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研究生: 林明佳
Ming-chia Lin
論文名稱: 動機與策略對英文論文摘要之解釋性
The role of identity-based motivation and self-regulatory strategies in explaining research-article abstract writing ability with L2 literacy as a covariate
指導教授: 程玉秀
Cheng, Yuh-Show
Lin, Sieh-Hwa
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 274
中文關鍵詞: 英語讀寫能力認同為本的寫作動機自我調控的寫作策略英文論文摘要寫作能力動機化摘要寫作模型結構方程模式
英文關鍵詞: L2 literacy, identity-based writing motivation, self-regulatory writing strategies, research-article abstract writing ability, the motivated abstract-writing model (the MAW model), the structural equation modeling
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:457下載:28
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  • 本研究旨在探討認同為本的寫作動機、自我調控寫作策略、及英語讀寫能力對論文摘要寫作能力之解釋性。為達成此研究目標,本研究轉換四個構念成為四項工具,以便建構並考驗一個動機化摘要寫作模型。其中英語讀寫能力測驗採用全民英檢高級,其餘三種工具則另行發展。
    理論上,動機對摘要寫作能力的直接效果支持以下四個理論的整合:教育心理學學門之中認同為本的動機理論(Oyserman & Destin, 2010)與期望價值理論(Eccles, 2009),外語學習學門之中社會教育理論(Gardner, 2007)與文類理論(Swales, 1990)。本研究之認同為本的寫作動機,能有效捕捉上述四個理論之中,共同含有的認同動機構念。若未來的研究者操作此認同寫作動機構念,則近似於同時操作這些理論的共同構念,因而可望有效地精簡其研究設計。又此四個理論的整合,讓未來的研究者能以統整的方式來解讀先前研究對這四個理論的發現,而讓這種認同動機在外語學習上有較為普遍的應用。教學上,本研究的發現指出,欲培養學生英文論文摘要的寫作能力,可先提升其一般的英語讀寫能力;又擁有較高動機的學生,通常寫作能力也比較好。因此,英文論文的寫作教師,除了教導寫作技巧之外,亦可教導學生如何體悟、激勵、與維持自身之認同為本的寫作動機,才能有效提升其英文論文摘要的寫作能力。然而,使用較多寫作策略的學生,卻未必有較好的寫作能力;因此,使用策略的效益,有待進一步的研究。

    The aim of the study was to investigate the role of identity-based writing motivation and use of self-regulatory writing strategies in explaining research-article (RA) abstract writing ability with L2 literacy as a covariate. To achieve this aim, the study constructed and tested a motivated abstract-writing model (MAW model) by translating the above four constructs into four measures. L2 literacy test was adopted from the General English Proficiency Test-advanced. The remaining three measures were developed here, including identity-based writing motivation inventory (IWMI), self-regulatory writing strategy inventory (SWSI), and research abstract performance assessment (RAPA) with an RA-abstract writing task and two rating scales.
    In the pilot study, IWMI and SWSI were administered to a total of 255 L2 doctoral students majoring in education (n=140) and business (n=115) across five universities in Taiwan. IWMI and SWSI were supported for psychometric properties. RAPA was developed by expert-review on the two rating scales and by pilot-test of the RA-abstract writing on 5 graduate students in applied linguistics to ensure its feasibility. In the formal study, data were collected from a 130-minute procedure in which the four measures were administered in sequence: L2 literacy test (55 minutes), RA-abstract writing task (60 minutes), and IWMI and SWSI (15 minutes). The participants were voluntary L2 graduate students (master’s and doctoral students) majoring in applied linguistics across 15 universities in Taiwan (n=185); they were recruited over two months. Data were analyzed by the two-step approach of SEM.
    In measurement model, results supported the goodness-of-fit between the collected data and the MAW model, suggesting the four measures were generally valid in manifesting the four constructs. In structural model, results also supported the goodness-of-fit between the collected data and the MAW model. L2 literacy being a strong covariate was supported (β=.53). With L2 literacy and strategy controlled, direct effect of identity-based writing motivation on RA-abstract writing ability was supported (β=.19). With L2 literacy and motivation controlled, direct effect of self-regulatory writing strategy on writing ability was not supported. Indirect effect of motivation on writing ability via strategy was not supported. Additionally, direct effect of motivation on strategy was supported (β= .46).
    Theoretically, the direct effect of identity-based writing motivation supports a synthesis of the identity-based motivation theory (Oyserman & Destin, 2010) and the expectancy-value theory (Eccles, 2009) in educational psychology, as well as the socio-educational theory (Gardner, 2007) and the genre theory (Swales, 1990) in L2 learning. Specifically, the identity-based writing motivation can capture the common construct of collective identity among the aforementioned theories. Adopting this writing motivation, researchers may reduce the complexity of their research design. Moreover, it allows future studies to synthesize findings on these theories, enabling a wider generalization of the identity-based writing motivation in L2 learning.
    Pedagogically, the findings indicate that when aiming to cultivate L2 graduate students’ English RA-abstract writing ability, instructors first need to enhance students’ L2 literacy. Second, students with higher motivation were found to write better. Instructors should not only address skill for RA writing, but teach students how to recognize, stimulate, and sustain their identity-based writing motivation so as to effectively enhance their RA-abstract writing ability. However, students who use more writing strategies do not necessarily lead to a better writing ability. The effectiveness of strategy use requires future studies.

