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研究生: 許詠智
Hsu, Yung-Chih
論文名稱: 島嶼觀光地景中的異國想像:馬祖芹壁個案研究
Island Tourismscape Constructed by Geographical Imagination: Case study of Matsu Qinbi
指導教授: 李素馨
Lee, Su-Hsin
口試委員: 黃宗儀
Huang, Tsung-yi
Tan, Hung-Jen
Lee, Su-Hsin
口試日期: 2022/06/06
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 136
中文關鍵詞: 本真性觀光地景再現迴圈自明性
英文關鍵詞: Authenticity, Tourismscape, Circles of Representation, Identity
研究方法: 參與觀察法個案研究法深度訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200921
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:106下載:13
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  • 觀光客透過蒐集社會文化環境和觀光資本主義構建而成的觀光記號,在實踐中不斷再現觀光地景。所有人都能將上傳照片,同時實現觀看與展演觀光地景的社群媒體,成為間接加速再現循環的虛擬空間,影響觀光地景的形塑歷程。位於馬祖群島北竿鄉的芹壁聚落,沿著陡峭的山坡上保存最完整的閩東式傳統建築群,雖然位於副熱帶季風氣候區,卻擁有「臺灣希臘」的觀光形象。
    本研究探討「臺版希臘」的異國想像如何透過社群媒體影響遊客對芹壁聚落的觀光體驗?芹壁聚落在地社群以什麼觀點看待「臺版希臘」的地理想像?在社群媒體的虛擬空間中,在地社群如何彰顯地方的本真性?本研究透過個案研究法,蒐集芹壁聚落的網路旅遊資訊,包括部落格、社群媒體貼文和主題標籤 (Hashtag),分析在網路上所出現「臺版希臘」的異國想像,展示社群媒體影響觀光地景的形塑歷程。利用網路上的旅遊資訊,針對曾造訪芹壁聚落的30位臺灣遊客、7位在地社群成員、4位治理地方的政府單位和9位遊憩產業業者進行深度訪談,將二手資料、訪談內容及參與觀察內容進行三角驗證,分析與希臘相關的地理元素,思考如何在島嶼觀光中加強芹壁聚落的本真性。

    Tourists constantly reproduce the sightseeing scenery in practice by collecting the tourism symbols constructed by the social and cultural environment and tourism capitalism. Everyone can upload photos for viewing and performing sightseeing scenery via social media, becoming a virtual space that indirectly accelerates Circles of Representation, and affects the shaping process of tourist scenery. Qinbi Village, located in Beigan Town, Matsu Islands, is the most well-preserved Mindong-style traditional building complex along the steep hillside. Although it is located in the subtropical monsoon climate zone, it has the tourist image of "Taiwanese Greece".
    This study explored how the exotic imagination of "Taiwanese Greece" affects tourists' experience of Qinbi village through social media? From what point of view do the local communities in Qinbi see the geographical image of "Taiwanese Greece"? In the virtual space of social media, how does the local community demonstrate the authenticity of the place? Through the case study method, this research collected online travel information of Qinbi village, including blogs, social media posts, and hashtags, and analyzes the exotic imagination of "Taiwanese Greece" that appears on the Internet. Social media influences the shaping of tourist landscapes. I conducted in-depth interviews with 30 Taiwanese tourists who had visited Qinbi village, 7 local community members, 4 local government officers, and 9 recreational industry practitioners. Using triangulation method to analyze geographical elements related to Greece, from the internet, interviewing content and participation observation. We discussed about how to enhance the authenticity of the Qinbi village in island tourism.
    This study found that, first, the tourismscape of Qinbi village was constructed under the accidental interlacing of time and geographical environment, and the relational landscape located at the border was constantly changing with the political type. Secondly, the Qinbi village attracts tourists through the exotic imagination of "Taiwanese Greece" to form Circles of Representation through social media, and the object authenticity of the outsider becomes a way of interpreting the tourismscape. Finally, as a place constructed in response to the gaze of tourist, the local community wants to highlight the self-identity of the place through religious belief, dialect, and art, and further promote the tourism transformation of the island and create a local brand. The results of the study will help to understand the process of constructing tourismscape through landmark images on social media and provide suggestions and follow-up research for building island images and marketing strategies for island-specific brands.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 6 第三節 研究流程 9 第二章 文獻回顧 11 第一節 觀光客與觀光地景的形塑 11 第二節 攝影與社群媒體的再現迴圈 14 第三節 觀光的本真性與地方的日常生活 16 第四節 小結 19 第三章 研究方法 21 第一節 研究範圍 21 第二節 個案研究法 22 第三節 資料蒐集方法 24 第四節 質性研究設計 28 第五節 研究限制 38 第四章 觀光發展的芹壁 39 第一節 光陰停滯的觀光芹壁 39 第二節 芹壁的觀光體驗與本真性 52 第三節 芹壁的樣子 71 第五章 在地的鏡澳 75 第一節 誰的芹壁—空間中的族群多元性 75 第二節 島嶼釀與觀光轉型 85 第六章 結論與建議 91 第一節 結論與討論 91 第二節 後續研究建議 92 參考文獻 94 附錄一、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A1 99 附錄二、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A2 101 附錄三、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A3 103 附錄四、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A4 105 附錄五、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A5/A6 106 附錄六、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A7 108 附錄七、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A8 109 附錄八、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A9 110 附錄九、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A10 112 附錄十、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A11 114 附錄十一、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A12 115 附錄十二、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A13 116 附錄十三、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A14 117 附錄十四、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A15 118 附錄十五、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A16 119 附錄十六、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A17/A18 120 附錄十七、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A19/A20 122 附錄十八、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A21 124 附錄十九、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A22/A23 125 附錄二十、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A24 127 附錄二十一、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A25 129 附錄二十二、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A26 130 附錄二十三、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A27 132 附錄二十四、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A28 133 附錄二十五、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A29 134 附錄二十六、訪談逐字稿—觀光客A30 136

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