研究生: |
饒玉屏 Jao Yu-Ping |
論文名稱: |
我國中學理財教育課程綱要之建構 Constructing Financial Education Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary School in Taiwan |
指導教授: | 黃美筠 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 170 |
中文關鍵詞: | 理財教育 、理財素養 |
英文關鍵詞: | financial education, financial literacy |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:346 下載:28 |
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The present study aimed at constructing financial education curriculum guidelines for secondary school in Taiwan. First of all, the present study tried to construct preliminary financial education curriculum guidelines by synthesize the financial education course content conducted in foreign countries. Second, the present study conducted a questionnaire by purposive selection to investigate the recognition and needs of secondary school teacher’s with regard to financial education. Finally, this study synthesized suggestions of secondary school’s teachers for correcting and constructing financial education curriculum guidelines completely.
The main findings were as follows:
First, perspectives on constructing financial education curriculum guidelines. Based on the three aspects-financial literacy, financial skills, and financial attitude, the researcher divided the course into two phases which were junior high school and senior high school to construct financial education curriculum guidelines.
1. Junior high school: It included nine financial education themes and forty two competence indicators such as income and tax, consume-behavior, credit and debt, risk management and insurance, save and investment, money management and plan, policy making, financial responsibility, and ethical concern.
2. Senior high school: It included nine financial education themes and sixty two competence indicators such as income and tax, consume-behavior, credit and debt, risk management and insurance, save and investment, money management and plan, policy making, financial responsibility, and ethical concern.
Second, aspects of secondary school teachers’ needs and recognition on financial education. The researcher conducted a “Secondary School teachers’ needs and recognition financial education questionnaire” through purposive selection which consisted of 758 teachers from 41 junior high school and 40 senior high school in 24 cities and counties in Taiwan to investigate this survey. And the conclusions were:
One, secondary school teachers’ opinions on financial education
1. It’s necessary to administer the financial education in high schools. And students did have the ability to learn those subject areas relevant to financial education.
2. It could help students to do the wise financial choices after they received courses relevant to financial. And it was also helpful to deal with the complex living environment in the future.
3. The education authorities did not put much emphasis on financial education in high school, nor did the current textbooks provide sufficient financial education teaching phase.
4. It would be a more proper approach to integrate financial education into the existing learning area curriculum in the secondary school.
5. Financial education was suggested to be compiled into competence indicators for the reference on designing lesson plans in the future.
6. Financial education in secondary school phase facilitated the learning of other subject areas.
Two, secondary school teacher’s opinion on the important of financial education competence indicators
1. All kinds of competence indicators were important for students’ future lives.
2. There was no significant difference with regard to high school teachers’
Opinions on “financial literacy,” “financial skill,” and “financial attitude”.
Three, the extent of secondary school teachers’ knowledge on financial education
competence indicators
1. Those teachers had certain understanding on financial education competence
2. The extent of secondary school teachers’ knowledge on the three competence indicators –“financial literacy,” “financial skill,” and “financial attitude” resulted in no significant difference.
3. There existed a moderate positive relationship between the extent of secondary school teachers’ knowledge on financial education competence indicators and the importance of financial education competence indicators.
In conclusion, according to the findings in the present study, the study hopefully would provide suggestions as for the education authorities, administrative units, educators, and future research.
Key words: financial education, financial literacy
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