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研究生: 潘維剛
Pan, Wei Kang
論文名稱: 以政策途徑分析我國家庭暴力防治法立法作為
Analysis of the legislation of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act through policy approach
指導教授: 黃富源
Huang, Fu-Yuan
Zhang, Zhi-An
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 378
中文關鍵詞: 家庭暴力防治法公共政策模式法制化民間團體
英文關鍵詞: Domestic Violence Prevention Act, public policy, legalize,, Non-profit organization
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:110下載:60
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  • 一、研究緣起
    本研究係以「紮根理論研究法」(The Grounded Theory/Approach)為本研究方法的理論基礎,至於本研究在第二階段主要所採用的研究方法與進行步驟,包括:文獻分析法、深入訪談法、焦點團體座談法、參與觀察法等。

    I.Reason for research
    Public opinion plays an increasingly significant role in today’s democratic society. It is essential that we take public opinion (non-profit organizations) into consideration while working on an ethical and thorough public policy. The legislative process of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act in Taiwan was first initiated by non-profit organizations and later followed up by the government. This paper looks into this approach in the making of public policies.
    Therefore, this research aims to find out:
    1. How non-profit organizations initiate ideas concerning the prevention of domestic violence and formation of the policy.
    2. What contributions the academia has made towards the legislation of the Act through their policy knowledge.
    3. How different opinions within the Legislative Yuan reach an agreement through negotiation and pushed for legislation.
    4. Examine how the administrative branch reach consensus through departmental negotiations based on the propositions made by the legislative branch and the bargaining process between the two branches.
    5. Examine the legislative process of the Act from a public policy perspective and conclude a pattern for non-governmental organizations in initiating bills concerning people’s livelihoods.
    II.Research methods and process
    The formation of the legislative process of the Act is the focal point of this research. Public opinion should be taken into consideration while planning an ethical and comprehensive public policy in today’s democratic society, where public opinion plays an increasingly critical role. Thus, under the modern democratic structure, it is inevitable that the administrative branch would be monitored by the public through legislation.
    Therefore, this research first investigates the theoretical aspects of legalizing public policies from a public policy perspective. Then it goes on to examine how non-governmental organizations may take part in the Legislative Yuan from four research approaches including legislative policies, the legislative process, the parliamentary system, and a social and political research aspect.
    This paper adopts the Grounded Theory approach as its theoretical base. Other research methods used in the second stage include documentary analysis, in-depth interview, focus group, and participant observation.
    The researcher was a member of the Legislative Yuan as well as the chairwoman of the Modern Women's Foundation at the time when the Act was drawn up. The researcher places great emphasis on the safety of women and takes it up as her personal cause. She has not only observed but also participated right from the drafting of the Act through to the third reading passed by the Legislative Yuan.
    III.Important findings
    The central idea of this paper is to understand how future bills related to people’s livelihood proceed into the Legislative Yuan’s discussions and problems that may arise during this process. Therefore, starting from a public interests’ point of view, taking into account the future trend for bills concerning people’s livelihood, and adopting a forward-looking perspective, this paper examines how bills of the aforementioned nature enter the legislative process. It also discusses the problems regarding the situation non-governmental organizations face in promoting the legislation of bills and organizational issues. Then it moves on to propose several feasible policies recommendations.
    The several stages during the legalizing process are as follows:
    1. The incubation period: ‘policy problem analysis’ and ‘policy planning’
    2. The legislative period: ‘policy legalization’
    3. The promotion period: ‘policy implementation ‘
    4. The polishing period: ‘policy assessment’
    IV.Major suggestions
    We could discusses the following aspects from a public policy model perspective:
    1. The necessity of women’s participation in politics.
    2. The advantage in gathering public opinion and the Domestic Violence Prevention Act.
    3. The gradual formation of a rational Domestic Violence Prevention Act policy.
    4. A forerunner for the promotion of legal acts by non-governmental organizations.
    5. The feasibility and analysis of all aspects of the public policy model.
    Thus, the following suggestions are made regarding the future legalizing of bills related to people’s livelihood:
    1. To make good use of leaders of non-profit organizations and the roles they play in the legalization process.
    2. Hold public inquiry meetings to gather public opinion and win public support.
    3. The authorities should put more effort to set bills in action and lobby for support.
    4. The government should use the opening up of policy windows as an opportunity to influence existing social concepts and trends.
    5. The legislation process should make good use of the iron triangle theory and involve policy entrepreneurs to play important roles in the future.
    6. The way policy entrepreneurs mobilize support for legalization of bills could also be applicable in the legislation process
    7. Non-profit organizations could be a strategic tool for the bargaining process during legislation.

    目次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與架構 4 第三節 研究範圍與限制 23 第二章 相關文獻探討 25 第一節 國外政策作為之理論形成 25 第二節 國內政策作為之理論建構 57 第三章 家庭暴力防治法制定之歷史回顧 75 第一節 家庭暴力防治法基本精神與特色 75 第二節 公益團體之努力 81 第三節 行政機關作為 93 第四節 立法院運作過程 98 第四章 家庭暴力防治法之立法環境 107 第一節 立法之當代社會環境 110 第二節 家庭暴力防治法的支撐點 116 第三節 隱然成形的立法氣候 120 第四節 推手─法不入家門迷思的突破 131 第五章 立法政策形成 137 第一節 助力與阻力 137 第二節 折衝、協商與斡旋 142 第三節 「拼裝車」之疑竇 151 第四節 一個典範─立法例的大步邁進 156 第五節 新法出爐 163 第六章 政策執行與未來趨勢 165 第一節 需要與認知啟動立法─種籽發芽了 165 第二節 實務操作所面臨之問題 168 第三節 焦點團體座談分析 171 第四節 推動成功立法者的特質 177 第七章 結論與建議 181 第一節 研究發現 181 第二節 結論 207 第三節 研究建議 213 參考書目 227 附錄 235 附錄一、訪談逐字譯文 235 附錄二、焦點團體紀錄稿 327 附錄三、家庭暴力防治法 357 附錄四、家庭暴力防治法修法草案總說明 367

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