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研究生: 曹笠德
論文名稱: 對非決定性service-oriented architecture應用程式進行動態測試的研究
指導教授: 黃冠寰
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 軟體系統架構網路服務軟體測試
英文關鍵詞: service-oriented architecture, web service, software testing, BPEL
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:177下載:2
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  • 因為現行service-oriented architecture 架構的軟體越來越多,很多公司行號慢慢開始採用service-oriented architecture 架構來建立內部工作流程管理系統。service-oriented architecture 架構是由許多web service 所組合而成一個整合性的系統。所以這個架構之下所建立的系統,每個service 之間可能會有許多interactions,所以每個service 的是否都可以順利的執行就顯得相當重要。不過,在現有的測試環境與測試方法當中,沒有一個完整有系統的測試方式可以來對service-oriented architecture 架構做一個測試。
    而我們就是設計出一個framework 來針對service-oriented rchitecture 架構的系統來做一個自動化的測試環境。我們利用BPEL 來建立service-oriented architecture 架構的環境,然後我在每一個BPEL process 訊息交換的地方多加上一個proxy 來收集測試所需的資訊再配合上reachability testing 的技術,來測試service-oriented architecture 架構的系統。

    Because the existing structure of service oriented architecture of the software more and more slowly, many companies began to use service oriented architecture to build the internal structure of the workflow management system. service oriented architecture framework is composed of many web service by a combination of an integrated system. Therefore, under the framework established by the system, each service may be many interactions, so whether each service has been running smoothly in the implementation of it is very important. However, the existing test methods and test environment, the absence of a complete and systematic way to test service-oriented architecture framework for a test.
    And our framework is to design a service-oriented architecture for the system architecture to make an automated test environment. We use BPEL to build service
    oriented architecture framework for the environment, and then I have a BPEL process for each of the local multi-message exchange with a proxy to collect the necessary
    information to test the reachability testing together with the technology, to test the service-oriented architecture framework system.

    摘要 ................................................................................................................................................. I ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... II 1. 簡介 ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 WEB SERVICES ........................................................................................................................ 2 1.2 BPEL ..................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 SERVICE-ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................ 6 1.4 動態測試 ............................................................................................................................... 9 1.5 靜態分析 .............................................................................................................................. 11 1.6 MODEL CHECKING ................................................................................................................ 11 1.7 REACHABILITY TESTING AND DYNAMIC EFFECTIVE TESTING ............................................... 12 1.8 EXAMPLE OF AN NON-DETERMINISTIC WEB SERVICES APPLICATIONS ................................... 19 1.9 OUR SCHEMA ........................................................................................................................ 20 2. 文獻探討 ............................................................................................................................... 26 2.1 MODEL CHECKING ................................................................................................................ 26 2.2 DYNAMIC TESTING ................................................................................................................ 28 2.3 SOA TESTING ........................................................................................................................ 29 3. 將動態敏捷測試應用在網路服務 .......................................................................................... 32 3.1 RACE CONDITION .................................................................................................................. 32 3.2 PREFIX-BASED REPLAY .......................................................................................................... 34 3.3 BPEL SYNCHRONIZATION MODEL ......................................................................................... 43 4. 實作與實驗結果 .................................................................................................................... 46 4.1 FRAMEWORK ......................................................................................................................... 46 4.2 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ....................................................................................................... 55 5. 結論與未來展望 .................................................................................................................... 62 5.1 結論 ..................................................................................................................................... 62 5.2 未來展望 .............................................................................................................................. 62 REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................... 64

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