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研究生: 簡凱聖
Jian, Kai-Sheng
論文名稱: 深度討論融入臺灣高中英語課程之研究
Integrating Quality Talk Into Taiwanese High School English Courses
指導教授: 羅美蘭
Lo, Mei-Lan
口試委員: 陳秋蘭 徐筱玲 羅美蘭
口試日期: 2021/05/05
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 臺灣高中學生深度討論議論文寫作混合研究
英文關鍵詞: Taiwanese high school students, Quality Talk, argumentative writing, mixed-methods research
研究方法: 準實驗設計法紮根理論法半結構式訪談法混合研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101505
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:223下載:38
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  • 本研究旨在探討台灣高中生如何看待深度討論(Quality Talk),以及這種小組討論方法是否可以精進他們的議論文寫作能力。受試者為新北市一所高中的兩個高二班級,其中一個班級作為實驗組,另一個作為控制組。研究人員採用混合研究的方法,從這兩組受試者收集量化資料以及質化資料,用於收集資料的工具包含線上匿名感知問卷、反思學習單、半結構化訪談和兩份英文寫作。
    根據資料分析的結果,本研究提出三項主要發現。首先,大多數學生認為 深度討論有利於他們的英語學習,包括四種語言技能以及批判性思維能力的提升。此外,以這種方式學習有助於他們成為自主學習者。其次,有幾個因素阻礙了深度討論的實施,例如學生的參與態度、他們的語言能力、教師的協助、學生對提供標準答案的前提假設、分組形式、以及小組討論的文本主題。 最後,深度討論顯著提高了他們的議論文寫作分數,學生們更善於用理由和證據來闡述他們的論點。本研究的最後部分闡述了本研究在教學上的啟發與意義,給予任何有興趣將深度討論融入英語課程的人做為參考。

    This current study aims to explore how Taiwanese high school students perceive Quality Talk, and whether this group discussion approach can enhance their argumentative writing. Two 10th grade classes of a high school in New Taipei City participated in this study: one as the experimental group and the other control group. The researcher adopted mixed-methods approach, collecting quantitative data and qualitative data from these two groups. The instruments used for data collection include an online anonymous perception questionnaire, reflection worksheets, semi-structured interviews, and two English writing assignments.
    Based on the analysis of the data, three major findings were presented. First, the majority of the students deemed Quality Talk beneficial to their English learning, including the improvement of four language skills as well as their critical thinking skills. Furthermore, learning in this way helped them become autonomous learners. Second, several factors hindered the implementation of Quality Talk, i.e., students’ attitude toward participation, students’ language ability, the teacher’s assistance, students’ assumption about providing standard answers, grouping configurations, and finally the text topics for their group discussions. Lastly, Quality Talk increased students’ argumentative writing scores significantly; the students were better at elaborating on their arguments with reasons and evidence. At the end of the present research, pedagogical implications were offered to those who are interested in incorporating Quality Talk in their English classes.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background 1 Purpose Statement and Research Questions 5 Significance of the Study 6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Quality Talk 7 The Effects of Quality Talk on Learning 16 Argumentative Writing 18 Students’ Perceptions of Discussions 20 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 23 Mixed-Methods Approach 23 Research Design 25 Participants 26 Quality Talk Treatment 28 Writing Session 31 Small Group Discussion 32 Data Collection 33 Reflection Worksheet 33 Online Anonymous Perception Questionnaire 34 Semi-Structured Interview 35 Writing Sessions 36 Data Analysis 36 Descriptive Statistics (SPSS) 38 General Inductive Approach 38 Assessing Trustworthiness 40 Paired Sample T-test and Independent T-test 41 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 42 Theme 1: Students’ Perceptions Toward Quality Talk 42 Theme 2: Factors that Influence the Implementation of Quality Talk 51 Theme 3: The Effects of Quality Talk on Argumentative Writing 60 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 67 Major Findings and Discussion 67 Pedagogical Implications 75 Quality Talk Professional Development 76 Pre-discussion Activities 81 During-discussion Activities 83 Post-discussion Activities 84 Limitations of the Present Study and Directions for Future Research 85 REFERENCES 88 Appendix A Research Consent Form 94 Appendix B Excerpts from the Readings 95 Appendix C Quality Talk Reflection Worksheet 98 Appendix D Online Anonymous Questionnaire 106 Appendix E Semi-Structured Interview Questions 111

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