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研究生: 陳鏡陽
論文名稱: 巴洛克思潮運用於數位設計創作研究
The research on the application of Baroque in digital design
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 巴洛克電腦繪圖數位設計
英文關鍵詞: Baroque, computer graphics, digital design
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:185下載:37
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  • 數位內容產業多元化的今日,數位設計工作是數位內容呈現的靈魂,為了增進數位設計在品質方面的提升,美感的學習及認知將是現今數位設計工作者們的課題。電腦繪圖發展之中以動畫與遊戲製作對於視覺呈現的進步最為劇烈,在軟硬體技術的結合之下,需求的美感式樣越來越多。當代的數位遊戲作品講究設計精緻,對於數位美學的詮釋也成為表現的重點。本文針對於3D電腦繪圖技術相關的數位設計美感思維提升部份做研究。透過對巴洛克建築、繪畫、美學史的閱讀,於研究過程中學習到許多特殊的美學元素,這種奇特的元素建構了巴洛克在藝術表現上的特別。古典主義之後出現在歐洲的一股以創新為本質的藝術風格「巴洛克」 (Baroque)。此風格的出現衍生了許多新美學的誕生,美學的範疇不再是局限於古典主義與宗教信仰的圍籬,並且影響於各類的藝術表現,涵蓋範圍廣泛且深遠。巴洛克擁有著古典美學的精要且超越了許多的限制,這種創新突破的精神與刺激新美學的風潮,在數位時代的今日更是值得學習。研究電腦繪圖技術的過程中,看到數位設計因為技術的突破而更加強調呈現的效果。透過對巴洛克與數位作品的案例分析,發現巴洛克風格運用於數位設計作品時,展現出奇特且誇張的視覺效果,巴洛克繪畫與建築所重視的光影效果,直接精采了畫面整體表現,建築與繪畫的美感元素亦提升了本研究創作在造型與結構的美感,此作品中直接採用了巴洛克建築形式的精神,並於形式中做新樣式的設計呈現。巴洛克與電腦繪圖的研究過程,經常發現巴洛克美感的運用讓許多電腦繪圖作品創造出驚人的效果,對於數位設計思維直接產生幫助,也是本創作研究的重要收穫。

    Today, digital content is flourishing and the soul of digital content is Digital design. Thus, In order to enhance the quality of digital design, it is essential to search different kinds of digital art. This article is a research on how 3d graphics technology enhances the art of digital content. In digital contents, visual art is especially crucial and most competitive for the art of animation and game. With the technology of software and hardware, the demands for the style of visual arts increase exponentially. Among the artworks of the present time, not only the design is exquisite but the interpretation of digital art is also the key to the presentation of digital content. The aesthetic theory of animation and digital content is the theme of this research. My targeting theory is artistic style that widely spreads in various forms of arts in art history, a creative artistic style in Europe following the classicism, the Baroque. Baroque gives birth to various new aesthetics. Its aesthetic is not limited by classicism and religious themes ever since, and Baroque conceptions various forms of artworks, including architecture, painting, sculpting, music, literature, drama. The effect of Baroque is enormously. Baroque is nourished and developed by the classicism. Therefore, it not only has theme of classicism, but also successful break though from the limitation of classicism. A lot of special aesthetic elements come across during the research of Baroque, which specifies the unique distinction of Baroque. Many Baroque artistic elements appear in digital game design. This shows that many digital designers have common thoughts towards Baroque when they design. This article will analyze the usage of Baroque style in digital content through the research of the past digital content projects, and the technology of computer graphics. From this research, the boom of the technology of computer graphics results the digital design to emphasize much more on the effectiveness of presentation. Through the analysis of Baroque associated digital design projects, we have discovered that the result of fusing Baroque in digital design is spectacular and amazing. The focus on lighting from Baroque painting and architecture reinforces the presentation of the composition. In addition, the art of Baroque painting and architecture amplify the sense of art in the modeling and the structure of digital design. Many of these digital designs have the soul of Baroque architecture and develop new designs and styles. In the research of Baroque and digital design, it is not hard to see the application of Baroque in digital design not only enhance the computer graphic presentation, but also enriches the creativity of digital design.

    第一章 緒論 1-1 研究動機 …………………………………………………………………1 1-2 研究目的 …………………………………………………………………2 1-3 研究範圍與限制 …………………………………………………………3 1-4 研究方法與架構 …………………………………………………………4 第二章 文獻探討研究 2-1 巴洛克的淵源及發展 2-1-1 巴洛克的淵源與歷史背景 ………………………………………5 2-1-2 巴洛克風格的發展與影響範圍 …………………………………8 2-1-3 巴洛克的定義 ……………………………………………………15 2-2 巴洛克風格的美學與精神 2-2-1 巴洛克風格的美學 ………………………………………………16 2-2-2 巴洛克風格的精神 ………………………………………………19 2-3 巴洛克風格的表現形式 2-3-1 巴洛克建築形式的探討 …………………………………………20 2-3-2 巴洛克時期的繪畫表現 …………………………………………26 2-3-3巴洛克文學的表現形式 …………………………………………36 2-4 數位設計的發展與應用 2-4-1 電腦繪圖技術的發展 ……………………………………………37 2-4-2 3D繪圖中的數位設計任務 ………………………………………46 2-4-3 3D技術發展對於數位設計的衝擊 ………………………………47 第三章 創作策略與方法 3-1 巴洛克風格繪畫案例於數位設計應用 …………………………………55 3-2 巴洛克風格於3D數位作品的表現研究 ………………………………63 第四章 巴洛克風格應用在數位設計作品的研究創作 4-1 創作理念與方向 …………………………………………………………70 4-2數位設計創作表現 ……………………………………………………… 75 第五章 結論與建議 5-1 研究的結論 ………………………………………………………………85 5-2 研究的意義與貢獻 ………………………………………………………85 5-3 建議 ………………………………………………………………………86 參考文獻 …………………………………………………………………………87



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