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研究生: 吳致廷
Wu, Chih-Ting
論文名稱: 初探新手團體領導者在協同領導關係中的隱而未說經驗:以國中、小情緒團體為例
An Exploration into the Nondisclosure of Trainee Counselors in Group Co-leadership.
指導教授: 王麗斐
Wang, Li-Fei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 163
中文關鍵詞: 團體協同領導新手團體領導者隱而未說
英文關鍵詞: group co-leadership, nondisclosure, trainee counselors
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DEPC.001.2018.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:238下載:22
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  • 本研究旨在探討新手團體領導者在協同領導關係中的隱而未說經驗,試圖探索其協同領導的互動過程中未曾說出口的內容與背後的考量為何。本研究以立意取樣方式邀請六名正在修習團體諮商課程的碩士層級新手團體領導者,兩人一組協同帶領9次、每次45分鐘之國中、小情緒團體,並於分組前,以及第2、5、9次團體結束後一週內進行約50分鐘的半結構式訪談,訪談結果根據紮根理論進行分析。結果顯示新手領導者主要的隱而未說主題有四種:「對協同領導關係的期待與需求」、「對他人的觀察與評價」、「對評價的疑惑與在乎」、「負向情緒」,較常出現的隱而未說主題是「對他人的觀察與評價」、「對協同領導關係的期待與需求」,以及「負向情緒」,隱而未說現象在團體中、後期急遽減少。隱而未說的考量則包含「較低的自信與能力懷疑」、「避免自己產生不自在的情緒」、「心力不足或較無表達的意義」、「避免關係產生誤會或變差」、「知覺負向的協同領導關係」,其中出現比例最高的考量為「避免關係產生誤會或變差」與「較低的自信與能力懷疑」。研究發現隱而未說經驗有兩種主要組型:(1)表達有關他人的評價會傾向評估關係,即考量對方是否能夠接納;(2)表達對他人的要求以及核對他人對自己的評價則傾向評估個人能力,即考量對想表達的意見有沒有信心,並且發現(1)無論關係品質為何,隱而未說現象均會出現;(2)在關係裡感到安全、支持與信任的程度與團體領導者之間隱而未說現象有明顯關聯。最後研究將針對上述協同領導雙方在不同訪談時期與不同組別間的隱而未說經驗進行討論,並據此提出研究貢獻與限制,以及未來研究和實務上的建議。

    The current study was to explore nondisclosure of trainee counselors in group co-leadership, trying to investigate the details and the consideration behind it that were not expressed during the interaction process of co-leadership. This study utilized purposive sampling to invite six trainee counselors who were co-leading a nine-times, 45-minutes per period juvenile emotion regulation group to participate in a 50-minutes semi-structured interview before they divided into groups, and after the 2nd, 5th, 9th group while the trainee counselors were taking group counseling course.

    The result of the interview was analyzed based on grounded theory, which indicated that there were 4 types in the nondisclosure topic: "expectation and needs of co-leader relationships", "observation and judgment toward others", "care about and doubt with others estimate", "negative emotion". The most common types are "observation and judgment toward others", "expectation and needs of co-leader relationships" and "negative emotion". The phenomenon of nondisclosure radically decreased. The consideration of nondisclosure included "lower confidence and competency concerns", "in order to prevent oneself from having uncomfortable emotion", "being unable and reluctant to express meaningless information", "in order to prevent the relationship from provoking misunderstanding or worsening", "negative perception of the relationship". The prominent consideration is "in order to prevent the relationship from provoking misunderstanding or worsening" and "lower confidence and competency concerns".

    The research discovered that there were 2 main character of the nondisclosure experience: (a) to be inclined to evaluate relationship while trying to make comment about others; that is, to consider if others are able to accept the comments; (b) to be inclined to assess individual ability while trying to express his/her need and verify others' comment about oneself; that is, to contemplate if he/she is confident with the point of view that was meant to clarify. Moreover, the research indicated that: (a) the phenomenon of nondisclosure would still exist, no matter how the quality of the relationship is; (b) there are evident connection between the degree of feeling safe, supported and trusted in the relationship and the fact that there is phenomenon of nondisclosure between the co-leaders. Last but not the least, the research would discuss the nondisclosure experience of the co-leaders during different times of interview and different groups that are mentioned above, and it would bring up the limitations of the study that are provided in light of current findings, as well as the suggestion of the future research and practical advice.

    目次 謝誌 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 vii 表次 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 協同領導模式:益處、困難與協同領導關係 7 第二節 說或不說?關係中揭露與不揭露的可能原因 20 第三節 協同領導關係裡的隱而未說 27 第三章 研究方法 35 第一節 研究取向 35 第二節 研究參與者 37 第三節 研究工具 40 第四節 研究程序 45 第五節 研究資料整理與分析 50 第六節 質性研究信實度 60 第七節 研究倫理 62 第四章 研究結果與討論 65 第一節 協同領導關係中的隱而未說主題 65 第二節 協同領導關係中隱而未說現象的考量與理由 84 第三節 新手團體領導者隱而未說經驗的綜合討論 108 第五章 研究結論與建議 125 第一節 研究結論 125 第二節 研究貢獻、限制與建議 127 參考文獻 133 中文部分 133 西文部分 136 附錄 141 附錄一 研究參與邀請函 141 附錄二 研究訪談說明暨同意書 143 附錄三 訪談大綱 144 附錄四 訪談逐字稿檢核邀請函 146 附錄五 學校參與研究同意書 147 附錄六 「情緒團體」輔導方案課程大綱(修改版) 148 附錄七 研究參與者檢核逐字稿之符合程度整理表 149 附錄八 研究效度檢核函 151 附錄九 團體協同領導經驗概述 153

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