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研究生: 張桂華
Jhang, Guei-hua
論文名稱: 女力創客者STEAM Maker Education之信念、策略與實踐:以三位女性高中教師為例
Beliefs, Strategies and Practices in STEAM Maker Education of She Makers: Using Three Female High School Teachers as Examples
指導教授: 趙惠玲
Chao, Huei-Ling
口試委員: 吳岱融
Wu, Dai-Rong
He, Ying-Qi
Chao, Huei-Ling
口試日期: 2023/06/14
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 185
中文關鍵詞: 女力創客者女性主義教育學STEAM Maker Education
英文關鍵詞: feminist pedagogy, She Maker, STEAM Maker Education
研究方法: 深度訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300987
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:36下載:7
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  • 108課綱的頒布啟動了臺灣的核心素養教育時代,強調對學生問題解決、團隊合作、創新思考等多元素養與能力的關注,新冠疫情的發生則使得數位資訊與科技成為當代學生重要的教育內容與學習型態。STEAM與Maker除了促進工程、設計和科技等不同領域發展,在教學上更是注重創新、開放、分享,讓學生大膽參與實踐。然而,長期以來女性在資訊科技等相關領域往往因為受到社會性別刻板化的影響,參與程度較不明顯。本研究之目的,即在探討女力創客者於STEAM Maker Education之信念與策略與教學實踐,以及對性別特質之看法。為達到研究目的,本研究以立意取樣方式選取三位符合女力創客者定義之女性高中教師為研究對象,並透過訪談、參與式觀察等蒐集研究資料。
    根據研究結果,本研究歸納出三位女力創客者對於性別特質看法,包含:不受性別偏見影響並彰顯個人特質、跨領域與性別特質的加乘、發揮女性特質觀點,其共通點為希望學習者可以透過自己獨特的特質與數位科技使用盡情展現。在推動STEAM Maker Education信念共同的部分有:連結真實生活情境與設計問題解決的任務、重視團隊協作與營造對話的學習歷程。在發展STEAM Maker Education策略共同的部分有:注重學習內容的趣味性與驅動學生學習動機投入、有效的學習系統之脈絡化的實作。至於STEAM Maker Education教學實踐共同部分則有:規劃主題式課程之建立教學架構連接的橋樑、教學環境之對等的關懷關係。

    The promulgation of the 108 Curriculum Guidelines has initiated the era of core competency education in Taiwan, with an emphasis on students cultivating diverse skillsets such as problem-solving, teamwork, and innovative thinking. Manifestation of the COVID-19 pandemic further accentuated the importance of digital information and technology as educational contents and learning mode for students in this modern generation. In addition to promoting the development of engineering, design, technology, and other various disciplines, STEAM and Maker also emphasized on innovation, openness, and sharing, while encouraging students to participate and gain practical experience. However, women typically have a lower participation rate in disciplines that relate to information technology due to the constant influence of societal gender stereotypes. The objective of this research paper is to examine the beliefs, strategies, and teaching practices of the she makers in STEAM Maker Education, as well as their perception on gender characteristics. In order to accomplish these objectives, three high school female teachers who meet the definition of she makers were purposively chosen as research subjects, and data were collected through interviews and general observation of the participants.
    According to the research results, this study outline the views of the three she makers on gender characteristics, including (1) being uninfluenced by gender bias while displaying individual traits, (2) the synergistic effects of interdisciplinary approaches and gender traits, and (3) exhibiting female qualities. The mutual objective of the abovementioned gender characteristics is to empower students to fully demonstrate their unique traits and their use of digital technology. The promotion of the mutual principles of STEAM Maker Education involves connecting real-life situations to pre-designed problem-solving tasks, with an emphasis on team collaboration and communication throughout the learning process. In terms of the mutual strategic development of STEAM Maker Education, particular attention is placed on enjoyable learning contents, increasing student learning motivation, and the contextualized implementation of an effective learning system. As for the mutual teaching practices of STEAM Maker Education, the approach is to plan a thematic curriculum that bridges the gap between educational framework and the reciprocity of solicitude within the teaching environment.
    This research paper is centered around the core concepts of STEAM and Maker, which integrate artistic practices and designing mentality, while incorporating Feminist Pedagogy and Ethics of Care. The intent is for different genders and dissenting voices to be respected and be granted the freedom of expression, as it demonstrates diversity, openness, and reciprocal heeding in the constantly evolving environment.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的與問題8 第三節 研究範圍與限制8 第四節 名詞釋義9 第二章 文獻探討13 第一節 女性主義教育學理論基礎之探究13 第二節 性別刻板印象與性別隔離之論述24 第三節 STEAM Maker Education與女性主義教育學之延展31 第四節 相關研究分析與討論45 第三章 研究設計與實施57 第一節 研究方法57 第二節 研究參與者與研究工具59 第三節 研究流程62 第四節 資料處理與分析63 第五節 研究信實度67 第六節 研究倫理68 第四章 研究結果分析與討論71 第一節 女力創客者性別特質之看法71 第二節 女力創客者STEAM Maker Education之信念86 第三節 女力創客者STEAM Maker Education之策略108 第四節 女力創客者STEAM Maker Education之教學實踐122 第五節 綜合討論145 第五章 結論與建議157 第一節 結論157 第二節 建議165 第三節 省思167 參考文獻169 中文部分169 英文部分73 附錄181 附錄一 訪談大綱181 附錄二 參與觀課觀察紀錄表183 附錄三 參與研究訪談同意書184 附錄四 研究資料檢核函185

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