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研究生: 張凱婷
論文名稱: 法國羅瓦河葡萄酒莊觀光體驗研究 – 以Ackerman酒莊為例
Exploring Tourist Winery Experience in Loire Valley, France – A Case Study of Ackerman
指導教授: 劉以德
Liu, Yi-De
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歐洲文化與觀光研究所
Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 葡萄酒觀光酒莊體驗體驗行銷區域發展法國羅瓦河酒區
英文關鍵詞: wine tourism, winery experience, experiential marketing, regional development, Vins de Loire
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:444下載:68
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  • 九零年代以降,與日俱增的葡萄酒觀光研究體現了觀光客需求提升之重要性。然而,藉由深度了解觀光客體驗面,增添行銷供給觀點予以相輔相成,追尋一優化的「酒莊體驗」 (winery experience),即為其中重要的實踐場域。本研究設定位於法國羅瓦河流域中,Saumur酒區的Ackerman酒莊,深度訪談曾經參與過酒莊體驗之中國與台灣觀光客,意圖了解其於參訪前、中、後之動機與體驗,結合訪談Ackerman酒莊管理者與地方政府行銷部門,輔以二手資料內容分析。本研究目地定調三大方向,旨在 (1)了解何為型塑觀光客動機與需求之要素;(2) 探索觀光客在場感知與管理者體驗行銷之手法;(3)反思觀光後品牌關係與建立地區發展之連結。
    本研究發現,觀光客動機與需求來自於觀光客自葡萄酒參與背景,而體驗的深化程度也取決於與遊客之背景、興趣、與動機。文化差異驅使觀光客前往酒莊觀光,體驗式的套裝行程對於觀光客取得核心酒品、目的地吸引力與文化意涵了解皆有提升作用;然而,工業化的套裝導覽卻容易加遽原有的文化差異,進而產生文化隔閡。此外,以Ackerman缺少葡萄田做為目的地吸引力為例,觀光客對於葡萄酒地景(winescape)的期望,必須藉由強化服務地景(servicescape)中的體驗獨特性與關係建構達成平衡,回溯觀光客對於追求「鄉村性」 (rurality) 與「浪漫凝視」(romantic gaze)之本質意義;再者,本研究以Ackerman做為羅瓦河地區指標性酒莊,著眼其豐富感官思考體驗之現代酒莊美學,帶給觀光客參訪後品牌忠誠度之品牌獨特性,探索「大酒莊」做為區域發展與鄉村重建之核心,進而思考法國羅瓦河酒區(Vins de Loire)做為一區域品牌之「區域性」(regionality) 發展。

    During the last decade, the augmenting amount of wine tourism studies has represented the significance of the rising tourists’ demands. It implies the necessity to embrace both tourists’ experiential and marketing perspectives in pursuit of an optimized winery experience. This research sets Ackerman, located in Saumur in the region of Loire Valley, France as the backdrop of the study and targets at the Chinese and Taiwanese student visitors as the in-depth interviewees. Moreover, supported by the interviews with the managers and the local public sectors, it provides with marketing and managerial perspectives as well as the content analysis of secondary data. It aims at understanding their perceptions and preferences at pre-visit, on-site visit and post-visit scales in order (1) to understand what forms the pre-visit expectations that trigger the wine tourist demand (2) to explore wine tourists’ on-site perceptions with experiential and managerial perspectives (3) to reflect from post-visit brand loyalty toward regionality.
    This research finds out that the wine involvement is a decision factor to trigger tourists’ demand in shaping the expectation and motivation as well as the experiential depth during the visits. Cross-cultural difference is also an important motive for winery visitors, yet it could be possibly transformed into cultural barriers due to the packaged tour and fixed itinerary which is seen of significance in elevating the core product of wine, destination appeals and cultural aspects. Meanwhile, the lack of vineyard visit for Ackerman implies the winescape needs servicescape to supplement the experiential depth in an attempt to trace back to the tourist’ essential seeks of “rurality” and “romantic gaze”. Also, regarding Ackerman as a core leading brand in this region, its creation in aesthetic and educative aspects endows the tourists with the post-visit brand loyalty due to its brand equity and uniqueness. This inspired the study to explore the link between the “Big House” and the “regionality” it represents. In terms of regional development and rural construction, the development of the regional brand “Vins de Loire” is thus discussed through the scope of a case study of Ackerman.

    Table of Contents ABSTRACT 中文摘要 LISTS OF FIGURES, TABLES & PHOTOS CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research objective 3 1.3 Research Limitation 5 1.4 Anticipated Contribution 5 1.5 Case Study: Ackerman, Saumur, Vins de Loire, France 6 CHAPTER SUMMERY 15 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 16 2.1 Wine & Tourism 16 2.2 Pre-visit Experience & Wine Tourist Demand 31 2.3 On-site Winery Experience & Experiential Marketing, Relationship Marketing 37 2.4 Post-visit Experience, WOM Marketing & Regional Development 51 CHAPTER SUMMERY 57 CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY 58 3.1 Research Approach 58 3.2 Data Collection 59 3.3 Data Analysis 66 CHAPTER SUMMERY 67 CHAPTER 4. Research Finding and Discussion 68 4.1 Before Setting Out: Perspectives of Pre-Visit Wine Tourists’ Demands 68 4.2 Marketing On-site Experience: Tourists’ Experiential & Managerial Perspectives 74 Cell 1 76 Cell 2 80 Cell 3 90 Cell 4 93 4.3 Reflections on Post-visit Experience: from Ackerman to Regional Brand Development 98 CHAPTER SUMMERY 104 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION 105 5.1 Research Highlight 105 5.2 Theoretical Implication 107 5.3 Empirical Implication 111 5.4 Recommendation for Future Researches 116 REFERENCES 118 APPENDICES 136

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