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研究生: 張琇雯
Chang Hsiu-wen
論文名稱: 與《大地之子》共享血日殘輝: 論滿洲國餘者之生命政治與倫理
A Bloody Sunset Shared with Child of the Continent: On Biopolitics and Ethics of the Manchukuo Remnants
指導教授: 黃涵榆
Huang, Han-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 生命政治倫理滿洲國記憶他者餘生證言
英文關鍵詞: biopolitics, ethics, Manchukuo, memory, Other, remnants, testimony
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205316
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:186下載:39
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  • 本文以二戰時被遺忘的受害者—滿洲國的殘餘日本人為研究中心。透過理解生命政治的作用,以期傳達出更積極地護衛不同生命型態的必要性。此有助於我們開拓一種對他者的倫理關懷—並非是建立在國家體制下,而是建立在與他者共在的基礎上。從此出發去重省歷史創傷、戰爭責任以及對餘生的思索。


    My thesis takes the forgotten victims of World War II—namely, the abandoned Japanese in Manchuria—as the research objects. I aim to expound the influences of biopolitics over individuals’ lives, and to convey the indispensability for defending different forms of lives. Knowing the biopolitical mechanisms enables us to cultivate an ethical concern for the Other, which is not passively controlled by the government, but is based on the active sense of coexistence. Starting from this human concern, I discuss the historical traumas, war responsibility and life of remnants. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter sets the context of Manchukuo remnants from their eagerness to join the farm settlement to their desperate refugee experiences in 1945. By practicing Foucault’s and Agamben’s concept on the sovereign and bio-/thanato- politics, I discuss how the sovereign power intervenes and abandons life. On the one hand, Foucault’s observation on the new art of governmentality over population casts light on how the Manchurian mobilization subsumes the required laborers without facing their resistance. To maintain the circulation of production, the control of population, disease and death becomes imperative. On the other hand, Agamben’s discussion on the state of exception provides a field for considering the ethics of testimony after the political abandonment and the traumatic refugee experiences. In Chapter Two, continuing Agambenian state of exception, I discuss the (im)possibilites of witness. The necessary lacuna inside the testimony, apparently caused by the political manipulation, dooms to be irreparable. After knowing the structural impossibilities, I discuss possibilities of witnessing through Toyoko Yamasaki’s Child of the Continent. The protagonist Katsuo Matsumoto’s refugee experiences, traumas and shame reveal irremediability of historical wounds, from which life of remnants summons people’s attentions. In an age when Manchukuo remnants wither like winter flowers, reading becomes a shore where we are exposed to the Other. In Chapter Three, I discuss the duty toward the Other, which implies a suspension of juridical-political judgment. In the novel, Matsumoto’s salvation conveys that ethical consideration should not serve biopolitical objectives of constituting specific groups; rather, it connects to the open, communicative networks among humans. Finally, I ponder on the reasons for Manchukuo remnants’ becoming forgotten victims and consequent ethical problems in media, which plays a pivotal role in transmitting memory.

    Introduction--------------------------------------------1 Literature Review---------------------------------------2 Methodology---------------------------------------------9 Outline of Chapters------------------------------------15 Expected Findings--------------------------------------19 Chapter 1“The Migration Machine”: The Exercise of Biopolitics in the Manchukuo Project-------------------22 I. The New Art of Governmentality: An Inescapable Cat-and-Mouse Game-----------------------------------------23 II. The Calculation of Population----------------------27 III. The Regulation of Public Health-------------------31 IV. State of Exception: The “Abandoned” Manchukuo Remnants of Life---------------------------------------35 Chapter 2 Reinterpretation of Child of the Continent: Witness and Inerasable Traces--------------------------42 I. Witness: Facing the “Necessary Lacuna”--------------42 II. Literary Text as a Testimonial Breakthrough--------46 III. The Biopolitical Trajectories and Shame-----------53 IV. The Unresting Wounds: Memory and Trauma------------58 Chapter 3 Life and Community: The Duty toward the Other63 I.“We Share, therefore We Are”: Community without Unity63 II. Communicability: Oblivion as the Second Killing----74 III. Memory Retrieval and Public Representation--------79 Conclusion---------------------------------------------85 Works Cited--------------------------------------------89 Charts-------------------------------------------------93

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