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研究生: 張彧彧
Chang, Yu-Yu
論文名稱: 「剛柔並濟」-以音樂劇《刁蠻公主》女主角莉莉凡南希為例談喜劇角色塑造與表演詮釋
「Softness and hardness」-The image and interpretation of a musical comedy role 〝Kiss Me Kate〞A case study of actress, Lili Vanessi
指導教授: 梁志民
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 207
中文關鍵詞: 馴悍記喜劇音樂劇刁蠻公主
英文關鍵詞: Taming of the Shrew, comedy, musical, Kiss me Kate
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205189
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:99下載:0
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  • 《刁蠻公主》(Kiss Me Kate)由劇作家貝拉˙史派瓦特(Sam and Bella Spewack)根據莎士比亞《馴悍記》(The Taming of the Shrew)改編而成,凱薩琳在劇本中戲劇性的發展讓眾多作家改編成為電視劇與電影,柯爾波特(Cole Porter)所譜曲的音樂劇《刁蠻公主》莉莉凡南希的角色讓筆者深感興趣並藉由探討原著《馴悍記》背景轉而分析《刁蠻公主》中女主角的性格,劇中劇裡悍婦凱薩琳的舉動滑稽也讓喜劇角色成立,而同一個角色分飾莉莉與凱薩琳讓溫和與剛烈的個性形成對比,從角色塑造與分析的過程讓筆者在喜劇演出中更能發揮,了解如何運用肢體、台詞、歌曲演唱使角色詮釋完全。
    第五章筆者以七首Wunderbar〞〈多美好啊!〉、〝So in love〞〈我是如此深愛著你〉、〝We open in Venice〞〈我們在威尼斯首演〉、〝I hate men〞〈我恨男人〉、〝From this moment on〞〈從此刻起〉、〝I am ashamed that women are so simple〞〈我很慚愧當女人是如此簡單〉、〝Kiss me kate Ⅱ〞〈吻我吧!凱特 Ⅱ〉呈現音樂劇中女主角演唱歌曲與歌詞詮釋,第六章將前五章研究歸納並整理為總結。

    “Kiss me, Kate” was adapted from the “Taming of the Shrew” by Sam and Bella Spewack. Katharine performed so dramatically in the script that many writers revised it into the form of TV programs or movies. The researcher was deeply interested in the character Lili Vanessi in the musical “Kiss me, Kate” by Cole Porter and focused on the analysis of the leading actress’ personality based on the Taming of the Shrew. The Play whthin the play the Shrew Katharine ridiculous behavior made herself a role in the comedy. Moreover, the actress played two roles, Lili and Katharine, made a contrast to ladylike and fierce personalities. The researcher interpreted the character in the comedy very well. Through the further analysis of the character, the researcher, also a performer, understood how to express through the body language, lyrics, and songs.
    This essay is divided into six chapters. The first chapter illustrates research motivation and the approaches adopted. The second chapter discusses the background of the author Cole porter and the plot, and compares different versions of “Kiss me, Kate”. The third chapter analyses the outline of the script “Kiss me, Kate” and its structure. The fourth chapter discusses the inner and the outer personality of leading actress and analyses the extended characters images. Furthermore, the relationships among characters and the interesting transformation of leading actress’ in the Play within the play are stated.
    The fifth chapter the researcher so as to the seven songs of the play “Wunderbar” , “So in love”, “We open in Venice”, “I hate men”, “From this moment on”, “I am ashamed that women are so simple”, “Kiss me kate Ⅱ” are analyzed leading actress in musical by songs and lyrics. The preceding five chapters are summarized and induced in Chapter Six.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法 3 第二章 從《馴悍記》到《刁蠻公主》 5 第一節 莎士比亞《馴悍記》原著探究 5 第二節 《刁蠻公主》背景探究 7 第三節 從《馴悍記》凱薩琳到《刁蠻公主》莉莉凡南希 9 第四節 版本比較 13 第三章 《刁蠻公主》劇本結構分析 16 第一節 劇本分場大綱與角色介紹 16 第二節 劇本分析 23 第四章 《刁蠻公主》女主角莉莉喜劇角色分析塑造 32 第一節 角色分析 32 第二節 角色形象塑造 43 第三節 與劇中人物關係 51 第四節 戲中戲的趣味性 57 第五章 《刁蠻公主》莉莉之歌曲詮釋分析 60 第一節 〝Wunderbar〞〈多美好啊!〉 60 第二節 〝So In Love〞〈我是如此深愛著你〉 67 第三節 〝We Open in Venice〞〈我們在威尼斯首演〉 73 第四節 〝I Hate Men〞〈我恨男人〉 79 第五節 〝From This Moment On〞〈從此刻起〉 86 第六節 〝I Am Ashamed That Women Are So Simple〞〈我很慚愧當女人是如此簡單〉 96 第七節 〝Kiss Me, Kate Ⅱ〞〈吻我吧!凱特 Ⅱ〉 102 第六章  結語 108 參考資料 111 附錄一 《刁蠻公主》翻譯劇本 114 附錄二 《刁蠻公主》重要七首曲 207

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    Robert Brustein/著,劉森堯、鄧伯宸/譯。《寫給青年演員們》。臺北:立緒文化,2009。

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    VHS:Kiss Me Kate.United States,MGM,1953. 台北市:唯翔文化,2007。(重製卡式錄影帶)

    【圖 3-1-1】http://www.tcm.com/tcmdb/title/1246/Kiss-Me-Kate/tcm-archives.html#tcmarcp-144891-144884
    【圖 3-1-2】https://www.pinterest.com/pin/339881103099592844/
    【圖 3-1-3】https://www.pinterest.com/pin/339881103099498678/
    【圖 3-2-1】http://fanpix.famousfix.com/picture-gallery/rachel-york-picture-16601127.htm
    【圖 3-2-2】http://playbill.com/news/article/stage-to-screens-kiss-me-kate-producer-jac-venza-star-brent-barrett-111076
    【圖 3-3-1】http://users.livejournal.com/katys_/364896.html
    【圖 3-3-2】http://carlibux.blogspot.tw/2008/07/shakespeare-told-taming-of-shrew-2005.html
    【圖 3-3-3】http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/shakespeare/tamingoftheshrew/writer1.shtml
    【圖 4-2-1】http://www.taici.net/photo/201410/05/305013.html
    【圖 4-2-2】http://yule.sohu.com/20060710/n244188426.shtml
    【圖 4-2-3】http://img1.ph.126.net/zcC9dDSXpkslNCG2_aLZPA==/1927540640615001625.jpg
    【圖 4-2-4】http://style.udn.com/mag/Style/article_story.jsp?ART_ID=125680
    【圖 4-2-5】http://www.imagozone.com/var/albums/filme/The%20Taming%20of%20the%20Shrew/The%20Taming%20of%20the%20Shrew41.jpg
    【圖 4-2-6】http://listings.thatsmags.com/guangzhou/event/7308
    【圖 4-2-7】https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/10104/lot/62/
    【圖 4-2-8】http://www.theartsdesk.com/theatre/taming-shrew-shakespeares-globe
    【圖 4-2-9】http://ent.iqilu.com/tv/2012/0429/1206756.shtml
    【圖 4-2-10】http://www.3987.com/desk/wall/30911_3.html
    【圖 4-2-11】http://www.imagozone.com/var/albums/filme/The%20Taming%20of%20the%20Shrew/The%20Taming%20of%20the%20Shrew46.jpg?m=1303161869

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