簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 詹雅婷
Chan, Ya-Ting
論文名稱: 遇見完形的內心:近攝攝影結合ASMR音頻之實驗影像創作論述
Insight Inside Gestalt: A Discourse on the Creation of Experimental Film and Images with Close-up Photography and ASMR Sound
指導教授: 張晏榕
Chang, Yen-Jung
口試委員: 王希俊
Wang, Hsi-Chun
Shih, C. Jay
Chang, Yen-Jung
口試日期: 2023/07/05
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系碩士在職專班
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications_Continuing Education Master's Program of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 視知覺實驗影像美感愉悅近攝攝影自發性知覺經絡反應
英文關鍵詞: visual-perception, experimental films and images,, pleasure of aesthetics, close-up photography, ASMR
研究方法: 近攝攝影ASMR音頻錄製實驗影像創作
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300838
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:52下載:8
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  • 療癒感是現代人在高度社會壓力下所追求的目標。本實驗影像創作論述根據完形心理學家安海姆提出的視知覺動力說,創作花心近攝影的視覺影像,結合ASMR音頻聽覺音效製作實驗影像表現自我內心並自我療癒。藝術能療癒人心,藉由參與藝術活動也能體驗美感愉悅。本創作以能帶來正向感受的花為視覺主角,採近攝攝影拍攝象徵創作者內心的花心視覺影像,呈現微物的宏觀精彩;聲音的頻率也能表達個人情感意識,以ASMR摩擦音頻做為影像音效,製作微物與微聲相遇的實驗影像,傳遞視聽覺美感愉悅。

    Healing is the goal that people under high pressure pursue in modern society. This discourse of the creation of experimental film and images is based on the visual-perception theory proposed by Gestalt psychologist Rudolf Arnheim. The creator makes close-up photography visual images of the heart of flowers with ASMR sound, and produce an experimental film that express the inner self and be self-healing. Art can heal. Participating in art activities can also experience the pleasure of aesthetics. This creation takes close-up flowers photography images as the symbols of the creator's inner heart, presenting the magnificence of micro-objects. The frequency of sound also expresses souls and consciousness. Therefore, the creator makes experimental films and images of micro-objects and micro ASMR friction sound, conveying visual and auditory pleasure of aesthetics.
    Insight Inside Gestalt: The Creation of Experimental Film and Images of Close-up Photography and ASMR Sound is presented in the form of exhibitions in the Library of NTNU. The experimental images on display are 9 flower heart close-up photographs with ASMR sound and a 99-second experimental film with flower close-up photography and ASMR sound. The creation of experimental film and images is able to make people feel positive with calmness, healing and beauty. The creator can obtain self-value and fulfillment as well. The outcome and feedbacks of the creation show that close-up photography and ASMR sound are worthy of further research in future experimental film and image creation.

    謝辭 i 中文摘要 ii Abstract iii 目次 iv 表次 vi 圖次 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 創作背景與動機 1 第二節 創作目的 3 第三節 創作範圍 4 第四節 創作流程 6 第五節 名詞解釋 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 美感愉悅 8 第二節 完形心理學與安海姆視知覺 10 第三節 實驗影像、近攝攝影與當代作品分析 16 第四節 ASMR音頻與影音分析 26 第五節 文獻探討小結 30 第三章 創作理念及方法 31 第一節 創作理念 31 第二節 創作工具與設備 37 第三節 創作架構 42 第四節 創作方法與表現 43 第五節 展場規劃與回饋問卷設計 56 第四章 創作成果 60 第一節 近攝攝影拍攝實驗 60 第二節 ASMR音頻錄製實驗 66 第三節 創作歷程與作品 72 第四節 實驗影像展覽 89 第五章 結論與建議 95 第一節 結論與展覽回饋 95 第二節 創作限制與建議 98 參考文獻 100 附錄 106 附錄一 展覽宣傳文件 106 附錄二 展覽作品說明牌 109 附錄三 觀展回饋問卷 113 附錄四 問卷回饋內容 115 附錄五 展場留言 120

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