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研究生: 林怡慧
Lin, Yi-Hui
論文名稱: 電商會員推薦系統營運之研究-以Bonbons為例
A Case Study of Member-Get-Member System of E-Commerce Operation- Taking Bonbons as an Example
指導教授: 康敏平
Kang, Min-Ping
口試委員: 林舒柔
Lin, Shu-Jou
Chang, Chao-Ching
Kang, Min-Ping
口試日期: 2023/06/01
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 行銷5.0網紅行銷
英文關鍵詞: marketing 5.0, internet celebrity marketing, MGM
研究方法: 個案研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300569
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:61下載:8
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  • 網路世界於20世紀崛起,從Yahoo奇摩拍賣開始,慢慢地轉向電商市場,眾多電商品牌也隨之興起,再隨著網路平台Facebook問世,改變了人與人之間聯繫的方式,人們轉而在平台上分享自己的生活,無名小站到痞客邦、Facebook,也造就了許多的第一代網紅,其擁有非常多的網路紅利及許多粉絲的情況之下,店家會與其合作推廣自家的產品,早期都能夠造就很好的業績數字,但隨著眾多平台加入,Google、IG、Youtube、LINE……等等,以及許多人投入網紅市場,經營自媒體頻道和自有品牌,瓜分了消費者的注意市場,現如今當我們投入相同的廣告預算或是與早期的網紅合作,都無法再達成像往日那樣的漂亮數字。

    基於這樣的研究背景,本論文希望以Member gets members為主軸,以會員自我推廣的方式,讓每一個會員都成為Bonbons品牌的代言人,向自己身邊的朋友推薦品牌產品,並也以分潤的方式,提供給協助推廣的代言人們一些紅利回饋,期望能夠以這樣的系統,與時代結合,找到電商品牌新的一片天。研究方法使用專家訪談法、個案研究法兩項,訪問使用過此系統並達到優秀成績的代言人,設計訪談內容,統整歸納其對於MGM系統的想法,分析出此系統是否有機會成為新一代電商品牌使用之系統。


    The Internet world rose in the 20th century. Starting from the Yahoo, it slowly turned to the e-commerce market, and many e-commerce brands also emerged. Then, with the advent of the Internet platform Facebook, it changed the way people communicate with each other , people turned to share their lives on the platform, from unknown websites to pikebang and Facebook, and also created many first-generation Internet celebrities. With a lot of Internet dividends and many fans, the stores They will cooperate with them to promote their own products, and they can achieve good performance figures in the early stage, but with the addition of many platforms, Google, IG, Youtube, LINE...etc., and many people have invested in the Internet celebrity market, operating self-media channels and Self-owned brands have divided the attention market of consumers. Nowadays, when we invest the same advertising budget or cooperate with early influencers, we can no longer achieve the beautiful figures as in the past.

    Based on such a research background, this thesis hopes to take Member gets members as the main axis, and make every member a spokesperson for the Bonbons brand by means of member self-promotion, recommending brand products to friends around them, and also sharing profits. , to provide some bonuses to the spokespersons who assist in the promotion, hoping to use this system to integrate with the times and find a new sky for e-commerce brands. The research method uses expert interview method and questionnaire survey method, interviews the spokespersons who have used this system and achieved excellent results, designs the interview content, summarizes their thoughts on the MGM system, and analyzes whether this system has the opportunity to become a new generation of e-commerce brands The system used.

    After cross-referencing results from expert interviews and case studies, it shows that the MGM system's effectiveness in increasing a brand's revenue can have a positive impact when collaborating with the right influencer, especially when advertising traffic is continually declining.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 電商環境演進與商家顧客間的溝通方式 5 第二節 行銷4.0到行銷5.0整體大環境的趨勢變化 10 第三節 自媒體發展與MGM系統 14 第四節 任務科技配適模式與MGM系統 26 第三章 研究方法 27 第一節 個案研究法 27 第二節 深度訪談 28 第三節 訪談研究流程 29 第四節 任務科技配適模式TTF理論與MGM系統運用 29 第四章 研究結果 31 第一節 個案介紹 31 第二節 MGM系統專家訪談分析統整 37 第三節 MGM系統使用 42 第五章 結論與建議 49 第一節 結論 49 第二節 建議 50 第三節 研究限制 51 參考文獻 52


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