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研究生: 李忠涼
Lee Jong Liang
論文名稱: 台北地區實施職業訓練券之研究
The Implementing Vocational Training Voucher in Taipei Area
指導教授: 許全守
Hau, Chuan-Shou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 157
中文關鍵詞: 職業訓練職業訓練券委外訓練
英文關鍵詞: vocational training, vocational training voucher, commissioned training programs
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:159下載:4
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  • 中文摘要



    The paper delves into the conditions surrounding the “vocational training voucher” conducted in the Taipei area. The study focused on four purposes: 1) To delve into the factors affecting the inclination of institutions or organizations to hold training classes under vocational training voucher program. 2) To evaluate the proficiency of private institutions or organizations providing the training classes for the vocational training voucher. 3) To understand the factors affecting the implementation results of the vocational training voucher program. 4) To propose the suggestions for the improvement of vocational training voucher program. The following conclusion was formed after the compilation and analysis of the implementation data of the vocational training voucher program conducted in the past two years, as well as a survey of the institutions or organizations offering the training courses under the program through questionnaires:
    1. Results show that there are four principal factors affecting the inclination of institutions or organizations to open training classes under vocational the vocational training voucher program: (1) Grants or subsidies for training expenses fail to meet the actual payment requirements; (2) evaluative procedures of the training programs are complicated and meticulous; (3) qualification requirements of trainees are not reasonable ; (4) the goal of trainees’ employment rate is set too high; (5) budget approval procedures are not definite.
    2. In the matter of the proficiency of institutions or organizations conducting training under the vocational training voucher program, compared with preset goals, the study found that (1) the number of training classes opened under the program was obviously increased; (2) the employment rate of trainees was low; (3) the administrative operation capability of the institutions or organizations offering training classes under the program met the preset goals; (4) the implementation of planned career professions fell behind the preset goals.
    3. The comparison of the implementation conditions with the preset goals reveals that: (1) the high budget allocation relatively affects the implementation results; (2) the number of distributed vouchers shows an obvious growth; (3) the execution rate of the number of training class falls behind the preset goals; (4) the career profession execution rate is lower than the preset goals; (5) the employment rate of the trainees fails to meet the reset goals.

    The following proposals are presented according to the conclusion of this study:
    1. Proposals for competent authority governing the vocational training program:
    (1) To make re-evaluation and adjustment of the budget allocation.
    (2) To re-evaluate the grants and subsidies for training expenses in an effort to meet the actual needs.
    (3) To conduct regular evaluation on the planned career professions in order to satisfy the actual conditions of the careers and the institutions or organizations offering training classes.
    (4) To provide career guidance to trainees who are middle-age or senior citizens and individuals with physical or mental disabilities.
    (5) To loosen the limit of trainees’ qualification.

    2. Proposals for organizations commissioning independent training programs
    (1) To simplify and standardize the program planning and budget approval procedures.
    (2) To provide incentive measurements when the execution rate of the number of distributed vouchers and the number of training classes meets the reset goals.
    (3) To give recognition and encouragement once the administrative operation capacity of institution or organization offering the training courses meets the requirements.
    (4) To re-evaluate and define the preset employment rate of trainees.

    3. Proposals for the training institutions or organizations
    (1) To work with the human resources enterprises to improve the execution rate of career professions.
    (2) To provide chargeable training courses to the public to enhance the execution rate of the number of training classes.
    (3) To timely capture the latest information about employment opportunity in the area where the institution or organization locates to enhance the employment rate of trainees.

    Keywords: vocational training, vocational training voucher, independent training programs.

    目 次 謝誌 Ⅰ 中文摘要 Ⅱ 英文摘要 Ⅲ 目次 Ⅴ 表目次 Ⅷ 圖目次 Ⅸ 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究緣起與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 7 第三節 研究理論與架構 8 第四節 研究方法與步驟 12 第五節 研究範圍與限制 19 第六節 名詞釋義 21 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 我國公共職業訓練的實施方式 22 第二節 外國實施職業訓練券的經驗 28 第三節 我國職訓環境與實施職訓券券的條件 39 第四節 國內相關研究分析 45 第三章 我國職業訓練券政策的立論基礎與執行 第一節 職業訓練券的環境因素 53 第二節 職業訓練券的形成、規劃與決定 57 第三節 職業訓練券的法源 61 第四節 職業訓練券的執行 67 第四章 職業訓練券執行成果之分析 第一節 職業訓練券預期目標的評估 71 第二節 職業訓練券執行成果的評估 75 第三節 問卷調查之分析 81 第四節 綜合討論 88 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 95 第二節 建議 101 參考文獻 中文部份 103 西文部份 105 附 錄 附錄一 專家審閱之專家名單 108 附錄二 訓練單位對「職業訓練券」之實施意見 調查表 109 附錄三 職業訓練券實施計畫 112 附錄四 申辦作業填寫之表格(附表): 附表一 訓練計畫書分類總表 137 附表二 開班計畫表 138 附表三 訓練計畫概要 139 附表四 學術科課程鋼要及進度表 140 附表五 經費明細表及主要材料表 144 附表六 訓練師資名冊 146 附表七 學術科教學場地建物面積 147 附表八 訓練設備設施明細表 148 附表九 計畫主持人學經歷表 149 附表十 就業輔導計畫表 150 附表十一 品質管控計畫表 151 附表十二 開班預定表 152 附表十三 結訓學員基本資料卡及封面 153 附表十四 訓練計畫變更申請書 155 附錄五 職訓券申請表格(附表): 附表一 甲式職訓券申請表 156 附表二 乙式職訓券申請表 157 表 目 次 表4-1 職業訓練券預算經費執行成果 75 表4-2 職業訓練券發券數量執行成果 76 表4-3 職業訓練券開班數量執行成果 77 表4-4 職業訓練券申辦職類執行成果 78 表4-5 職業訓練券學員就業執行成果 79 表4-6 職業訓練券規劃辦理之職類 83 表4-7 影響預期目標之因素-實施計畫之規定 84 表4-8 影響預期目標之因素-申辦單位之能力 85 表4-9 回收問卷開放性意見彙整 87 圖 目 次 圖1-1 研究架構圖 10 圖1-2 研究流程圖 12


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