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研究生: 風雨果
論文名稱: 中國傳統文化對商業型態的影響 -胡小林的研究個案
A Sun in the night: the power of Chinese culture to improve business environment – Case study of Hu Xiaolin and Dizi Gui.
指導教授: 康敏平
Kang, Min-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 第子規商業形態企業倫理佛教吃素道教孔教決策企業文化
英文關鍵詞: Dizi Gui, Business enviroment, Business ethics, buddhism, vegeterianism, Taoism, Confucianism, Decision making, corporate culture
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:213下載:5
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  • Chinese traditional culture as a possible source of principles for corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a fast developing field of research. The three main Chinese teachings, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, can all be used as a source of inspiration to develop a coherent framework for corporate governance in China. It has been highlighted that, while there is a growing need and demand for corporate social responsibility in China, the western concepts are harder to implement because of their disengagement with the basic local culture. Chinese traditional culture needs to be the bedrock of every attempt made at designing a coherent set of principles. When most research have been concentrating their efforts on a theoretical level, little analysis have been conducted about the economic impact, and feasibility of using Chinese culture as a source of guidance for morally conscious entrepreneurs. Our research aims at exploring an actual case in which a business leader from Beijing succeeded to transform his moral aspiration into a viable business model. Willing to break out from the corrupted business environment he was competing into, he used the ‘Standards for being a good pupil and child’ (Dizi Gui), to develop a set of principles out of which he articulated his decision-making strategy.

    Chinese traditional culture as a possible source of principles for corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a fast developing field of research. The three main Chinese teachings, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, can all be used as a source of inspiration to develop a coherent framework for corporate governance in China. It has been highlighted that, while there is a growing need and demand for corporate social responsibility in China, the western concepts are harder to implement because of their disengagement with the basic local culture. Chinese traditional culture needs to be the bedrock of every attempt made at designing a coherent set of principles. When most research have been concentrating their efforts on a theoretical level, little analysis have been conducted about the economic impact, and feasibility of using Chinese culture as a source of guidance for morally conscious entrepreneurs. Our research aims at exploring an actual case in which a business leader from Beijing succeeded to transform his moral aspiration into a viable business model. Willing to break out from the corrupted business environment he was competing into, he used the ‘Standards for being a good pupil and child’ (Dizi Gui), to develop a set of principles out of which he articulated his decision-making strategy.

    Abstract page 1 Table of content page 3 Paper page 4 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION page 16 1.1 ‐ Research topic presentation pages 18 1.2 ‐ Research background page 18 1.2.1Price war page 20 1.2.2 Doing business through guanxi page 21 1.3 Research Question and research objectives page 23 1.4 Thesis Organization page 24 CHAPTER 2: Chinese Business ethics and strategic management page 24 2.1 Historical approach to corporate social responsibilitypage 23 2.2 Chinese ethics as a business ethics. page 28 2.2.1 Confucianism and the economy page 28 2.2.2 ‐‐ Buddhism and the economy page 31 CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology page 33 3.1 Choice of the research method page 34 3.2 Case study and research methodology page 35 3.2.1 External validity page 35 3.2.2 Internal validity page 35 3.2.3 Content validity page 36 3.3 Case study presentation page 36 3.3.1 Company and industry presentation page 37 3.3.2 Hu Xiaolin personal history presentation page 37 3.4 ‐ Sources page 38 3.5 Interview procedure page 40 3.6 Material collected and used as a basis for our analysis page 41 Chapter 4: Data analysis page 42 4.1 – The sun in the night: signaling your microcosm page 42 4.1.1 the radiating culture. page 42 4.1.2 the sun in the night: a cultural microcosm page 44 4.2 – The heliotropic consumer page 44 4.2.1. The value frontier: consumer polarization page 48 4.2.2. Consumer selection page 49 4.2.3 Value proposition page 51 4.2.4 Business development and the use of Guanxi page 52 4.3 ‐ Distancing the moonlighting rivals: raising a competitive page 53 wall 4.3.1 Enhancing the relationships with competitors page 53 4.4 – Supplier relationship: 56 4.5 – Historical analysis 58 5.1‐ Conclusion: 61 5.1.1 Chinese culture as a reference point 62 5.1.2 The family model of the virtuous firm 62 5.2 research limitations 63 5.3 recommendations for further research 63 Annex One : videos'list 64 Annex 2 : Written answer to the interview 64 Annex 3 : Dizi Gui 82 Bibiography 95

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    In Chinese:
    陳俊松, 網際網路對不動產經紀業的影響(以信義房屋為例), 94學年第2學期, 企業管理學系研究所, 碩士, 國立中山大學.
