研究生: |
熊漢琳 Hsiung, Han-Lin |
論文名稱: |
五專學生參與線上課程學習成效相關因素研究 Study on the factors related to the learning effectiveness of junior college students participating in online courses |
指導教授: |
Liu, Ruo-Lan |
口試委員: |
Liu, Ruo-Lan 吳崇旗 Wu, C. C. 王錦雀 Wang, Jennifer 何慧卿 Ho, H. C. 謝秀宜 Hsieh, Hsiu-Yi |
口試日期: | 2024/01/05 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 206 |
中文關鍵詞: | 線上學習 、學習成效 、理性行為理論 、社會學習理論 |
英文關鍵詞: | On-line Learning, Learning Effectiveness, Rational Behavior Theory, Social Learning Theory |
研究方法: | 準實驗設計法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400372 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:383 下載:0 |
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Over the past few years, due to the unpredictable impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, educational institutions at all levels in the country have often needed to implement distance learning. During the implementation of online courses, students connect from home or other remote locations for virtual classes. Interactions with teachers and classmates are limited to video conferencing, and physical interactions are not possible. Teachers also often find it challenging to accurately monitor students’ learning progress. Consequently, the effectiveness of online learning may be compromised. Previous research has addressed this phenomenon, particularly focusing on university students. However, several issues persist: First, the majority of studies have concentrated on university students, with limited empirical research on junior college students in online courses; Second, there is less exploration of the impact of teacher-student interactions and peer influences on online course participation; Third, there is a lack of differentiated analysis regarding junior college students’ background data in relation to their intention to participate in online learning and learning outcomes. Particularly for junior college students, who often have closer relationships with classmates and teachers than students in other educational systems, the impact of fully implementing online teaching may be more pronounced. Therefore, this study focuses on students from the junior college department of a private university in the northern region. It aims to explore the factors influencing the learning outcomes of junior college students under the comprehensive implementation of distance learning during the pandemic.
This study focuses on junior college students in online courses, using the “Rational Behavior Theory” and “Social Learning Theory” to clarify the perception and implications of “online learning participation” and “learning outcomes” in online teaching. Based on the research framework, the study categorizes variables into three independent variables: “peer relationships”, “teacher-student interactions”, and “online learning participation intentions”, all influencing “learning outcomes”. The research adopts a questionnaire survey method, collecting data from classes at the second year and above in various departments. Statistical analysis is conducted on the samples to examine the impact of teacher-student relationships and peer relationships on the online learning participation intentions and outcomes of junior college students under the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, the study performs differential analysis based on students’ personal background data, including gender, grade, department, participation in clubs, working hours, and computer equipment and bandwidth at their residences. Furthermore, the study incorporates qualitative interviews to understand the nuances of junior college students' internal experiences with online learning.
The research results demonstrate that peer relationships, teacher-student interactions, and online learning participation intentions all have a significantly positive impact on the online learning outcomes of junior college students. Among these factors, the influence of online learning participation intentions is deemed most crucial. In terms of differential analysis, this study found no significant differences in whether junior college students work, their grade levels, and working hours across various research variables. Regarding the academic departments, the Optometry department showed significant differences in various research variables compared to other departments. Participation in extracurricular activities exhibited significant differences in teacher-student interactions. Students’ accommodation locations demonstrated significant differences in teacher-student interactions and online learning participation intentions. Additionally, the computer equipment and bandwidth available for online access at residences showed significant differences in peer relationships and learning outcomes for students. Furthermore, based on the research results, this study provides recommendations for schools and junior college instructors regarding the implementation of online courses. Emphasizing improvement in peer relationships, teacher-student interactions, and online learning participation intentions is suggested to enhance the online learning outcomes of junior college students. Moreover, this study expands on the empirical research by combining Social learning theory and Rational behavior theory, offering a case study applicable to junior college students. The research findings will serve as a reference for future online university teaching, improving online learning outcomes for junior college students, and related empirical research.
洪榮昭、孔令文、戴建耘、劉銘恩(2022)。在COVID-19 疫情下自我導向學習策略和態度對於線上學習認知疲乏、全神貫注與感知學習效果之相關性研究-以大學生為例。當代教育研究季刊,30(1),119-147。
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