簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李恩玲
Li- En-ling
論文名稱: 高中英文詞彙分析教學法之效益研究
A Study of the Effects of Word Analysis on Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in Senior High School
指導教授: 黃自來
Huang, Tzyh-Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 1998
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 字彙分析法應用詞源學字彙認知
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:120下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在探討詞彙分析教學法應用在高中英文字彙教學上之效益。希望此研究的結果與發現,能對臺灣現行的高中英文詞彙教學及閱讀教學,有啟發及參考的價值。參加本實驗的受試者,為高雄市立左營高中的九十位高三女同學。所有受試者依據其原班級,分成實驗組與控制組。實驗組接受詞彙分析教學法之訓練,而控制組採用傳統之字彙教學法。在教學實驗開始之前,所有的受試者均參加前測;教學實驗結束之後,所有受試者再參加後測。前測與後測之題目相同,皆為二十五個可分解之單字。受試者對於其採取何種策略推斷字義,必須指明。依受試者前測之成績,就其字彙熟練之程度,分成高中低三組,以便探究詞彙分析教學法,對不同程度受試者之影響。測驗的分數以t檢定加以分析討論,結果有以下的發現:一、接受詞彙分析教學法訓練之實驗組的受試者,在推斷字義的能力上,較控制組之受試 者有顯著的進步。二、詞彙分析教學法,對不同程度的受試者,有著不同的效益;對中低程度者,效果尤為 顯著。三、詞彙分析教學法,對受試者在推斷字義上,有助於建立策略使用之觀念。四、長的字對於接受詞彙分析教學法的受試者而言,未必是較難推斷字義的字。五、詞彙分析教學法比傳統字彙教學法,易於營造愉快且生動的教室氣氛。六、詞彙教學應該結合英語實用詞源及字彙蘊涵的歷史、社會及文化的知識。總之,本研究建議對於詞彙分析教學法,能給予高度的重視及更深的研究;也期盼未來英語教師培養訓練的課程中,能多提供教師們有關英語字彙結構、詞源、以及字彙蘊涵的歷史、文化、社會背景等方面的專業知識及陶冶。

    This study explores the effects of application of word analysis on vocabularyinstruction in senior high school. It is hoped that the results of the study can shed some light on the practice of English vocabulary teaching and learning at high schools in Taiwan and the findings may make contribution to the reading instruction in the future.90 third-year girl students in Tsoying Senior High School in Kaohsiung are involved in this study. They are divided into the experimental group and the control group. The subjects in each group are divided into three vocabulary proficiency levels-- high ability, middle ability, and low ability on the basis of their scores in the pre-test. Twenty-five analyzable English words are selected as the test items in both the pre-test and post-test. The pre-test and post-test are carried out on all subjects to understand the change of subjects' abilities to infer word meanings and strategy use in inferringword meanings. The collected data on both tests are analyzed by t-tests, and the strategies the subjects adopt are illustrated in tables.The findings of the study can be summarized as follows. First, the subjects who received word analysis training make more progress in inferring unfamiliarword meanings than those under the traditional vocabulary instruction. Second,word analysis has more positive effects on students of low ability level andmiddle ability level. Third, word analysis facilitates subjects to establishconcepts of strategy use in inferring word meanings. Fourth, some subjects under the word analysis instruction deal with longer words better than the subjects in the control group. Besides, word analysis may lead to a more pleasant and active classroom atmosphere than the traditional vocabulary teaching method. Finally, vocabulary instruction should integrate concepts andknowledge about English etymology and the cultural and social backgrounds ofthe English people to establish a wholesome language perspective.It is suggested that further research may direct attention and emphasis on efficient vocabulary instruction methods. Besides, it is hoped that teacher training programs can provide teachers with professional knowledge about English etymology and cultural and social backgrounds where English vocabularydevelops and changes.
