簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳怡伶
Chen, Yi-Ling
論文名稱: 喧囂後的寂靜 -- 陳怡伶繪畫創作論述
Quiet after the hustle and bustle life – A Study of Painting Creation by Chen, Yi Ling
指導教授: 蘇憲法
Su, Hsien-Fa
口試委員: 蔡芷芬
Tsai, Chih-Fen
Huang, Kuen-po
Su, Hsien-Fa
口試日期: 2023/05/01
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系美術創作碩士在職專班
Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Artistic Creation
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 幽玄侘寂生命意義
研究方法: 主題分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300617
論文種類: 代替論文:作品連同書面報告(藝術類)
相關次數: 點閱:55下載:8
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  • 此研究是根據筆者本人,在將近三十年職場喧囂後,尋找內心深處寂靜能量的過程。在人生不同階段的挑戰,面對生命不時的叩問,以及生命意義的反思,希望在繪畫研究以及創作過程當中,能真誠表達內心對繪畫的共鳴及感受,並藉由繪畫,超越文字,將生命淬煉後的體會,以唯美、唯心的理念,確實表現在創作中。
    不可諱言,每個人一生都在追求所謂的幸福人生,然而越是富庶的生活,越容易感到失落及迷茫。筆者從事市場策略行銷多年,以觀察並運用人類消費行為的各種心理特性,在市場上創下業績的同時,也相對的,對人心產生鄙視,因此常處於矛盾的狀態,進而苦思人性的本質。顯而易見,物質上的滿足,都無法為人們帶來真正的幸福;人性的貪婪,想要(wants)早已超越需要(needs)。如同哲學家叔本華認為,人生之所以痛苦,都是源自於不斷地需求;他也提到,人生真正的幸福,是來自內心的寧靜;更主張唯有透過審美的心靈活動,才能使人暫時脫離痛苦。因此,筆者在研究及創作的過程中, 希望探索生命的意義,發覺物質上的極簡之美、內心的寂靜之能量!

    This research is the process of finding the quiet power which is deep in my heart after nearly thirty years of hustle and bustle at workplace. The challenges happened in different stages of life, I’ve always been inquiring constantly by myself and reflecting on the meaning of life. With the developing of research and creation, I wish I could sincerely express my inner resonance and feelings on painting where beyond words. It also reflects in the creation with the concept of aesthetics and authenticity after the experience of refinery life.
    It cannot be denied that everyone is pursuing the so-called happy life all their lives. However, the richer the life, the easier it is to feel lost and confused. I have been engaging in strategic marketing for decades, to observe and take advantages of psychological characteristics while people doing consumption, to achieve outstanding performance. However, at the same time, I also despise people's reflection, that often makes me in a state of contradiction, and then, I further think about nature of human being. Obviously, material satisfaction cannot bring authentic happiness, the greedy of consumption, want has been far ahead of need. Just as the philosopher Schopenhauer believed that the pain of life comes from constant needs; he also mentioned that the true happiness of life comes from inner peace; he also advocated that only through aesthetic spiritual activities can temporarily out of pain. Therefore, in the process of research and creation, I hope to explore the meanings of life, discover the beauty of minimalism in material, and the energy of inner quiet!
    This research takes world history, art history, philosophy, and psychology as the starting point. In addition, having visited the painting collections of major museums and art galleries in Europe, the United States, and Asia for the past few years, I had sorted out the deeply touched artworks. Supplemented with the background of the eras and studied the painters’ bibliographies to explore and learn how to discover the power of inner peace in the process of creation, and how to fulfill and convey the atmosphere of quiet even after the painting is completed. This research contents five chapters, respectively explaining the motivation and purpose of the research, research methods and structure; and from the perspective of psychology, philosophy and aesthetics, to discuss the context of my creations; then take the research experience as the core concept to develop the content of art works and analyze the spiritual of creations. Finally, review the painting process, summarize the painting that makes people feel quiet, and determine the direction of my future efforts.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的1 一、研究動機1 二、研究目的3 第二節 研究方法與架構5 第三節 名詞釋義8 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 存在主義與生命意義的交互影響10 第二節 浪漫主義、寫實主義與生命意義的交融13 第三節 幽玄、侘寂與生命意義的繪畫體現17 一、西方藝術家生命淬煉後的幽玄(崇高)繪畫表現17 二、東方藝術家內省後的繪畫表現21 第三章 創作理念 第一節 生命淬煉後的藝術表現24 第二節 靈感的來源與脈絡29 第三節 創作的內容與形式31 第四章 作品解析 第一節 作品美感的經營與結合34 第二節 創作技法與媒材39 第三節 作品解析 一、幽深玄妙系列45 二、侘寂沉靜系列55 第五章 結論64 參考文獻67 個人作品圖錄70

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