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研究生: 鄭杏瑜
Sing-Yu Jheng
論文名稱: 自我調整對於單字學習效果之研究
The Effects of Self-Regulation on English Vocabulary Learning
指導教授: 曾文鐽
Tseng, Wen-Ta
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 自我調整學習單字學習自我效能
英文關鍵詞: self-regulation, self-regulated learning, vocabulary learning, self-efficacy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:160下載:29
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  • 單字學習不論從深度及廣度來看,在第二外語學習中始終扮演重要的角色。而自我調整學習在學科成就上亦有關鍵的影響,並且已得到豐富的實證性研究的支持。然而,連結單字學習與自我調整學習的實徵性研究卻寥寥無幾。因此,本研究的目的即在探究藉由自我調整教學法對於單字學習之影響;其中,變因包含自我效能,自我調整能力以及單字表現。
    本研究共有兩班合計82位台灣某高中的高一學生參與,其中42位為實驗組,接受為期四周的自我調整訓練;另外40名學生則為控制組。測驗工具包含單字自我調整能力問卷以及單字知識測驗; 此兩測驗於實驗前,實驗後實施,並且延宕測驗於實驗結束後四周施行。為了探究實驗的效果以及變因之間的關係,量化分析包括ANOVA變異數分析以及一般線性模式分析。

    Vocabulary learning has been pivotal to second language acquisition in terms of its width and death. Meanwhile, substantial studies documented has positively proven that self-regulated learning (SRL) benefits learners’ academic learning, such as general learning, mathematics, reading and writing. However, a dearth of empirical experiments is conducted to connect self-regulated learning with vocabulary learning in second and foreign language acquisition. Therefore, the aim of the current study attempts to explore how the intervention on self-regulated learning influenced vocabulary acquisition; the major variables include self-efficacy, self-regulatory capacity and vocabulary performance.
    Two intact classes, involving 82 first graders from a senior high school in Taiwan, participated in the experiment. The first class with 42 students, as the experimental group, received a four-week training on self-regulated learning, based on Zimmerman’s three phased model (1989); the other class with 40 students was treated as the control group. The instruments included questionnaire on self-regulatory capacity in vocabulary learning and vocabulary knowledge test. The tests were administered to both groups before, immediately after and four-week delayed after the intervention. The quantitative analysis was conducted through analysis of variance (ANOVA) and general linear regression to examine the effects of intervention and to indicate the relationships among the variables.
    Results of this study showed positive effects of self-regulated learning on vocabulary learning. The experimental group demonstrated significant improvement in self-efficacy, self-regulatory capacity and vocabulary performance. Moreover, self-regulatory capacity can predict learners’ vocabulary performance as well as self-efficacy. To conclude, similar to previous research, this study further testified that self-regulated learning can benefit vocabulary learning and offered pedagogical implications that TESL and TEFL teachers can integrate self-regulated learning into daily instruction to facilitate students’ vocabulary acquisition.

    ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES IV LIST OF TABLES V CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Purpose of the Study and Research Question 6 Significance of The Study 6 Organization of The Thesis 7 CHAPTER TWO LITERATRE REVIEW 9 General Overview on Self-Regulation Theories 9 Operant Theory on Self-Regulation 11 Phenomenological Theory on Self-Regulation 13 Information Processing Theory on Self-Regulation 14 Volition Theory on Self-Regulation 16 Vygotskian Theory on Self-Regulation 18 Constructivist Theory on Self-Regulation 19 Social Cognitive Theory on Self-Regulation 20 Instruction in Self-Regulated Learning 22 Instructional Models for Self-Regulated Learning 23 Instructional Models of The Present Study 26 Zimmerman’s Three Phase Model 27 Related Empirical Studies on Zimmerman’s Model 29 Instructional Principles for Self-Regulated Learning In Classroom 32 CHAPTER THREE METHODS 37 Participants 37 Pilot Study 37 Formal Study 37 Design 38 Pilot Study 38 Formal Study 39 Instruments 44 Questionnaire on Self-Regulatory Capacity in Vocabulary Learning (Srcvoc) 44 Vocabulary Knowledge Tests 44 Pilot Study 45 Formal Study 45 Procedure 46 Pilot Study 46 Formal Study 46 Data Analysis 48 Pilot Study 49 Formal Study 50 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 51 Effects of Self-Regulation Intervention on Vocabulary Performance 51 Effects on General Vocabulary Knowledge 52 Effects on Vocabulary Knowledge of Target Words 53 Effects of Self-regulation Intervention on Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulatory Capacity 55 Effects on Self-Efficacy 56 Effects on Self-Regulatory Capacity 57 Structural Relationships among Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulatory Capacity and Vocabulary Performance 59 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION 65 Summary Of Major Findings 65 Discussion 68 Effects of Self-Regulation Intervention on Vocabulary Performance 68 Effects of Self-Regulation Intervention on Self-Efficacy And Self-Regulatory Capacity 70 Structural Relationships among Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulatory Capacity and Vocabulary Performance Before, Immediate After and Delayed After the Intervention 72 Pedagogical Implications 75 Limitations of the Study 77 Suggestions for Future Research 78 REFERENCES 81 APPENDIXES 91 Appendix A Lesson Plan for the Current Study 91 Appendix B Examples of Vocabulary Exercise for Formal Study 100 Appendix C Questionnaire ON Self-Regulatory Capacity IN Vocabulary Learning (Srcvoc) 101 Appendix D Pretest on Vocabulary Knowledge in Pilot Study 104 Appendix E Formative Tests on Vocabulary Knowledge in Pilot Study 105 Appendix F Post Test on Vocabulary Knowledge in Pilot Study 107 Appendix G Vocabulary Level Test 108 Appendix H Vocabulary Achievement Test in Formal Study 112

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