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研究生: 陳淑婷
Chen, Shu-Ting
論文名稱: 凝聽生命的高歌與低吟:音樂資優生生涯之敘說研究
Highs and Lows in the Life: The Narrative of Musically Gifted Students’Career
指導教授: 吳舜文
Wu, Shun-Wen
口試委員: 吳舜文
Wu, Shun-Wen
Chen, Hsiao-Fen
Chang, Shih-Hui
Lu, Chin-Hsieh
Chen, Hsiao-Shien
口試日期: 2024/06/03
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 344
中文關鍵詞: 音樂資優生敘說生涯發展生涯阻隔因應策略反思
英文關鍵詞: Muscially gifted students, Narrative, Career development, Career barriers, Coping strategy, Reflection
研究方法: 敘事分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401038
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:36下載:1
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  • 本研究旨在透過敘說分析,探究音樂資優生的生涯發展、生涯阻隔與因應,及其在敘說中對自身生涯的相關反思。本研究參與者為兩位具有音樂資優教育學習背景,且現職為音樂相關工作者。研究者透過敘說訪談,對兩位音樂資優生進行相關的資料蒐集,並依據Lieblich等人(1998/2008)所提出的「整體–內容」與「類別–內容」敘說分析模式,重述兩位音樂資優生的生命故事,並進行文本分析,撰寫研究結果。本研究之發現與結論如下:

    The aim of this study is to explore the career development, career barriers and coping strategies of musically gifted students through the narrative analysis, as well as their reflections on their careers.
    Two participants with backgrounds in musically gifted education who are currently working in music-related professions. Through narrative interviews, data were collected from the participants. Based on Lieblich et al.’s (1998/2008) “holist-content” and “categorical-content” narrative analysis model, the researcher restoried the life stories of two participants, and analyzed the text, and completed the study.
    The results and conclusions of this study are as follows:
    1. The context of the two participants’ life story themes present their unique career development. However, a similar career development trajectory can be identified through summarization, sequentially as “Early memories before music education as key to personal career development,” “The essential process of learning music during childhood,” “Parental influence in enrolling in musically gifted classes,” “Barriers and challenges faced during the process on musically gifted classes,” “The starting of shaping career paths during the university,” “Career decisions of continuing graduates school or entering the workforce after graduation,” “The establishment of careers primarily centered on music,” and “Fulfilling personal achievement, or achieving accomplishment in marriage, family, and future generation through music.”
    2. The career barriers of two participants can be classified into six categories: “Personal traits, abilities, and interests,” “Family economy and education,” “Expectations of significant others,” “Educational system and environment,” “Job market and environment,” and “Social culture and public expectations.”
    3. In the career barriers, the “personal psychological/attitude factors” reflect the personality and internal states of musically gifted students, impacting their learning, interpersonal relationships, and work. The “personal background/environment factors” primarily reflect the influence of the musically gifted education system and learning environment on musically gifted students. The “social/interpersonal factors” reflect the decisive and long-term impact of significant others and gender stereotypes on musically gifted students.
    4. When facing different career barrier situations, the two musically gifted students use different coping strategies. Among these coping strategies, the "problem-focused" approach is used the most, covering most categories of career barriers. This shows that musically gifted students can think rationally and devise solutions when facing barriers. The "emotion-focused" strategy mainly involves positive self-control and emotional regulation, with less emotional venting. The "avoidance-focused" strategy is used the least, which may also reflect that musically gifted students cannot independently solve learning and bullying issues, thus choosing avoidance strategies.
    5. Both participants engaged in reflections on their careers during the interview process and after reviewing their life stories. The reflections include their personal growth, education, the process of professional music learning, current occupation and life status, expectations for their future, as well as other reflections and expressions related to musically gifted education.
    Finally, the study presents the conclusions based on the results and provide suggestions for musically gifted students, families, schools, instructors, and future researchers.

    第一章 開啟生命旋律的樂章 1 第一節 揭開生命旋律的舞台序幕 1 第二節 凝聽,生命的旋律 9 第三節 旋律中的共同和弦與變奏 10 第二章 回顧生命旋律的脈絡 13 第一節 讓生命歌唱的和聲進行:音樂資優生之學習與輔導 13 第二節 生命旋律的開展:生涯發展相關理論 51 第三節 唱頌生命中的不完美:生涯阻隔與因應 80 第三章 共譜生命旋律的對話 103 第一節 選擇「敘說」為生命發聲 103 第二節 敘說生命旋律的主角 107 第三節 敘說前的準備 109 第四節 共譜生命旋律的過程 113 第五節 從動機到生命旋律的篇章 122 第六節 生命旋律的譜寫規則 126 第四章 凝聽生命的高歌與低吟 129 第一節 影子的生命故事 129 第二節 逸軒的生命故事 163 第五章 探析生命旋律的意義 201 第一節 展開多聲部對唱的生命旋律 201 第二節 旋律中不和諧與和諧的交織 220 第三節 轉身,再次凝聽生命的旋律 261 第六章 Attacca:迎向生命旋律的下一個樂章 285 第一節 旋律回到本質,生命回歸真實 285 第二節 凝聽他人的定調,反思己身的未知 294 第三節 現實與理想的二重奏 298 參考文獻 303 壹、中文文獻 303 貳、西文文獻 316 附錄 335 附錄一 訪談同意書 335 附錄二 第一階段訪談大綱 336 附錄三 第二階段訪談大綱 337 附錄四 研究參與者之重要他人訪談大綱 338 附錄五 省思札記 339 附錄六 研究參與知情同意書 340 附錄七 逐字稿檢核表 342 附錄八 故事文本檢核 343 附錄九 同儕檢核表 344

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