研究生: |
陳振榮 Chen, chen-jung |
論文名稱: |
鉛色水鶇領域行為與棲地利用 Territorial behavior and habitat use in plumbeous water redstart (Rhyacornis fuliginosus affinis) |
指導教授: | 王穎 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
論文出版年: | 2003 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 68 |
中文關鍵詞: | 鉛色水鶇 、領域行為 、棲地利用 |
英文關鍵詞: | plumbeous water redstart, territorial behavior, habitat use |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:317 下載:5 |
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本研究自2001年11月至2003年4月期間,針對烏來地區南勢溪流域之13個鉛色水鶇(Rhyacornis fuliginosus affinis)領域,觀察記錄其行為及棲地利用,並藉回播(playback)及利用雄鳥模型操作實驗,測試本種雄鳥對棲地之偏好與維持領域之相關性。棲地測量結果顯示溪岸佔81.00%,溪流佔19.00%,但鉛色水鶇在此2類棲地之總利用時間比例卻相近,顯示雌雄個體皆偏好溪流棲地,而雄鳥覓食行為在溪流棲地亦高達66.82%,顯示此項棲地選擇可能與覓食有關。而5種微棲地類型之測量結果顯示,大石微棲地佔20.81%,但雄鳥總利用時間卻達52.96%,顯著較其他4種微棲地類型高(P<0.001),且平均停棲時間(60.31±10.47秒)亦然,而鳴唱行為於大石微棲地亦達57.46%,推測雄鳥對大石微棲地之利用與維持領域相關。操作試驗證實,當播放鳴唱聲模擬入侵者入侵時,領主雄鳥使用大石微棲地比例達68.79%,且回應鳴唱行為(type matching)亦集中於此(82.28%)。此外,測量領主雄鳥停棲大石微棲地的視野較其他隨機選取樣點廣(1872.35平方公尺,n=39;373.82平方公尺,n=29),推測應有助其偵測入侵者;雄鳥模型搜尋試驗結果亦顯示,模型置放於大石微棲地與置放於其他隨機選取處相較,前者亦較易為搜尋者發現,推測領主雄鳥可能利用此類型微棲地作為展示警告及宣示領域。
From November 2001 to April 2003, the behavior and the habitat use of 13 plumbeous water redstart (Rhyacornis fuliginosus affinis) were observed in Wulai, Taipei. Playback and male model were used to test the relationship between habitat selection and territorial maintenance by the male owners. The result of habitat measurement showed that the available habitat of stream bank (81.00%) was far greater than that of stream surface (19.00%). However, that the species spent equal amount of time in both types of habitat indicated that the birds preferred surface to bank. Male birds also had higher foraging activity (66.82%) in the surface area. The use of microhabitat showed that male birds spent 52.96% of the total time on big stones , which composed of 20.81% of the total area, indicated that male favored this microhabitat type (p<0.001). Furthermore, male singings were also observed more frequently on big stones (57.46%). We suspected the use of big stones was related to territorial maintenance. When using playback, big stones were used most frequently (68.79%) by the male birds, and 82.28% of the type matching were also performed on big stones. Comparing to these randomly selected sites, big stones had wider viewing area (1872.35㎡, n=39 vs. 373.82㎡, n=29). Such character of big stone may help male owner to detect intruder earlier. The result of searching for male model showed that model was found more easily on big stones than those of other microhabitats by a group of tested persons. This implied that when male owner perches on big stone, it will be easier for the intruder to detect the owner’s presence. Thus, we concluded that the big stone microhabitat was an important microhabitat for the male species in territorial defence.
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