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研究生: 嚴儀華
Eva Yen
論文名稱: 台灣公立美術館典藏政策與執行研究
The Study of the Acquision Policy of Public Art Museums in Taiwan
指導教授: 曾肅良
Tseng, Su-Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 典藏政策典藏人員典藏倫理無館藏博物館移動博物館生態博物館社區博物館創新科技博物館
英文關鍵詞: acquisition policy, acquisition personnel, acquisition ethics, no art work museum, mobile art museum, eco-museum, neighborhood museum, tech museum of innovation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:770下載:128
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  • 本論文探討與研究美術館的典藏政策包括:台北市立美術館、國立台灣美術館、高雄市立美術館、日本福岡亞洲美術館、韓國國立現代美術館、美國洛杉磯郡立美術館、芝加哥美術館及紐約大都會美術館。美術館博物館核心價值的彰顯,就在於美術館典藏品的豐富與否,典藏品本身就是知識的來源,可見典藏政策的關鍵性及重要性。

    This research work examines and studies the acquisition policy of art museums including Taipei Fine Arts Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum of Japan, Korean National Modern Museum of Arts, Los Angeles County Museum of Arts, Chicago Art Institute, and New York Metropolitan Museum of Arts. The prime value of an art museum lies in the richness and abundance of the acquired art work which is the source of knowledge. It is obvious that the acquisition policy becomes a very critical and important issue of an art museum.

    Literature review and analysis were used as the principal tool of this research work. The literature of both domestic and foreign art museums were collected, examined and analyzed. In addition, visitation of art museums whenever and wherever possible was made personally. The museum personnel were interviewed and the first hand data were gathered and the status quo of the acquired art work of the museums was investigated. In addition, e-mail correspondence with foreign acquisition personnel was utilized to collect data to supplement the data pool. The secondary data include data gathered from the literature, periodicals and the web pages published by the museums. These data combining with the research result of museum scholars and the related theories were analyzed and deducted to find the related mode between the museums, the role, principle and experience of museums.

    It is hoped that these results will be useful and helpful to the domestic art museums and related organization when the related policy and work were to be formulated and determined.

    Several concluding remarks were presented as follows: the overlapping of the acquisition policy and the mission of public museums in Taiwan is very serious, the present laws and regulations governing the acquisition policy are very rigid and not flexible, and the acquisition procedures of domestic art museum are not transparent, the management of art museum should move toward legalization and enterprising direction. It is also hope that the specific laws governing the art museum be discussed and enacted soon.

    第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機與目的-------------------------------------1 第二節 研究方法與架構-------------------------------------2 第三節 研究範圍與限制-------------------------------------4 第四節 文獻回顧------------------------------------------5 第五節 研究內容------------------------------------------12 第二章 美術館典藏政策之擬定------------------------------14 第一節 典藏政策在美術館的意義------------------------------14 第二節 典藏政策的擬定-------------------------------------19 第三節 典藏經費及典藏品的來源------------------------------27 第三章 典藏政策實務運作之探討----------------------------37 第一節 典藏政策的執行-------------------------------------38 第二節 典藏人員的角色-------------------------------------44 第三節 美術館/博物館典藏倫理-------------------------------46 第四章 個案研究-----------------------------------------50 第一節 台灣三大公立美術館的典藏執行狀況----------------------50 第二節 國內美術館典藏政策的比較-----------------------------61 第三節 國外美術館的典藏執行狀況-----------------------------66 第四節 國內公立美術館與國外美術館的典藏執行及相關議題比較------75 第五章 結論與建議---------------------------------------83 第一節 結論----------------------------------------------83 第二節 建議----------------------------------------------87 附錄-----------------------------------------------------91參考書目-------------------------------------------------145 圖表目次 圖表1-1 博物館的定義--------------------------------------6 圖表1-2 美術館/博物館的功能--------------------------------9 圖表1-4 研究內容架構--------------------------------------13圖表2-1 北美館典藏程序------------------------------------23 圖表2-2 國美館典藏程序------------------------------------24 圖表2-3 高美館典藏程序------------------------------------24 圖表2-4 購置作業程序--------------------------------------28 圖表3-1 館藏實務運作政策-----------------------------------37 圖表3-2 典藏品入藏步驟-------------------------------------38 圖表4-1 公立美術館蒐藏品採購流程圖--------------------------57 圖表4-2 國美館藏品甄選作業流程圖----------------------------60 圖表4-3 台灣主要美術館典藏政策之比較-------------------------61 圖表4-4 台灣三館典藏政策重疊圖------------------------------65 圖表4-5 台灣公立美術館與其他地區美術館典藏政策及相關議題比較表--75 圖表4-6 台灣、日、韓、美國美術館經費比較表(一)----------------78 圖表4-7 台灣、日、韓、美國美術館經費比較表(二)----------------79 圖表5-1 館長職責圖----------------------------------------85

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