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研究生: 游子嫻
You, Tzu-Hsien
論文名稱: 知覺父母教養行為對青少年同儕關係滿意度的影響:以對同儕衝突的認知評估與因應策略作為中介歷程
The Effect of Perceived Parenting Practices on Adolescents' Peer Relationship Satisfaction: Taking Appraisal of Conflict and Conflict Resolution Strategy as Mediators
指導教授: 吳志文
Wu, Chih-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 父母教養行為同儕關係滿意度衝突認知評估衝突因應策略
英文關鍵詞: perceptions of parenting practices, peer relationship satisfaction, appraisal of conflict, conflict resolution strategy
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001055
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:276下載:48
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  • 本研究旨在探討知覺父母教養行為(自主支持教養、心理控制教養)對其青少年同儕滿意度的影響,並進一步了解人際互動歷程中的衝突認知評估(功能性評估、競爭性評估)與因應策略(兼容並蓄、自我犧牲、功利主義、規避逃離)是否有中介效果。本研究對象為15到18歲之青少年,並採用「自主支持教養量表」、「心理控制教養量表」、「衝突本質評估量表」、「衝突因應策略量表」及「同儕關係滿意度量表」為研究工具,以496筆有效資料進行正式分析,包含獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森績差相關,以及結構方程模型。結構方程模型的主要研究結果如下:


    The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of perceptions of parenting practices, namely parental autonomy support (PAS) and parental psychological control (PPC), on adolescents' peer relationship satisfaction (PRS), and taking appraisal of conflict, namely functional-orientated appraisal (FOA) and competitive-orientated appraisal (COA), as well as conflict resolution strategy (i.e., compatibility, self-sacrifice, utility, and escape) as mediators. The participants were adolescents from 15 to 18 years old. In this study, Perceptions of Parents Scale, Parental Psychological Control Questionnaire, Appraisal of Conflict Scale, Conflict Resolution Strategy Scale, and The Satisfaction with Peer Relationship Scale were used as research tools, with independent T-test, Pearson correlation and Structural Equation Modeling(SEM)statistics were used for data analysis. The main findings are:
    1.The effect of PAS on adolescents’ PRS was positive and significant.
    2.The mediation effect of compatibility strategy on the path from ASP to PRS was positive and significant.
    3.The mediation effect of self-sacrifice strategy on the path from PPC to PRS was negative and significant.
    4.The mediation effect of FOA on the path from ASP to PRS was positive and significant.
    5.The mediation effect of COA on the path from PPC to PRS was negative and significant.
    6.The serial mediation effect of COA and self-sacrifice strategy on the path from PPC to PRS was negative and significant.

    According to these findings, the study provides suggestions for future research directions and practitioners.

    第一章 緒論 1 第1節 研究背景 1 第2節 研究目的 2 第3節 名詞釋義 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 第1節 同儕對青少年的重要性 5 第2節 同儕衝突:以衝突的建設性轉化歷程觀點 7 第3節 父母教養行為與青少年同儕衝突歷程 15 第三章 研究設計 21 第1節 研究架構 21 第2節 研究對象與施測流程22 第3節 研究假設 24 第4節 研究工具 27 第5節 資料處理與分析 32 第四章 研究結果 35 第1節 描述統計 35 第2節 假設模型之主要分析結果 39 第3節 各中介歷程的分析結果 47 第五章 結論與建議 51 第1節 研究結果討論 51 第2節 研究貢獻 63 第3節 研究限制與未來研究方向 63 第4節 給實務工作者的建議 66 參考文獻 68 附錄 76

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