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研究生: 林晉丞
Lin, Chin-Cheng
論文名稱: 《臺灣鐵道史》數位人文系統設計之研究
A Study on the Design of a Digital Humanities System for Taiwan Railway History
指導教授: 柯皓仁
Ke, Hao-Ren
口試委員: 柯皓仁
Ke, Hao-Ren
Lin, Sinn-Cheng
Hung, Chih-Wen
口試日期: 2024/07/26
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 數位人文擷取與標記時間標準化地名辨識文本地理資訊系統臺灣鐵道史臺灣鐵路
英文關鍵詞: Digital Humanities, Capture and Marking, Time Standardization, Location Name Recognition, Text Geographic Information System, The History of Taiwan Railways, Taiwan Railways
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401753
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:46下載:6
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  • 數位人文的興起,為人文研究方法帶來了創新機會,透過資訊科技的輔助,人文研究學者得以在龐雜的文獻資料中,挖掘更多值得關注的研究議題,並提升研究過程中的效率,為人文研究提供新的視角。而本研究旨在建置一套針對《臺灣鐵道史》所設計的數位人文系統,了解系統架構並探討數位人文工具在鐵道歷史研究中的應用與成效。

    The rise of digital humanities has introduced innovative opportunities for research methods in the humanities. By leveraging information technology, researchers can extract more research-worthy topics from vast amounts of literature, enhancing research efficiency and providing new perspectives for humanities studies. This study aims to develop a digital humanities system specifically designed for "Taiwan Railway History," understanding its framework and exploring the application and effectiveness of digital humanities tools in railway history research.
    Since the late 19th century, railway development in Taiwan has profoundly impacted its society, economy, regional development, and culture. Railways have not only been a primary mode of transportation but also a crucial medium for promoting regional development and cultural exchange. Railway history research helps in understanding Taiwan's modernization process and unveils the social changes and cultural contexts behind it. However, traditional research methods often face challenges such as large volumes of data, scattered sources, and insufficient analytical tools, which limit researchers' efficiency in data organization and analysis.
    This study emphasizes the application and development of digital humanities tools in the field of railway humanities. It focuses on "Taiwan Railway History," published in Japanese during Taiwan's period under Japanese rule, and uses the Chinese translation, "Taiwan Railway History: A New Full Translation Edition," as the main reference for system development. This book covers the history of Taiwan Railways’ construction and operations from the Qing Dynasty period to the early Japanese rule period. Through the design and construction of digital tools, the study aims to assist railway history research by providing browsing, retrieval, and analytical applications of data.
    Railways, as a fundamental transportation infrastructure attached to the surface space, are influenced by topographical features and, in turn, impact regional development. The content of railway documentary materials, therefore, possesses both temporal and spatial characteristics. This study focuses on planning system functions related to geographic and date information, aiming to analyze railway history and reveal changes in the railway's geographical environment, thus aiding scholars in conducting research that incorporates both temporal and spatial characteristics.
    In the process of system development, data is structured through the organization and transformation of railway documentary materials and recorded in JSON format to allow the system to utilize the text data. Besides presenting and retrieving text content, the system designs functions centered on temporal and spatial axes based on the characteristics of railway texts, including station name highlighting, extended queries of historical and contemporary station data, cross-chapter annotation prompts, date extraction and era conversion, and historical and contemporary distance unit conversion. These functionalities are applied to the main text for usage. The system's design enables users to explore and analyze railway history documents in a more intuitive way, helping humanities researchers organize Taiwan's railway history literature, clearly understand the extensive geographic names across Taiwan, and uncover deeper insights that traditional reading of printed documents cannot reveal.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 2 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究問題 3 第四節 研究範圍與限制 3 第五節 名詞解釋 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 臺灣鐵道的緣起 6 第二節 《臺灣鐵道史》對梳理鐵道歷史的重要性 7 第三節 數位人文的緣起與發展 9 第三章 研究方法 14 第一節 研究對象 14 第二節 系統建置工具 22 第三節 系統建置流程 25 第四章 數位人文系統建置 26 第一節 資料取得與結構化 26 第二節 系統架構 42 第三節 系統功能 44 第五章 結論與建議 70 第一節 結論 70 第二節 未來研究建議 72 參考文獻 76 附錄一 《新編臺灣鐵道史全文譯本》目次資料檔 81

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