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研究生: 藍伯倫
po-lun Lan
論文名稱: 東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶族群生物學: 族群之變動
The Population Biology of Chilades pandava peripatria( Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): The Fluctuation of Population
指導教授: 徐堉峰
Hsu, Yu-Feng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶台東蘇鐵同功異構酵素關聯族群平衡選汰物候學共同演化
英文關鍵詞: Chilades pandava peripatria, Cycas taitungensis, allozymes, metapopulation, balancing selection, phenology, coevolution
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:148下載:0
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  • 摘 要
    東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶(Chilades pandava peripatria)為台灣特有亞種,幼蟲以台灣特有之台東蘇鐵(Cycas taitungenesis)及非台灣原生之蘇鐵(Cycas revoluta)的植物嫩葉為食。1997年11月至1999年4月期間選定樣區,觀測蘇鐵植物之新葉生長發育,同時估算東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶族群量以探究其相互影響。此外,自樣區採集幼蟲飼養成蝶,進行同功異構酵素澱粉膠水平電泳,分析其族群遺傳結構,檢驗出19個酵素26個基因座,僅Pgm-1為多型性。
    東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶的關聯族群結構以南部之台東紅葉及中部之彰化二地區為關聯族群中長期維繫之地區族群,二地區族群之基因頻率不同且為變異度頗高的族群核心(台東紅葉:p = 0.154;彰化:p = 0.416)。二地區族群之間的遺傳分化估算值FST = 0.176,顯示地區族群之間有隔離分化的現象,但彼此間仍有基因流傳。

    Chilades pandava peripatria is native subspecies in Taiwan. Caterpillars feed on young leaves of Cycas taitungensis (native species) and Cycas revoluta (foreign species). During November 1997 to April 1999, we recorded the development of cycad leaf and the population size index of C. pandava peripatria once a month to study interaction between them. Sampling caterpillars from the experiment areas to feed in laboratory until emergence, then proceeded starch gel horizontal electrophoresis. We checked out 19 allozymes 26 loci, only Pgm-1 polymorphic.
    In the structure of C. pandava peripatria metapopulation, there are two long-persistent local areas were recognized as population centers therein: one is at Huang-yeh, Taitung, southern Taiwan; the other is at Chang-hua, central Taiwan. Evident heterozygosity in allozyme frequency was observed (Huang-yeh: p = 0.154; Chang-hua: p = 0.416). The estimated value of Wright’s F statistics FST was 0.176, indicating high degree of population differentiation.
    The differences and fluctuations of gene frequencies is correlated with environmental quality, which is composed of resource richness and local butterfly population sizes. Polymorphism in gene frequency of the butterfly population was not diminished due to frequent bottlenecking imposed by its host, such pattern is best explained by balancing selection rather than by genetic drift alone.
    From observations to population dynamics of C. pandava peripatria responding to the phenology of C. taitungensis, it was that C. pandava peripatria population dynamics was abviously regulated by intermittent budding of C. taitungensis. During the periods when the new bud was in short supply, C. pandava peripatria population was in dispersal mode, with individuals emigrated from source to sink and Pgm-1S gene was dominant,. Alternatively, Pgm-1F in C. pandava peripatria population increased when C. taitungensis began budding, C. pandava peripatria population was mainly in stay-at-home mode. This phenomenon evidently demonstrated reciprocal evolutionary interaction of coevolution between the butterfly and its host.
    Key words: Chilades pandava peripatria, Cycas taitungensis, allozymes, metapopulation, balancing selection, phenology, coevolution.

    目 次 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………….I 英文摘要……………………………………………………………………II 緒論………………………………………………………………………….1 材料與方法………………………………………………………………….6 結果………………………………………………………………………...12 討論………………………………………………………………………...18 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………...24 圖 次 圖一、台東紅葉村台東蘇鐵自然保留區位置圖………………………………..28 圖二、本研究於1997年9月至1999年4月間,在台灣地區所設之蘇鐵屬植物觀測站及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶採樣站…………………………………….29 圖三、蘇鐵屬植物資源指數變動及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶族群指數變動關係圖 (a) 台東紅葉村台東蘇鐵自然保留區1997年9月至1999年3月間台東蘇鐵資源變動及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶族群指數變動關係圖…….…………...30 (b) 台東關山電光農場1997年11月至1999年3月間台東蘇鐵資源指數變動及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶族群指數變動關係圖…………….…………...30 (c) 台北地區1997年11月至1999年4月間台東蘇鐵資源指數變動及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶族群指數變動關係圖………………….…………….…..30 (d) 台北地區1997年11月至1999年4月間蘇鐵資源指數變動及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶族群指數變動關係圖…………………………………………30 圖四、網室飼養之成蟲壽命及產卵量觀測(1)…………………………………..31 圖五、網室飼養之成蟲壽命及產卵量觀測(2)………………………………….32 圖六、網室飼養之成蟲壽命及產卵量觀測(3)………………………………….33 圖七、網室飼養之成蟲壽命及產卵量觀測(4)………………………………….34 圖八、以UPGMA分析各地區東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶族群間遺傳距離 (a) 以分化估算值FST 所繪製之叢聚樹狀圖……………………………...35 (b) 以遺傳距離Nei’s D值所繪製之叢聚樹狀圖………………………….35 圖九、Embden-Meyerhof 醣解途徑中phosphoglucomutase*(PGM)酵素之作用………………………………………………………………………….36 表 次 表一、台東紅葉村台東蘇鐵自然保留區台東蘇鐵及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶各項數分析……………………………………………………………………….…37 表二、台北地區台東蘇鐵及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶各項數值分析…………………..37 表三、台東關山電光農場台東蘇鐵及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶各項數值分析………...38 表四、台北地區蘇鐵及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶各項數值分析………………………..38 表五、宜蘭技術學院蘇鐵開芽及東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶各項數值分析……………..39 表六、同功異構酵素分析所用之地區族群樣品………………………………..40 表七、網室飼養之成蟲壽命及產卵量觀測(1)………………………………….41 表八、網室飼養之成蟲壽命及產卵量觀測(2)………………………………….42 表九、網室飼養之成蟲壽命及產卵量觀測(3)………………………………….43 表十、網室飼養之成蟲壽命及產卵量觀測(4)………………………………….44 表十一、東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶各地區族群各月份同功異構酵素Pgm-1F基因頻率、各基因型個體數、哈溫期望值、卡方值及Wright’s F值..…………45-46 表十二、東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶族群遺傳結構之Wright’s F統計值…………………47 表十三、各地區族群間FST值統計……………………………………………..47 表十四、各地區族群間Nei遺傳距離D值及遺傳相似度I值………………..47 表十五、環境優劣與東陞蘇鐵小灰蝶Pgm-1F對偶基因頻率變動統計……..47 附 錄 附錄一、本實驗所採用之緩衝液系統配方、電流強度及電泳時間…….…….48 附錄二、本實驗所使用之同功異構酵素國際生化組織正式名稱、編碼及染色配方………………………………………………………………...49-53

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