    List of Tables………………………………………………… viii List of Figures....................................... ix CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION.............................. 1 Introduction.......................................... 1 Background............................................ 5 Rationale............................................. 6 Definitions of Terms.................................. 11 L2 Literacy....................................... 11 Identity-Based Writing Motivation................. 12 Connectedness Value............................... 13 Self-regulatory Writing Strategies................ 13 Genre Theory of Rhetorical Moves.................. 14 Ability to Write Research Article Abstracts....... 15 Purposes of the Study................................. 15 Significance of the Study............................. 18 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW......................... 20 Genre theory of Research Articles (RAs)............... 20 General Background of Genre Analysis of RAs....... 20 Genre Analysis of Research Article Abstracts...... 24 L2 Motivation, Self-regulatory Strategies, Language Proficiency, and RA-abstract Writing Ability.......... 29 General Background of L2 Learning Motivation...... 29 Relating Identity-based Writing Motivation to Their RA-abstract Writing Ability........................... 31 Relating Self-regulatory Writing Strategies to Identity-based Writing Motivation and RA-abstract Writing Ability............................................... 47 Relating L2 literacy to Identity-based Writing Motivation, Self-regulatory Writing Strategies, and RA-abstract Writing Ability........................... 65 CHAPTER THREE METHOD.................................. 73 The Proposed Model.................................... 73 Research Procedure.................................... 74 Participants.......................................... 80 The Pilot Study................................... 80 The Formal Study.................................. 83 Measures.............................................. 91 Identity-based Writing Motivation Inventory (IWMI) 92 Self-regulatory Writing Strategy Inventory (SWSI) 107 The L2 literacy Test.............................. 124 Research Abstract Performance Assessment (RAPA).. 129 The Structural Equation Modeling Approach............ 145 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS................................. 148 Descriptive Statistics............................... 148 The Measurement Model................................ 152 Goodness of Fit Indices.......................... 152 Correlations Between the Latent Variables........ 157 Construct Validity Testing........................... 159 Convergent Validity.............................. 160 Discriminant Validity............................ 163 The Structural Model................................. 165 Goodness of Fit Indices.......................... 166 Factor Loadings of the Structural Model.......... 166 Regression Coefficients of the Structural Model: HypothesesTesting.................................... 169 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION............... 172 Overview of the Study................................ 172 Discussion........................................... 174 The Measures Developed in the Study.............. 174 Findings on the Testing of Three Hypotheses...... 181 Implications..................................... 208 Limitations and Suggestions...................... 215 Conclusion........................................... 218 References........................................... 219 Appendices........................................... 236

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