Author: |
楊民仁 Yang, Ming-Jen |
Thesis Title: |
以基於模糊多目標規劃之網路資料包絡 分析法評估科技大學產學合作之績效 Fuzzy Multiple Objective Programming Based Network Data Envelopment Analysis for Evaluating the Performance of University-Industry Collaboration |
Advisor: |
Huang, Chi-Yo |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2018 |
Academic Year: | 106 |
Language: | 英文 |
Number of pages: | 98 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 網路資料包絡分析 、模糊多目標規劃 、產學合作 |
Keywords (in English): | Network Data Envelopment Analysis, Fuzzy Multi Objective Decision Making, University-Industry cooperation |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 246 Downloads: 0 |
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The University-Industry cooperation between enterprises and universities enables the country to obtain continuous innovation momentum. However, how to evaluate the performance of University-Industry cooperation is rarely discussed. Few studies consider the flow of knowledge and resources between enterprises and universities to analyze the performance of University-Industry cooperation. If only make an evaluation to university or business, the research into the University-Industry cooperation performance only gives a glimpse of the picture. Because of the input or output from the University-Industry cooperation information may not be completely exposed. Therefore, there is a limit to performance using the traditional network data envelopment to evaluate the performance of University-Industry collaboration. In order to solve the above problems, this study defines a fuzzy network data envelopment analysis method that can analyze ambiguous values, which can be (1) to evaluate the efficiency from a university perspective (2) to analyze internal production activities, and to understand that due to lower productivity (3) to solve the problem of incomplete disclosure of the input and output for the University-Industry cooperation network. This study has been based on empirical research on the University-Industry cooperation between enterprises and universities. The results of empirical research can serve as a basis for improving the performance of University-Industry cooperation as well as a reference for universities to promote University-Industry cooperation.
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