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研究生: 居佳勳
Chu, Chia-Hsun
論文名稱: 戰後臺灣高職公民課程中的公民主體圖像
The Images of Citizen Subjects in the Vocational School’s Civic Curricula in the Post-war Taiwan
指導教授: 林佳範
Lin, Chia-Fan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 238
中文關鍵詞: 高職公民課程公民身分公民培力公民主體圖像文本分析
英文關鍵詞: Vocational school’s civic curriculum, Citizenship, Civic empowerment, The image of the citizen subject, Textual analysis
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/DIS.NTNU.DCEL.026.2018.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:323下載:37
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  • 本論文旨在探究戰後臺灣高職公民課程中的公民主體圖像。晚近國外公民教育研究指出分流教育不僅是生涯選擇,更是公民培力差距與不平等公民主體配置的開始。由此本論文從公民身分和公民培力理論出發:分析戰後高職教育目的下高職公民課程設置的目的與功能、戰後高職公民課程中的公民身分內涵與公民教育特性及其所形構的公民主體圖像、檢視戰後高職公民課程是否進行公民培力、最後從政治、社會經濟脈絡下學校道德秩序的轉變,分析高職公民主體圖像的轉變與公民培力差距的出現條件。

    This thesis aims to explore the images of citizen subjects in the vocational school’s civic curricula in the post-war Taiwan. A civic educational research has recently pointed out that the diversion of education is not only a choice of personal career, but also a beginning of civic empowerment gap and of an unequal assignment of citizen subjects. This paper starts from the theory of citizenship and civic empowerment: analyzing the purposes and functions of vocational school’s civic curricula in terms of the educational purpose of vocational education in the post-war, portraying the images of citizen subjects shaped both by the citizenship discourses and the features of vocational school’s civic curricula in the post-war Taiwan, examining whether the vocational school’s civic curricula in the post-war provided civic empowerment for students, discussing the changes of the images of citizen subjects in vocational school’s civic curricula and the emerging conditions of the civic empowerment gaps with the changes of school moral orders in the political and socio-economic context.
    The thesis adopts Foucault's discourse theory as research approach. This study uses textual analysis as the research method to analyze the texts of vocational school’s civic curricula in the post-war, policy texts of vocational education, historical documents, and the interview verbatim of curriculum makers of vocational school’s civic curricula. Based on the transformation of political, economic context and vocational curriculum structure, this thesis divides three major time periods to understand the vocational school’s civic curricula and the images of citizen subjects. This study also argues that the transformation of politics, economic and school moral orders has not only changed the purposes and the features of vocational school’s civic curricula but also the images of the citizen subjects.
    Through analyzing the vocational school’s civic curricula in the post-war Taiwan, this study found that: firstly, the images of the citizen's subjects in the vocational school’s civic curricula were embedded in the political and economic context-cultivating the responsible citizens for anti-communist and national development in the context of authoritarian rule and labor-intensive economic setting in 1945-1986, developing participatory citizens concerning about social issues under the political transformation and technologically intensive economic setting in 1987-2005, developing knowledgeable citizens for complying with democracy and norms in the context of the political democratization and the knowledge economic setting in 2006-2018. Secondly, the obligated discourses of citizenship still were advantage discourse in the vocational school’s civic curricula in the post-war Taiwan. Thirdly, the vocational school’s civic curricula did not provided civic empowerment with student until lifting of Martial Law Howere, .the vocational education system had been in an incompatible relationship with the mainstream discourse of civic empowerment, which highlights the knowledge of social science, thus, the vocational education system is necessary to simplify the civic curricula for students of vocational school so that it is strengthening the civic empowerment gap. Fourthly, the expectations of future social participants for economic industry had always played an important role in developing the images of the citizen subjects in the vocational school’s civic curricula in the post-war.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iv 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 13 第三節 研究重要性 15 第四節 名詞解釋 17 第二章 文獻探討 20 第一節 公民身分哲學典範的轉變與內涵 20 第二節 公民教育與青少年公民培力 31 第三節 高職教育與公民教育課程 48 第三章 研究方法 64 第一節 研究取向與理論基礎 64 第二節 研究對象 73 第三節 分析策略 81 第四節 研究限制 86 第四章 戰後臺灣高職課程改革與公民課程 87 第一節 1945-1986年威權統治與勞動密集產業:單位行業與民族精神教育 88 第二節 1987-2005年威權轉型與技術密集產業:群集課程與人文科技素養 105 第三節 2006-2018年政治民主化與知識經濟:群科課程與簡化的社會科學知識 119 第五章 高職公民課程中的公民身分、公民教育特性與公民主體圖像 131 第一節 1952-1986年:個人修養與三民主義化的公民課程 132 第二節 1987-2005年:培育職業道德與社會意識的公民課程 153 第三節 2006-2018年:社會科學知識化的公民課程 175 第四節 戰後高職公民課程中的公民主體圖像 198 第六章 研究結論與反思建議 208 第一節 研究結論 208 第二節 研究反思 217 第三節 研究建議 221 參考文獻 226 壹、中文文獻 226 貳、外文文獻 232

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