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研究生: 曾火城
Tzeng, Huo-Cherng
論文名稱: 教科書評鑑規準研究—以國中美術科為建構﹑試用實例
指導教授: 黃政傑
Hwang, Jeng-Jye
Guo, Jen-Shyana
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
畢業學年度: 84
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 358
中文關鍵詞: 教科書評鑑規準美術
英文關鍵詞: textbook, evaluation criteria, fine art
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:196下載:7
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  • 長久以來,教科書在教學活動中一直扮演著重要角色,其品質優劣及
    用過程的各種問題,並據以提出建議供有關單位或人員參考。 為完成
    、教科書等相關文獻。 其次,以國中美術科為例,並採得懷術方法進
    所有參與者均完成並寄回各次問卷。 再次,將實徵建構的評鑑規準在
    召開試用檢討會等,試用過程尚稱順利。 經由上述研究過程,本研
    究提出以下的結論及建議︰ 一、結論 1、一般教科書評鑑規準的
    內涵雖有見仁見 智的主張,但卻有共同的脈絡可循。 2、教科書評
    鑑規準的建立,包括有效、可行、客觀、周延等四 大原則。 3、教
    科書評鑑規準常按評鑑目的、需要及情境彈性調整。 4、採得懷術方
    法建構教科書評鑑規準,有助於蒐集不同意見及 建立共識。 5、實
    徵建構之國中美術教科書評鑑規準,由試用過程及結果驗 証其具有相當
    高的可行性。 6、各學科教科書評鑑規準雖有許多共通之處,但可能
    會隨學科 性質不同而互有差異。 二、建議 (一)研究結果利用
    方面 1、按評鑑需要彈性調整評鑑規準的組織架構。 2、評鑑者
    要能充分溝通,並對規準意涵建立共識。 3、慎選評鑑人員或提昇評
    鑑者的相關知能。 4、採質量並行之評鑑方式,並對各項規準作加權
    處理。 5、國家審定規準須儘量周延,也要對外公佈。 6、成立
    各校教科書選用委員會,訂定適合學校使用之評鑑 規準。 7、建立
    各學科教科書評鑑規準,須作適當的轉化。 (二)後續研究方面
    1、擴大研究樣本以融聚更高共識。 2、進行其它學科教科書評鑑規
    準的研究。 3、加強教科書各項評鑑規準理論依據的研究。 4、
    進行教師手冊、教學媒體之評鑑規準研究。 5、進行教科書評鑑方案

    Textbook has played an important role in teaching activities
    for a longtime. Its quality and evaluation are worthy to think
    highly by all educators.This research aims to explore questions
    in the process of establishing andapplying the evaluation
    criteria and provides suggestions for the reference ofrelated
    authorities and personnels. To reach this object, the
    research first studied related literature. Thescope includes︰
    the content and source of general textbook evaluationcriteria;
    the strategies,principles,and methods in establishing;
    thestrategies,ways,attentions,and contemporary situations in
    applying;andrelated literature in curriculum,teaching,and
    textbook of fine art course ofjunior high school. Second,by
    using the fine art course of junior high school as an example,
    the delphi technique was adopted to construct the details of the
    textbookevaluation criteria. By collecting the opinions of
    experts with differentbackgrounds ,the textbook evaluation
    criteria of the course of fine art ofjunior high school were
    established on one hand,and the relevant questionshappening in
    the procedure of establishing the textbook evalu ation
    criteriawere studied on the other hand. The delphi group was
    composed of eighteenmembers of educators,experts of edu cation
    administration,educators of fineart,teachers of fine art of
    junior high school,the civilian developingbusinessmen,and the
    representatives of civilian groups. The first questionnaire was
    edited in accordance with the exploration of litera ture.
    Thequestionnaire was polled consecutively and intensely three
    times. Allparticipants completed and sent back all
    questionnaires. Third,the really established evaluation
    criteria were put to trial on thelevel of school selection. It
    was done to test the feasibilities of allevaluation criteria and
    to understand the transformation of the criteria on thelevel of
    school selection. Two junior high schools were chosen for
    trialpurpose. The two textbook selection groups of these schools
    are made by thedeans of study,teachers of fine art,and the
    parent representatives.Textbooks of fine art from three
    different editions had been evaluated andselected. The process
    of trial includes︰the convocation of explanationmeeting;
    the evaluation from individual group member;the evaluation
    fromthe whole group;the convocation of the meeting of trial
    assessment. Theprocess is quite smooth. From the above
    research processes,the following conclusions and
    suggestionswere made︰Conclusions︰1.Though different opinions
    were formed about the content of the textbook evaluation
    criteria,there still be a general rule to follow.2.The
    establishment of the textbook evaluation criteria should include
    the four principles of effective,feasible,objective ,and
    complete.3.The textbook evaluation criteria should have the
    elasticity to be adjusted frequently in compliance with the
    objectives, ne- cessities,and contemporary circumstance.4.The
    adoption of delphi technique in establishing the textbook
    evaluation criteria is helpful in accumulating different opi-
    nions and forming consensus.5.The estabished evaluation
    criteria of the textbook of the course of fine art of junior
    high school,from the process and result of trial,were proved
    to be highly feasible.6.The textbook evaluation criteria of
    different subjects may have common places,but differences
    still may exist owing to the differences of quality of
    different subjects.Suggestions︰On the aspect of research
    results application︰ 1.Flexibly adjust the struture frame of
    the evaluation criteria to amply with the needs of evaluation.
    2.Adequate mutual communication among the evaluators,and
    establish a consensus of the intent of evaluation criteria.
    3.Carefully select the evaluators and promote them the relevant
    knowledge and ability. 4.The evaluation should be processed
    in considering its quantity and quality; every criterion
    should be weighted. 5.The national auditing criteria should be
    set as complete aspossible;and should be publicly announced.
    6.The school's textbook selection committee should be set up to
    draw up suitable textbook evaluation criteria for each
    school. 7.The established textbook evaluation criteria of every
    subject should be suitably transformed. On the aspect of
    research continuum︰ 1.To extend research samples to accumulate
    more consensus. 2.To proceed the researches on the textbook
    evaluation criteria of different subjects. 3.To strengthen
    the researches of the theoretical foundationof textbook
    evaluation criteria.4.To proceed the researches of evaluation
    criteria of teacher guidance,and instructional media.
    5.To proceed the research of textbook evaluation program.
    Textbook has played an important role in teaching activities
