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研究生: 張瑞祥
Adam Daniel Gault
論文名稱: 應用華語歌曲及錄音軟體於華語教學之課程設計
The Usage of Chinese Songs and Recording Software in Mandarin Curriculum Design
指導教授: 信世昌
Hsin, Shih-Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 華語教學學習動機中文歌曲模仿學習錄音軟體
英文關鍵詞: Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Motivation, Chinese Songs, Mimicry, Recording Software
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205450
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:280下載:68
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  • 華語在近幾年已成為學習第二外語的熱門選擇,尤其隨著中國在國際地位的提高,以及在軍事及經濟發展各方面都不斷成長,華語學習的需求趨勢預估將有增無減。《每日電訊報》針對碩士畢業人士應學習的語言做排名,華語是亞洲區語言第一名,並且是全世界第四名。

    Regarding foreign language study, in 2014 Mandarin Chinese is hot and only growing hotter. Britain’s Telegraph Newspaper ranks Mandarin as the top Asian language for graduate jobs, and fourth in world languages overall. With the world’s largest population of native speakers, qualified Chinese teachers and classroom seats are in great demand. This is a trend that has only been growing in recent years, as China increasingly commands a more powerful and influential military, diplomatic, and economic international presence. However, as Chinese language students progress into upper semesters, their overall numbers drop precipitously.
    On the one hand then, Chinese holds tremendous appeal for beginning students, while on the other hand it remains for non-native speakers, arguably one of the world’s hardest languages to learn. Still, with this being the case, it only makes it more imperative that Chinese language educators and university programs find ways in which to retain students’ initial enthusiasm, and stem the flow of upper semester student attrition. In this paper, I discuss some of the reasons behind this attrition, how the introduction of music, specifically Chinese songs, can alleviate the drop in student numbers, which songs are suitable as classroom material, and what is to be expected from their proper implementation.
    It is the author’s assertion that through the use of songs as a curriculum backbone, a new avenue opens for students. Chinese songs allow students to explore and immerse themselves, in a dynamic and expressive new form of their language study. Motivation is piqued and the excitement of new language learning rekindled. I also discuss motivation as it manifests intrinsically, or extrinsically. Further the research provides support for the position that our motivations are born of our sense of self, as evidenced in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1943).
    Chinese in its immensity has a propensity to overwhelm students. It is to the benefit of the entire endeavor, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, that dynamic learning programs are infused into pedagogical settings. This paper introduces focused teaching goals, stressing realistic student expectations, and measured outcomes. It is hoped that as students familiarize themselves with the hooks of Chinese folk, pop, or classic era music, that they will become further hooked by the fascinating study that is Mandarin Chinese.

    On the one hand then, Chinese holds tremendous appeal for beginning students, while on the other hand it remains for non-native speakers, arguably one of the world’s hardest languages to learn. Still, with this being the case, it only makes it more imperative that Chinese language educators and university programs find ways in which to retain students’ initial enthusiasm, and stem the flow of upper semester student attrition. In this paper, I discuss some of the reasons behind this attrition, how the introduction of music, specifically Chinese songs, can alleviate the drop in student numbers, which songs are suitable as classroom material, and what is to be expected from their proper implementation.
    It is the author’s assertion that through the use of songs as a curriculum backbone, a new avenue opens for students. Chinese songs allow students to explore and immerse themselves, in a dynamic and expressive new form of their language study. Motivation is piqued and the excitement of new language learning rekindled. I also discuss motivation as it manifests intrinsically, or extrinsically. Further the research provides support for the position that our motivations are born of our sense of self, as evidenced in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1943).

    Chinese in its immensity, has a propensity to overwhelm students. It is to the benefit of the entire endeavor, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, that dynamic learning programs are infused into pedagogical settings. This paper introduces a program of 12 songs, followed by focused teaching goals, stressing realistic student expectations, and measured outcomes. It is hoped that as students familiarize themselves with the hooks of Chinese folk, pop, or classic era music, that they will become further hooked by the fascinating study that is Mandarin Chinese.

    目錄 iv 表目錄 viii 圖目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究目的與問題 6 第四節 名詞釋義 7 一、漢語、國語、華語、中文 7 二、華語文教學 7 三、華語歌曲 7 四、Audacity 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 中文的特性 8 第二節 記憶力、音樂與語言學習 13 一、建立有感連結 13 二、詞彙習得 15 第三節 韻律、模仿與發音 17 一、韻律 17 二、模仿 21 三、發音 26 第三章 研究方法 30 第一節 研究設計 30 一、發展研究法 30 二、文獻分析 30 三、焦點訪談法 31 四、問卷調查法 31 第二節 研究架構 33 第三節 研究範圍與對象 34 第四節 資料蒐集與分析 36 一、教材評估 36 二、觀察 36 三、教師訪談 37 四、學生訪談 37 第四章 華語歌曲教學現況需求分析 39 第一節 華語歌曲教學教材現況 39 一、《實用視聽華語》 39 二、《遠東生活華語》 41 三、《学唱中国歌》 43 四、《唱民歌学汉语》 43 五、小結 44 第二節 課程觀察 45 第三節 焦點訪談 47 一、學生需求面 47 二、教師需求面 49 三、本章結語 54 第五章 華語歌曲教學設計 55 第一節 教學理念 55 第二節 教學設定 57 一、教學目標 57 二、教學者的角色 58 三、學習者的角色 60 第三節 教與學的活動 61 一、聆聽前 61 二、聆聽中 61 三、聆聽後 63 第四節 教材的角色 65 一、學生程度 67 二、音樂表現 69 三、歌曲速度 70 四、咬字清晰 71 五、真實原創 72 六、詞義清晰 73 第五節 測驗與評量之考慮 74 第六章 教學實施 77 第一節 教學實施原則 77 一、課程開始 77 二、歌曲介紹 78 第二節 錄音軟體使用 86 一、錄音軟體輔助教學 86 二、作業與評量 93 第三節 教學活動實施 94 一、學習者資料 94 二、教學目標 95 三、教材編制 95 四、教學步驟與教學流程 95 第四節 實施結果 100 一、學習者回饋 100 二、教學者反思 102 三、結語 104 第七章 結論與建議 105 第一節 結論 105 一、音樂功能 105 二、錄音軟體使用 106 三、教學設計 106 第二節 研究限制 108 一、資料蒐集 108 二、教學設計 108 三、教學實施 109 第三節 未來研究建議 110 參考文獻 111 附錄一:課堂問卷 122 附錄二:訪談對象資料 125 附錄三:教學實施課堂講義 127 附錄四:教學實施課堂投影片 131

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