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研究生: 黃涵郁
Huang, Han-Yu
論文名稱: 高中生知覺父母教養行為與親子關係:跨文化比較
High school students’ perceptions of their parents’ parenting and parent-child relationships: A cross cultural perspective
指導教授: 周麗端
Chou, Li-Tuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 149
中文關鍵詞: 高中生教養行為親子關係跨文化族群
英文關鍵詞: high school student, parental behavior, parent-child relationship, a cross cultural, ethnicity
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:106下載:17
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  • 本研究從文化背景差異的條件下,探究美加籍高中生知覺父母的教養行為與其親子關係。研究以便利取樣的方式,抽取在臺灣外僑學校以及在美國本土學校的高中生進行問卷調查,共計發出324份問卷,回收264份問卷,將漏答過多以及不符合本研究對象條件等無效問卷剔除後,得有效問卷200份。研究工具包含三大部分:「父母的教養行為量表」、「與父母親親子關係量表」及「個人基本資料」三部分。研究結果以統計軟體PASW Statistic V22(SPSS 22)進行分析,使用的統計方法包括:描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、相依樣本t檢定、相關係數、同時迴歸分析,來進行統計考驗。分析結果如下:

    一、 美加籍華人與美加籍美加人學生知覺父母教養行為為何?

    二、 美加籍華人與美加籍美加人學生知覺與其父母親子關係為何?

    三、 學生知覺父母的教養行為,是否與族群、生活環境有關聯?

    四、 學生知覺與其父母的親子關係,是否與族群、生活環境有關聯?

    五、 學生之族群、生活環境、父母教養行為是否可解釋與父母的親子關係?

    The thesis is about American Canadian high school students’ perceptions of their parents’ parenting and parent-child relationships: A cross cultural perspective. The purpose of the current study is to examine parents’ parenting behavior and child-parent relationships of Chinese American, Chinese Canadian and American, Canadian students in Taiwan and America. A questionnaire survey method and convenience sampling are used in this study. Out of 324 copies of questionnaires distributed, 264 copies are collected and 200 of which are effective samples. The instruments of the study include “parental behavior scale”, “relationship scale” and “general information.” The result data is analyzed with SPSS 22. Statistic methods include descriptive statistics, t-test for independent and dependent samples, correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.

    The analysis results are as follows:

    1. How do Chinese American, Chinese Canadian and American,
    Canadian students perceive their parents’ parenting?
    (1) Chinese American, Chinese Canadian and American, Canadian
    students perceive that parents’ consistency parenting is high;
    both of harsh corporal punishment parenting and positive
    parenting are low.
    (2) Chinese American and Chinese Canadian moms’ monitoring,
    consistency and positive parenting are significant higher than
    (3) American and Canadian moms have significantly better
    monitoring and positive parenting than dads.

    2. How do Chinese American, Chinese Canadian and American,
    Canadian students perceive their parent-child relationships?
    (1) Chinese American, Chinese Canadian and American, Canadian
    students perceive that with dad’s emotional expression is high,
    cognitive interchange is low and parent-child relationships is
    needed to be improved.
    (2) Chinese American, Chinese Canadian and American, Canadian
    students perceive that with mom’s emotional expression is high,
    problem solving is low and parent-child relationships need to be
    (3) Chinese American and Chinese Canadian moms have significantly
    better cognitive interchange and parent-child relationships than
    (4) American and Canadian moms have significantly better cognitive
    interchange, emotional expression and parent-child relationships
    than dads.

    3. Do students’ perception of their parents’ parenting relates to
    ethnicity and living environment?
    (1) Chinese American and Chinese Canadian moms have significantly
    higher harsh corporal punishment parenting than American and
    (2) In Taiwan, both of Chinese American and Chinese Canadian
    moms and dads have significantly higher monitoring, harsh
    corporal punishment parenting than American and Canadian.
    (3) In Taiwan, American and Canadian moms have significantly higher
    inductive parenting than Chinese American and Chinese
    (4) In the U.S., American and Canadian moms have significantly
    higher monitoring parenting than Chinese American and Chinese
    (5) American and Canadian moms in the U.S. have significantly
    higher positive parenting than American and Canadian moms in
    (6) American and Canadian parents in the U.S. have significantly
    higher monitoring, harsh corporal punishment parenting than
    American and Canadian parents in Taiwan.

    4. Do students’ perception of parent-child relationships relate to
    ethnicity and living environment?
    (1) In Taiwan, American and Canadian moms have significantly better
    cognitive interchange, emotional expression and parent-child
    relationships than Chinese American and Chinese Canadian.

    5. Do students’ ethnicity, living environment and parenting provide
    significantly predictions for parent-child relationships?
    (1) Dads have higher monitoring and inductive parenting; students
    perceive better cognitive interchange, emotional expression and
    parent-child relationships with dad.
    (2) Dads have higher harsh corporal punishment parenting; students
    perceive worse problem solving with dad.
    (3) Moms have higher inductive parenting; students perceive better
    emotional expression, problem solving and parent-child
    relationships with mom.

    目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 7 第三節 研究問題 7 第四節 名詞釋義 8 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 父母教養行為 11 第二節 親子關係 19 第三節 影響父母教養行為的因素 25 第四節 影響親子關係的因素 31 第三章 研究方法 40 第一節 研究架構 40 第二節 研究假設 42 第三節 研究對象 44 第四節 研究工具 46 第五節 實施程序 55 第六節 資料處理 57 第四章 結果與討論 58 第一節 樣本描述 58 第二節 父母教養行為分析 66 第三節 親子關係分析 77 第四節 影響親子關係之分析 87 第五章 結論與建議 97 第一節 結論 97 第二節 建議 105 第三節 研究限制 109 參考文獻 110 附錄一 教養行為量表使用同意信 117 附錄二 家人關係量表使用同意信 118 附錄三 專家效度問卷 119 附錄四 專家學者名單 135 附錄五 正式問卷 136 附錄六 教養行為的項目分析 146 附錄七 親子關係的項目分析 148







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