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研究生: 許鴻晢
Hung-Hsi, Hsu
論文名稱: 虛擬參考服務館員晤談策略分析
Interview Strategies of Virtual Reference Service Librarians
指導教授: 吳美美
Wu, Mei-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 虛擬參考服務晤談策略晤談技能培訓
英文關鍵詞: virtual reference service, interview strategy, interview skills training
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:68下載:5
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  • 同步的虛擬參考服務約於2000年左右興起,此服務不僅讓館員與讀者之間的晤談不受時間及空間的限制,同時降低讀者必須和館員面對面的心理壓力,並且館員與讀者可同步交談以及共同瀏覽螢幕畫面,便於雙方對交談內容的理解及釐清。本研究目的是希望透過分析語料,從語料中分析出虛擬參考服務館員在晤談過程中會使用的晤談策略,並進一步分析語料之間晤談策略語句數分布的差異性,以及從讀者服務後問卷中的回饋意見瞭解讀者對館員應使用哪些晤談策略的想法。本研究的樣本是使用「虛擬參考服務的問題類型」計畫中所產生的次級資料,分別從兩方面進行:語料分析和讀者回饋意見問卷分析。語料分析透過言談分析的研究方法,以語句為裁切分析單元,分為兩步驟進行,第一個步驟是由編碼架構形成編碼表,第二個步驟是使用類統計式分析法,根據編碼表將語料的語句編碼,並加以進行統計分析。另一方面,讀者回饋意見問卷分析透過內容分析的研究方法,擷取與館員晤談策略相關的意見內容,將相同的回饋意見編碼,並進行次數統計分析。

    Virtual references, the provision of reference service in the virtual environment, employ a wide variety of information and communication technologies, including email, FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), chat software, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and videoconferencing. The development of synchronous virtual reference initiated in 2000 makes it possible for librarians and users to conduct interviews through the use of Internet, and thus eliminates the barriers of time and space. Users also feel less pressured and more expressive through this kind of computer-mediated communication. The system function of co-browsing (sharing screen with other people) helps the comprehension and clarification of information duringthe interview.
    The dataset for this study consists of transcripts of 9 volunteer librarians and 30 users and the user feedback. The research method includes discourse analysis and content analysis. These transcripts are coded by the unit of utterance, using the framework of RUSA guidelines for reference services providers. The coding results are sorted into categories and manipulated statistically. The feedbacks are also analyzed with the framework of RUSA guidelines.
    By analyzing the discourse between virtual reference librarians and users, 5 interview strategies are proposed, including: (A) approachability, (B) clarification, comprehension, and confirmation, (C) searching and responding, (D) follow-up and closure, (E) other situations about virtual reference service system. In interview strategy A, librarians greeted and showed their willing to help users; users thought librarians' attitude in the interview was nice. In interview strategy B, librarians clarified questions; users thought librarians' ability to clarify questions is good and librarians should know how much information users had got. In interview strategy C, librarians introduced resources; users thought librarians should improve the ability to instructing information retrieving skills, responding appropriately, caring about what users were watching, and accessing various kinds of resources. In interview strategy D, librarians asked users if there is any question; users hoped that librarians would keep contact with them actively. In interview strategy E, librarians checked the quality of voice; users thought librarians should guide them to manipulate the virtual reference service system.
    Interview strategies are not only important in medical, social work, psychotherapist, and law field, but also in LIS field. And the interview strategies should be arranged into the training courses for reference services librarians. Although interview strategies are significant, it is also crucial for virtual reference librarians to develop their own service characteristics and improve the knowledge of all kinds of reference resources.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第三節 研究範圍與限制 5 第四節 名詞解釋 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 參考服務館員的角色 7 第二節 虛擬參考服務的特性 9 第三節 虛擬參考服務館員晤談策略 12 第四節 小結 17 第三章 研究設計與實施 19 第一節 研究方法 19 第二節 次級資料描述 20 第三節 資料蒐集、整理、與分析方法 22 第四節 質化研究資料分析的三角檢測 24 第四章 資料分析 26 第一節 晤談策略一分析:虛擬參考服務館員「與讀者親近」晤談策略 28 第二節 晤談策略二分析: 虛擬參考服務館員「釐清、瞭解、與確認問題」晤談策略 33 第三節 晤談策略三分析: 虛擬參考服務館員「搜尋、回答問題」晤談策略 41 第四節 晤談策略四分析: 虛擬參考服務館員「後續追蹤及結束」晤談策略 53 第五節 晤談策略五分析:虛擬參考服務館員「其他情況」晤談策略 57 第六節 讀者回饋分析:虛擬參考服務館員晤談策略優點及待改進項目 61 第五章 結論與建議 65 第一節 結論 65 第二節 討論 66 第三節 建議 69 參考文獻 71 附錄一 語料裁切單元與編碼原則 77 附錄二 虛擬參考服務研究室網頁館員值班表 79 附錄三 逐字稿語料轉錄原則 80 附錄四 虛擬參考服務三十個案例介紹 83 附錄五 讀者回饋意見問卷原始形式及問項 85 附錄七 編碼員編碼之Word檔語料形式 89 附錄八 編碼員間一致性檢測 90 附錄九 虛擬參考服務案例側寫 94

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