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研究生: 賴韋達
論文名稱: 理財教育融入國中課程教學成效之研究
指導教授: 黃美筠
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 187
中文關鍵詞: 理財素養理財教育融入式課程國中理財教育
英文關鍵詞: financial literacy, financial education, integrated curriculum, financial education in junior high school
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:139下載:36
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  • 本研究旨在探究理財教育融入國中課程教學成效,研究者首先探討理財教育的意義及重要性,再對國內外中學理財教育課程內涵做探究與分析,同時挑選出符合我國國中學生的理財主題來融入本次理財教育課程,而本研究以「國民中學學生理財觀調查問卷」做為學生前後測評量之研究工具,研究對象為研究者任教之國中八、九年級各兩班學生,前後測問卷各發出138份來做理財教學前後測差異分析,最後,再藉由訪談參與實驗教學的十六位學生及十四位協同研究教師,來瞭解本次教學成效及對課程的相關建議,而根據研究發現,歸納本研究結論如下:

    The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of integrated curriculum on the financial education in the junior high schools. First, the study explored the meaning and importance of financial education, and then it reviewed and analyzed the content of high school financial education curriculum in Taiwan and other countries. Subsequently, the researcher selected some financial subjects which suitable for Taiwan junior high school students to integrate into the experimental financial courses.
    The experimental curricula were carried out on eighth and ninth grade students in researcher’s school. There were 138 students responding to “Junior High School Students’ Perceptions of Managing Finances Questionnaire” before and after the experimental courses. Then, the study analyzed the differences between before and after these courses. Finally, 16 students and 14 teachers who participated in the experimental curriculums were interviewed. The data collected from questionnaires and interviews were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively to evaluate the effectiveness of instructions and to understand relevant recommendations. Based on the findings, conclusions drawn from this study are as follows:
    1.The study showed the effectiveness of the experimental financial course in junior high school from qualitatively analysis.
    (1) On the whole, the post-test scores are higher than the pre-test in every financial education theme. That shows financial education programs effectively promoted students’ concept of financial management.
    (2) With regard to students’ cognition, students learned and realized the importance of financial management. These courses were suitable for eighth and ninth grade students to learn, and the courses did not cause their learning difficulties.
    (3) As for students’ attitude towards learning, after taking the financial education programs, students expressed strong willingness to learn relevant financial courses.

    2.The reaction of the students to the experimental curriculums.
    (1) Students indeed learned many different investment and financial management tools, and they knew how to be smart consumers. They could use their pocket money properly and value their items.
    (2) The students showed more interest in reading financial articles and watching relevant news. There were significant and positive changes of their attitude toward financial management.
    (3) Students learned to cherish their possessions more, and knew the relevant responsibility that every individual has to take. They also applied the knowledge and skill which learned from the courses into their daily life.
    3.The views of the teachers who participated in this experimented curriculum.
    (1) Through carefully designed teaching plans of financial education, teachers could integrate these plans into various learning areas. They thought that was a very practical option and that also helped to enrich teachers’ concept of financial management.
    (2) Teachers thought the financial courses are close to our lives and different from normal courses, so that the students had interests and were more cooperative in classes. Those lessons could clearly establish the correct financial management concepts, financial responsibility and ethical concern.
    (3) If students had right concept of financial management, it was easy to develop appropriate financial behavior. When there is a deviation or misunderstanding, it is also easy to guide correct behavior. Especially, with the case of others or participation in activities, students would easier review and reflect on their financial management behavior.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 目次 iv 表次 vi 圖次 vii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 名詞釋義 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 4 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 理財教育的意義與在學校實施的重要性 5 第二節 各國理財教育課程內涵之探究 9 第三節 我國國中理財教育的發展 18 第四節 理財教育的實施方式 24 第五節 本研究所參考之理財課程架構 及可融入之學科與主題 29 第六節 理財教育融入學校課程之教學策略 34 第七節 國內理財教育之相關研究 40 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究架構 49 第二節 研究對象 50 第三節 研究工具 50 第四節 實施程序 63 第五節 資料處理 63 第四章 國中理財教育的實施與成效 第一節 理財教育課程設計 65 第二節 參與教師背景資料分析 71 第三節 參與學生背景資料分析 75 第四節 理財教學課程的實施成效 79 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 104 第二節 建議 109 參考文獻 116 附錄 附錄一 理財教育教學單元設計 122 附錄二 國民中學學生理財觀調查之專家效度調查問卷 169 附錄三 國民中學學生理財觀現況調查之前測問卷 177 附錄四 國民中學學生理財觀調查之後測問卷 181 附錄五 理財教育融入國中課程教學之二年級學生學習回饋調查表 184 附錄六 理財教育融入國中課程教學之三年級學生學習回饋調查表 186 表次 表2-2-1 英國「理財技能和能力」第一、二階段的教育主題與學習指標 8 表2-2-2 英國「理財技能和能力」第三、四階段的教育主題與學習指標 11 表2-2-3 「理財責任和決策」領域之各年級知識內涵與能力指標 12 表2-2-4 澳洲「理財能力」面向不同年級之學習內容 15 表2-2-5 日本「貨幣的價值及功能、金融的架構」主題各階段之能力指標 16 表2-3-1 國中公民與道德第三冊與理財教育主題對應之學生基本認知指標 19 表2-3-2 九年一貫課程能力指標可融入理財教育的學習領域 21 表2-5-1 我國「國中理財教育課程綱要」 29 表2-5-2 適合理財教育融入之國中科目及教學單元分析表 32 表2-6-1 決策表格 35 表2-7-1 近年國內對於中小學理財教育之相關研究 40 表3-2-1 學生樣本人數統計表 50 表3-3-1 理財教學單元內涵表 52 表3-3-2 「國民中學學生理財觀之現況調查問卷」之內涵分析表 52 表3-3-3 國中學生理財觀調查問卷之專家效度名單表 54 表3-3-4 「國民中學學生理財觀之現況調查問卷」調查問卷之專家意見彙整表 54 表3-3-5 預試問卷項目分析一覽表 58 表3-3-6 「國中學生理財觀之現況調查問卷」預試問卷之因素分析轉軸表 60 表3-3-7 學生對「國中學生理財觀之現況調查問卷」預試問卷之信度摘要表 61 表3-3-8 「國民中學學生理財觀之現況調查問卷」之內涵分析表 61 表4-1-1 理財教學單元融入既有教學單元示例 65 表4-1-2 理財教學單元融入既有教學單元之學習單 69 表4-1-3 理財教學單元融入既有教學單元之學習單 70 表4-3-1 樣本學生背景資料分析表(N=138) 75 表4-4-1 樣本學生「理財觀」之前後測結果分析表 79 表4-4-2 樣本學生各項理財教育主題之前後測結果分析表 82 表4-4-3 樣本學生對學習理財教育的態度在實施課程前後之看法分析表(N=138) 83 表4-4-4 理財教育課程實施前後對「閱讀有關理財議題的文章或看相關的新聞」之態度交叉表(N=138) 84 表4-4-5 理財教育課程實施前後對「學習理財對國中生是否有幫助」之態度交叉表(N=138) 85 表4-4-6 理財教育課程實施前後 對「是否希望學校教師再多教一些理財課程」之態度交叉表(N=138) 86 表4-4-7 樣本學生對本次理財課程之看法分析表(N=138) 86 圖次 圖3-1-1 研究架構圖 49 圖3-3-1理財教育課程內容架構圖 51

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