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研究生: 石玉森
Shih, Yu-Sen
論文名稱: 台北縣泰山鄉民大學經營及其發展之研究
指導教授: 林振春
Lin, Jenn-Chuen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 134頁
中文關鍵詞: 終身教育社區學習學習型社區社區大學鄉民大學成人教育
英文關鍵詞: lifelong education, community learning, learning community, community university, township local college, adult education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:181下載:3
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  • 摘 要
    指導教授:林振春 博士 研究生:石玉森
    本研究建議,可再就 1、鄉民大學對泰山社區總體營造之影響;2、鄉民大學對學員學習後之影響;3、鄉民大學與現行社區大學之異同等面向更進一步深入探討與了解。

    A Research of the Operation and Development in Tai-Shan Township Local College in Taipei County
    by Shih, Yu-Sen
    Supervised by Dr. Lin, Jenn-Chuen
    The research purposes
    This dissertation is to study the theory and strategy of how to popularize adult education in a community. The research is mainly based on the pattern of the operation and development in Tai-Shan Township Local College. There are three main aspects as below:
    The idea of the launching of the local college
    The research is trying to know how and why the local college is started, also to know the process of its proceeding.
    The operation in the local college
    In this aspect, the pattern of its organization and the method of its operation will be observed, as well as the curriculum and the teaching scheme.
    To provide suggestions for popularizing adult education in a community
    The results that may be reached from the research will be used as a reference for local governments to proceed their adult education in communities.
    The research method
    Qualitative research is adopted as the research method. There are two ways of data collection in this research. Firstly, all the relevant documents are collected and deliberated. This is how the theoretical basis is established, and therefore the framework of the research is built up. Secondly, there is an interview scheme taken place in the local college. The interviewee includes the administrators in the college, the consultants and the residents in Tai-Shan Township.
    Through the research, the conclusions have been reached as following:
    For the idea of the launching of the local college:
    A. Tai-Shan Township Local College is transformed from a social education center, a learning community to the local college today.
    B. The idea of establishing the local college is to build up an ideal adult education center in the community and to popularize learning opportunity to every resident in the township.
    C. The sponsor of the Township Local College is the local government. Its aim is to establish the norm of community learning system.
    D. One should contribute the success in running Tai-Shan Township local college to the specialists and consultants who gave their suggestions and assistants.
    For the operation and organization in the local college
    A. The running pattern in Tai-Shan Township Local College is based on the ideas of co- operated relationship between the college and the residents. The college integrates the resources from the community and applies it to the learning scheme.
    B. The township government is the biggest supporter and sponsor of the local college. From this point of view, one can see how much the government has attached importance to the adult education in the community.
    C. The active volunteers from the community who help deal with the college affairs have made the operation of the college even more successful.
    For the curriculum and the teaching scheme
    A. The teaching content is based on people’s need. It mostly focuses on general knowledge, for example, language course; or courses that is practical and very much closed to people’s life, e.g. art and craft, computer skills…etc.
    B. All the teachers are experienced in adult education. They are aware of the learning patterns of adults and they know how to make use of the efficient way to help the learners learn. This is very important for why the learning is successful in the college.
    Suggestions for Tai-Shan Township local college and the local government
    For the local college
    A. Increase general knowledge courses to cultivate the residents and communities.
    B. To co-operate with business groups to provide the opportunities of on-the-job training courses.
    C. To provide certificate or diploma to those who have complete the courses and pass the evaluations. This will motivate the learners as well as build up the identification of the course.
    For the local government
    The achievement in establishing and operating Tai-Shan Township Local College is obvious. One can suggest the local government and the Ministry of Education co-sponsor the local college to share the successful experiences to other local authorities through some activities, e.g. workshop…etc.
    Suggestions for further research
    There are three points suggested below to hopefully arouse more studies in this subject:
    A. The influence and the effect of the local college had made to the whole township, both in the mental world and in the material world.
    B. What has been changed in his life after one has completed the course in the local college?
    C. Further study for the differences and similarities between the township local college and the community university.

    台北縣泰山鄉民大學經營及其發展之研究 目次 第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------- 1 第一節 研究問題背景-------------------------------------1 第二節 研究動機與目的-----------------------------------2 第三節 待答問題-----------------------------------------3 第四節 名詞釋義-----------------------------------------4 第二章 文獻探討-------------------------------------------6 第一節 終身教育與學習社會-------------------------------6 壹、 學習社會的特徵-----------------------------------7 貳、 學習社會的建構----------------------------------10 第二節 社區成人教育理念與實施---------------------------12 壹、 社區成人教育意涵---------------------------------12 貳、 社區成人教育模式---------------------------------13 參、 成人教育課程與教學-------------------------------15 第三節 社區學習的策略規劃------------------------------21 壹、 社區學習策略意涵---------------------------------21 貳、 學習型社區策略-----------------------------------23 參、 成人教育方案規劃---------------------------------28 肆、 社區教育資源運用---------------------------------34 第四節 我國社區大學實施現況與相關研究------------------40 壹、 社區大學意涵-------------------------------------40 貳、 我國社區大學現況與相關研究-----------------------42 參、 泰山鄉民大學設校背景與營運-----------------------48 肆、 泰山鄉民大學與社區大學的比較---------------------50 伍、 本章小結-----------------------------------------52 第三章 研究設計-----------------------------------------54 第一節 研究架構-----------------------------------------55 第二節 研究對象-----------------------------------------57 第三節 研究方法與步驟-----------------------------------59 第四節 資料分析與解釋-----------------------------------62 第五節 研究信度與效度-----------------------------------65 第六節 研究限制-----------------------------------------67 第四章 研究結果與分析-----------------------------------68 第一節 鄉民大學的搖籃—泰山社教工作站-------------------70 壹、 社教工作站發展緣起與理念-------------------------70 貳、 泰山社教工作站經營-------------------------------72 一、 組織與運作---------------------------------------72 二、 課程與教學---------------------------------------75 參、討論與分析---------------------------------------78 第二節 鄉民大學的萌芽—學習型社區方案-------------------81 壹、 學習型社區發展緣起與理念-------------------------81 貳、 學習型社區經營-----------------------------------85 一、 組織與運作---------------------------------------85 二、 課程與教學---------------------------------------91 參、分析與討論---------------------------------------94 第三節 鄉民大學的實踐---泰山鄉民大學--------------------99 壹、 泰山鄉民大學發展緣起與理念-----------------------99 貳、 泰山鄉民大學經營--------------------------------101 一、 組織與運作--------------------------------------101 二、 課程與教學--------------------------------------107 參、分析與討論--------------------------------------112 第四節 綜合分析---------------------------------------117 第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------------120 第一節 結論--------------------------------------------120 第二節 建議--------------------------------------------125 參考書目-------------------------------------------------127 附錄-----------------------------------------------------135 附錄一 泰山鄉民大學談大綱-----------------------------135 附錄二 同意授權書-------------------------------------136 表 目 次 表2-1 社區教育發展模式-----------------------------------13 表2-2 學習型社區的營造策----------------------------------27 表3-1鄉民大學訪談人員名冊---------------------------------58 表3-2待答問題與訪談大綱之對照表---------------------------60 表4-1專業志工組別與工作項目-------------------------------90 表 4-2 泰山鄉民大學經營及其發展--------------------------119 圖 目 次 圖3-1 研究架構圖------------------------------------------56 圖4-1 鄉民大學組織架構圖---------------------------------103

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