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研究生: 呂昀潔
Lu, Yun-Chieh
論文名稱: 英語線上廣泛閱讀對於英語為外語學生閱讀理解以及態度之影響
The Effects of an English Online Extensive Reading Program on EFL Learners‟ Reading Comprehension and Attitudes
指導教授: 羅美蘭
Lo, Mei-Lan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 英語線上廣泛閱讀閱讀理解閱讀態度閱讀工作坊
英文關鍵詞: English online extensive reading, reading comprehension, reading attitudes, reading workshops
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202157
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:243下載:75
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  • 本研究為一混和式研究,旨在探討英語線上廣泛閱讀對英語為外語的國中學生閱讀理解能力及態度之影響。同時,欲藉由此研究探討上述學生對於以工作坊的形式進行英語線上廣泛閱讀的看法。研究對象為東台灣一所寄宿式完全中學的三十六位八年級國中部學生。本研究為期十週,除了第一週的前測及最後一週的後測外,其餘八週皆採工作坊的形式進行。每一個英語線上廣泛閱讀工作坊皆包含七個步驟:迷你課程、獨立閱讀、與教師一對一面談、填寫閱讀回饋單、小組討論、小組發表及個人省思。本研究所蒐集的資料包含前後測閱讀測驗成績、教師的面談紀錄、學生閱讀回饋單以及學生感知問卷。研究結果顯示,英語線上廣泛閱讀確實提升了學習者的閱讀理解能力及閱讀態度,對男性學生的閱讀理解能力影響尤為顯著。同時,幾乎所有的學生對於使用工作坊的形式進行英語線上廣泛閱讀皆持正面看法,因為他們可以從中學到有效的閱讀技巧也可以和同學分享所閱讀的書籍。本研究建議各級英語教師採用工作坊的形式進行英語線上廣泛閱讀,以提升學生的閱讀理解能力及態度。

    This mixed methods study aims to investigate the effects of an English online extensive reading program on EFL junior high school students‟ reading comprehension, reading attitude, and their perception toward the workshop approach oriented English online extensive reading program. The study was conducted in a six-year high school in a city located in the east part of Taiwan. Thirty-six eighth graders participated in an English online extensive reading program for ten weeks designed by the researcher. A workshop approach was employed to conduct the English online extensive reading program. In addition to a pre-test and post-test administered in the first and the last weeks, there were eight reading workshops given from week two to week eight. Each reading workshop lasted for 100 minutes and contained seven components: a minilesson, an independent reading, an individual conference, a writing response, a group discussion, a group presentation, and a reflection. The data were collected from a pre- and a post-reading comprehension test, Teacher's notes taken during individual conferences, students' reading worksheets, and the students' perception questionnaire. The results showed that reading English extensively online did make a positive difference on EFL junior high school students‟ reading comprehension and attitudes, especially in boys‟ reading comprehension. Moreover, the students had a positive perception of the workshop approach of the English online extensive reading program because they could learn useful reading skills and share what they read with their peers. It is suggested that EFL teachers employ the workshop approach to extablish English online extensive reading programs in schools to enhance EFL students‟ reading comprehension and attitudes.

    Chinese Abstract……i English Abstract….ii Acknowledgements……iii Table of Contents……v List of Tables…….vi Chapter One Introduction…….1 Background……1 Purpose of the Study and Research Questions……..3 Chapter Two Literature Review………5 Input Hypothesis and Affective Filter Hypothesis…………5 Extensive Reading……………6 Empirical Studies on Extensive Reading…….9 Online Extensive Reading…….12 Graded Readers…..14 Summary………..15 Chapter Three Method………….17 Rationale of Employing a Mixed Methods Research Design…..17 Setting…………..18 Participants………...19 Implementation of the Online Extensive Reading Program……….19 Minilesson………..20 Individual Conferences………...23 Material………...23 Data Collection…………23 General English Proficiency Test (GEPT)…………….24 Students‟ Reading Worksheets...……24 Teacher‟s Notes………...25 Perception Questionnaire……...…25 Chapter Four Results…….…...26 Theme One: Reading English extensively online can improve EFL learners‟ reading comprehension, especially for male learners………….26 Theme Two: Reading English extensively online can enhance EFL learners‟ reading attitudes…….32 Theme Three: Most students have positive perceptions of the English online extensive reading program…...41 Summary………………50 Chapter Five Discussion and Conclusion…………51 Major Findings and Discussion…………….51 Pedagogical Implications..……53 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Research……55 Final Thoughts……55 References……...57 Appendix A Perception Questionnaire (Chinese Version).….63 Appendix B Perception Questionnaire (English Translation)…64 Appendix C Results of Perception Questionnaire……65 Appendix D Reading Worksheet (Chinese Version)…….71 Appendix E Reading Worksheet (English Translation)…..73

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