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研究生: 劉若蘭
Ruo-Lan Liu
論文名稱: 大專原住民族與漢族學生成功學習模式之建構與驗證-以北部某多元族群技術學院為例
The construction and the confirmation of learning success models for the aboriginal and the Han's college students-Based on a multiracial institute of technology in northern Taiwan
指導教授: 黃玉
Huang, Yu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 345
中文關鍵詞: 大專原住民族學生大專漢族學生成功學習家庭社經水準家庭支持自我概念校園經驗學術投入人際投入族群認同發展心理社會發展認知發展學業成就
英文關鍵詞: aboriginal college student, Han’s college student, learning success, family socioeconomic status, family support, self-concept, campus experience, academic involvement, social involvement, racial identity development, psychosocial development, cognitive development, academic performance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:323下載:213
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  • 摘 要

    為達研究目的,本研究基於Astin (1984)、 Tinto (1975, 1993)、Pascarelle(1985)、Weidman(1989)、Terenzini(1996)、Chickering(1969, 1993)、Perry(1968, 1981)等理論與研究,以及ACPA與NASPA(2004)提出的學習之交互關聯性,建構大專原住民族與漢族學生成功學習模式,其中個人因素包括:家庭社經水準、家庭支持、自我概念、一年級成績,校園經驗包括:學術投入、人際投入,成功學習指標包括:族群認同、認知發展、心理社會發展、學業成就。




    一、 成功學習的指標包括:族群認同、心理社會發展、認知發展、學業成就。

    二、 各項因素的差異分析中,大專漢族學生顯著高於原住民族學生的變項有:

    三、 大專原住民族與漢族學生成功學習模式的模式適配性均可稱為理想。

    四、 大專原住民族與漢族學生成功學習模式直接效果方面



    The purpose of the study was to construct and confirm the learning success models for the aboriginal and the Han’s college students. The research questions included:
    1. What was the learning success indicators and the influential factors for the aboriginal and the Han’s college students? Was there significant differences between different racial groups ?
    2. What was the influential learning success models for the aboriginal and the Han’s college students by the personal, academic involvement and social involvement factors?

    Based on the theories and researches of Astin (1984)、Tinto (1975, 1993)、Pascarelle (1985)、Weidman (1989)、Terenzini (1996)、Chickering (1969, 1993)、Perry (1968, 1981) and the interconnectedness of student learning (ACPA & NASPA, 2004) , the model was developed. The model consisted the personal factors which included family socioeconomic status, family support, self-concept and the grade of first semester in freshmen ; the campus experiences which included academic and social involvement; the learning success outcomes which included racial identity development, psychosocial development, cognitive development and academic performance.

    The sample of the research were 215 aboriginal students and 360 Han’s students, who were the forth grade female students of the five years nursing program in a multiracial dormitory institute of technology. Since 20 percent of students were aborigines in the college, there were a lot of interracial interactions in the campus.

    By using both quantitative and qualitative methods, the research data was collected. All study participants completed a self-developed questionnaire for the college student learning success study which consisted the demographic background survey, the self-concept scale, the family support scale, the academic involvement

    scale, the activity participation scale, the peer interaction scale, the social
    integration scale, the racial identity development scale, the psychosocial development scale, the cognitive development scale. The reliabilities of all the scales conducted with internal consistency (Cronbach’sα) and the validities which included content validity and construct validity were reasonable. Pearson’s r and t-test were used to analyze the correlations and differences among all the factors. For the goodness of the model-fit, the structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to confirm for the aboriginal college students’ and the Han’s college students’ models.

    After analyzing the quantitative data, a qualitative interview was conducted with the nine aboriginal students and eleven Han’s students who were selected based on the high and low degree of their academic and social involvement. The questions needed to be supplemented and explained that the results of the quantitative survey could not answer were: 1. What was the relationship between family background and family support in different racial groups? And how these factors related to learning? 2. What were the social involvement experiences of different racial groups? 3. What were the academic involvement experiences of different racial groups? 4. What were the experiences of the intra and inter racial group’s peer interactions and the racial identity development?

    The findings of the research are:
    1. The indicators of learning success are: racial identity development, psychosocial development, cognitive development and academic performance. And the influential factors which affect aboriginal and Han’s college students’ learning success are: family socioeconomic status, family support, self –concept, the grade of first semester in freshmen, activities participation and peer interaction, social integration and academic involvement.
    2. The variables that the Han’s college students’ are significantly higher than the aboriginal college students’ are: The grade of first semester in freshmen, family socioeconomic status, academic involvement, academic performance, the commitment stage’s development of cognitive development, interactions with Han’s college students. And the only one variable that the aboriginal college students’ is significantly higher than the Han’s college students’ is the interactions with aboriginal college students.
    3. The goodness of model-fit for the aboriginal college students’ and Han’s college students’ learning success models are reasonable.

