研究生: |
黃彥融 Huang, Yan-Rong |
論文名稱: |
國民教育階段融合教育政策評估指標之建構及其應用 The Construction of the Evaluation Indicators for Inclusive Education and Its Application at the Compulsory Education Level |
指導教授: |
Lu, Tai-Hwa 王麗雲 Wang, Li-Yun |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 283 |
中文關鍵詞: | 融合教育 、政策評估 、融合教育政策目標 、融合教育政策工具 、融合教育政策評估指標 |
英文關鍵詞: | Inclusive education, Policy evaluation, Objectives of inclusive education policy, Instruments of inclusive education policy, Evaluation indicators for inclusive education |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204247 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:724 下載:107 |
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The purpose of this study was to construct the indicators of inclusive education for the compulsory education level and take New Taipei City as the case for policy evaluation. This research was conducted in three stages with evaluation research method and the data was collected through document analysis, expert interview, questionnaire survey and focus group interview. In the first stage, document analysis and interview were adopted to collect the data. Via document analysis of inclusive education relevant laws and related programs, together with the interview results with ten related stakeholders, the objectives and instruments of inclusive education policy was summarized. On to the second stage, this study used expert evaluation, which contained a preliminary examination by eight experts and scholars, importance evaluation based on measurement questions, and weight prioritization by a thirteen-expert panel, to build up evaluation indicators for inclusive education policy in Taiwan. In the third stage, this study applied the indicators to examine inclusive education policy in New Taipei City and assess the policy with quantitative and qualitative data. Regarding quantitative information, questionnaires were conducted on three-hundred-fifty-three school personnel and students' parents. Some evaluative data was obtained through official statistics. The result was analyzed through t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Meanwhile, qualitative information was collected by and examined through interviews with experts and focus group interviews. The conclusions of this study were as follow:
1. The objectives of inclusive education policy in Taiwan are: "realizing zero-reject and appropriate idea of placement", "providing adaptive education and equal educational opportunity", "promoting acceptance toward people with disabilities on campuses and in society" and " "letting students with disabilities have enough ability to integrate into society."
2. The instruments of inclusive education policy in Taiwan include: "enactments of regulations and budget support", "adjustments of relevant courses, teaching methods, and examination", "assistance from professionals and inter-professional collaboration", and "establishments of support services and accessible environment."
3. Based on the aforementioned objectives and instruments, this study delineates evaluation indicators. The indicators of inclusive education policy, screened by an expert panel, encompasses eight major aspects, sixteen criteria, and seventy-eight pivot questions, with "providing adaptive education and equal educational opportunity" as the primary objective and "adjustments of relevant courses, teaching methods, and examination" as the prime instrument.
4. The performance of implementing the objectives of inclusive education policy in New Taipei City, generally speaking, is above the average. As the research questionnaires indicate, "providing equal educational opportunity" indicators has the highest satisfaction. In regard to the implementation of the instruments, schools utilize a variety of means, as "inter-professional collaboration" indicators reaches the highest satisfaction.
5. The effectiveness of the objectives of inclusive education policy varies according to educational level and school scales, whereas the implementation of the instruments shows no such difference.
6. Among seven possible difficulties on executing inclusive education policy, there are five common problems both experts and personnel agree with: restrictions and differences occur due to different educational level and school scales, professional groups can not function effectively, the establishment of barrier free environment is restricted by feasibility considerations, teachers can not efficiently adjust teaching methods and courses, and mistaken educational beliefs obstruct the promotion of inclusive educational policy.
7. Among five factors influencing the effectiveness of inclusive education policy, four of them are conceded by both experts and personnel: a comprehensive system of support service, the attention, superintendence, and promotion of relevant education agency, proficient classroom management, and acceptance by the surrounding environment.
Finally, based the conclusions on the research to give advice to educational administration authorities, schools, and future studies for reference in order to promote the inclusive education.
Keywords: Inclusive education, Policy evaluation, Objectives of inclusive education policy, Instruments of inclusive education policy, Evaluation indicators for inclusive education
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