 第三節 陽剛與陰柔-父權體制下的陰謀 ........... 31 第四節 從刻板化性別到性別自我 ................. 34 第四章 《剛柔之外》創作實踐 .................... 37 第一節 灰濁色的應用與性別的灰色地帶 ........... 37 第二節 以人像畫形式傳遞多元性別為普世價值的概念 . 41 第三節 以繪畫中的靈光呼應性別樣貌的獨一無二.....44 第四節 多色多層次罩染技法的創意揮灑 ........... 46 第五節 作品賞析 ............................... 48 第五章 結論 ................................... 54 圖錄 ........................................... 59 作品圖版 ....................................... 68 參考書目.........................................71


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