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研究生: 詹馥妤
Chan, Fu-Yu
論文名稱: 皮膚健康教育介入之成效:以臺北市社區為例
Effectiveness of skin health education intervention: A case study of community in Taipei City
指導教授: 胡益進
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 皮膚健康教育介入皮膚健康指標整合行為模式自我效能空氣汙染台北市社區
英文關鍵詞: Skin health education intervention, Skin health guideline, Integrated behavioral model, Self-efficacy, Air pollution, Communities in Taipei City
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000779
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:287下載:32
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  • 本研究主要探討皮膚健康教育介入之成效,運用介入路徑圖,發展皮膚健康教育方案並採用整合行為模式的架構,自行編撰皮膚健康行為量表,以準實驗設計,立意取樣台北市社區居民20歲以上成年男女性共60人,實驗組31人與控制組29人。以次數百分比描述兩組之控制變項,以平均值與標準差描述兩組之效標變項,並以卡方檢定及獨立t檢定兩組之同質性,配對t檢定探討兩組前、後測之變項關係,以廣義估計方程式探討兩組效標變項之斜率差異。

    This study investigated the effectiveness of skin health education as an intervention in Taiwan. The present study developed a skin health education program based on an intervention mapping and formulated a skin health behavior scale based on an integrated behavior model. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design and used purposive sampling to recruit 60 community-dwelling adults (≥ 20 years old) in Taipei. The participants were assigned to experimental and control groups which including 31 and 29 individuals, respectively. Control variables and criterion variables of two groups were presented in the forms of percentage and mean (± standard deviation). A chi-square test and an independent sample t-test were performed to examine the homogeneity between the two groups. A paired t-test was conducted to examine the pretest-posttest differences. A generalized estimating equation was applied to compare the slopes of criterion variables between two groups.

    The results of the study are as follows:
    First, there were no statistically significant differences in control variables between the two groups, except for gender.
    Second, in the experimental group, there were statistically significant differences in skin health knowledge, skin health self-efficacy, skin health behavior intention, and skin redness feature before and after the intervention. After the intervention, the control group's intention of skin health behavior had significantly improved, whereas there were no statistically significant differences in skin health knowledge, skin health self-efficacy, and skin redness features.
    Third, after the course intervention, the skin health knowledge, skin health self-efficacy, skin health behavior intention, and skin redness feature in the experimental group improved better than the control group.
    Fourth, using an integrated behavior model to enhance skin health knowledge, skin health self-efficacy, and skin health behavior intention, and to reduce skin redness feature showed a significant effect.
    Fifth, reducing the redness of the skin was significantly associated with skin health knowledge improvement.

    This intervention program integrated with teaching tools for promoting skin health knowledge, enhancing skin health self-efficacy, enhancing skin health behavior intention, and reducing skin redness features showed its effectiveness. Therefore, using an integrated behavior model to improve the skin health of the citizens, can be used as a reference for public health policy formulation. The skin health education intervention program can continue to expand cooperation with other fields to promote skin health, thereby improving the skin health for citizens in Taiwan.

    致(誌)謝 i 摘要 iii Abstract v 目次 vii 表目次 x 圖目次 xiii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與重要性 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究問題 4 第四節 研究假設 5 第五節 名詞解釋 6 第六節 研究限制 8 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 皮膚組成結構與功能 9 第二節 影響皮膚健康的研究 12 第三節 皮膚健康知識、自我效能、行為意圖之研究 18 第四節 皮膚檢測之分析 36 第五節 健康行為理論 39 第三章 研究方法 51 第一節 研究設計 51 第二節 研究架構 52 第三節 研究對象 53 第四節 介入計畫 55 第五節 統計分析 69 第四章 研究結果與討論 71 第一節 研究對象控制變項及效標變項分佈 71 第二節 研究對象實驗組與控制組效標變項之前後變化 74 第三節 研究對象效標變項教育介入之成效 90 第四節 討論 95 第五章 結論與建議 99 第一節 結論 99 第二節 建議 100 參考文獻 102 一、中文部分 102 二、英文部份 103 附錄一 Cohen樣本數、檢定力與效果量對照表 117 附錄二 2018年台北市空氣品質指數 118

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