    4. The direct effects in both the aboriginal college students’ and the Han’s college students’ learning success models are as follows:

    (1) The significant direct effects in both two models are: the grade of first semester in freshmen to the academic performance; the activities participations and peer interactions to the aboriginal college student racial identity development; the social integration to the psychosocial development; the academic involvement to the cognitive development, academic performance; the family support to the activities participations and peer interactions, the social integration, the self-concept; the self-concept to the activities participations and peer interactions, the social integration, the psychosocial development, the cognitive development.
    (2) The direct effects which are significant in the aboriginal college students’ model but not in the Han’s college students’ model are : the family support to the academic involvement; the activities participations and peer interactions to the cognitive development; the social integration to the academic involvement.
    (3) The direct effects which are significant in the Han’s college students’ model but not in the aboriginal college students’ model are : the family socioeconomic status to the activities participations and peer interactions; the grade of first semester in freshmen to the self-concept and the academic involvement; the self-concept to the academic involvement; the academic involvement to the psychosocial development.
    5. The qualitative findings are:
    (1) In the family support aspect, the level of expectation and the resources provided form the parents of Han’s students are likely more than those from the parents of aboriginal students. But the stability of family life and relations are significant to both the two groups.
    (2) In the social involvement aspect, the experiences of joining clubs for the aboriginal students in the college are less than that for Han’s students. And the sense of belonging mostly comes from the same racial peer group for the aboriginal students.
    (3) In the academic involvement aspect, the interactions with faculties for aboriginal students are more less than that for Han’s students. And the academic experiences of high schools are influential to both two groups.
    (4) In the interracial interactions and the racial identity development aspect, although most aboriginal students feel assertive with their racial identity,

    yet they are still afraid of being excluded from the majority group, since the
    discrimination continually exist. Besides, most Han’s students have stereotype towards aboriginal culture and some of them possess prejudice against the preferential treatments for the aboriginal students.

    Based on the quantitative and qualitative findings, two revised learning success models are developed. And recommendations for practice and for further research are presented.

    Key words: aboriginal college student, Han’s college student, learning success, family socioeconomic status, family support, self-concept, campus experience, academic involvement, social involvement, racial identity development, psychosocial development, cognitive development, academic performance.

    目 次 謝誌-------------------------------------------------------I 中文摘要-------------------------------------------------III英文摘要---------------------------------------------------V 目次----------------------------------------------------VIII表次------------------------------------------------------XI 圖次----------------------------------------------------XIII 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機-----------------------------------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題-----------------------------------------------------11 第三節 名詞釋義--------------------------------------------------------------------14 第四節 研究限制--------------------------------------------------------------------22 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 成功學習的意義-----------------------------------------------------------24 第二節 成功學習的相關理論-----------------------------------------------------33 第三節 影響成功學習重要變項之相關研究-----------------------------------60 第四節 建構與驗證成功學習模式之方法論題--------------------------------74 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 學生成功學習模式架構圖----------------------------------------------78 第二節 研究對象-------------------------------------------------------------------81 第三節 研究工具-------------------------------------------------------------------84 第四節 實施程序-------------------------------------------------------------------115 第五節 資料分析方法-------------------------------------------------------------117 第四章 結果與討論 第一節 大專原住民族與漢族學生成功學習指標與重要影響因素分析-121 第二節 大專原住民族與漢族學生成功學習模式之分析…………46 第三節 質性訪談分析………………………………………………61 第四節 綜合討論………………………………………………201 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論………………………………………………………225 第二節 建議……………………………………………………233 參考文獻 中文部分……………………………………………………………241 西文部分……………………………………………………………245 附錄 附錄一 「專家評定」專家學者名單即修正意見與建議彙整表…264 附錄二 大專學生校園經驗與學習發展問卷(預試)…………279 附錄三 自我概念預試量表項目分析結果………………………289 附錄四 家庭支持預試量表項目分析結果………………………289 附錄五 大專學生校園經驗與學習發展問卷(正式)…………290 附錄六 學術投入預試量表項目分析結果………………………302 附錄七 人際整合預試量表項目分析結果………………………303 附錄八 課外活動參與預試量表項目分析結果…………………304 附錄九 與原住民同學互動預試量表項目分析結果……………304 附錄十 與平地生互動預試量表項目分析結果…………………305 附錄十一 認知發展預試量表項目分析結果………………………306 附錄十二 心理社會發展預試量表項目分析結果…………………308 附錄十三 漢族大專學生族群認同預試量表項目分析結果………310 附錄十四 原住民大專學生族群認同預試量表項目分析結果……312 附錄十五 研究對象同意書…………………………………………315 附錄十六 訪談同意函………………………………………………316 附錄十七 研究參與者P生訪談詮釋文(範例一)………………317 附錄十八 研究參與者O生訪談詮釋文(範例二)………………318 附錄十九 開放式問題回答整理…………………………………319 附錄二十 少數族群學生方案工作準則…………………………323

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