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研究生: 蕭淳桓
論文名稱: 某技術學院學生宿舍社會氣氛知覺與住宿功能滿意度之研究
Dorm’s social climate perception and satisfaction of accommodation function in student residence hall: case study for an Institute of Technology
指導教授: 何進財
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 296
中文關鍵詞: 技術學院學生宿舍宿舍社會氣氛知覺住宿功能滿意度
英文關鍵詞: Institute of Technology, student residence hall, dorm’s social climate perception, satisfaction of accommodation function
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:329下載:40
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  • 摘 要


    This research investigates the “dorm’s social climate perception and satisfaction of accommodation function in student residence hall: case study for an Institute of Technology”. Besides, the current status and relationship between the dorm’s social climate perception and satisfaction of accommodation function for the student residence hall are examined. Subsequently, the dorm’s social climate perception is utilized to predict the satisfaction of accommodation function.
    In addition, this research adopts the questionnaire investigation and 5082 daytime students are selected as the target population by stratified random sampling. There are 1284 questionnaires distributed and 1277 questionnaires are retrieved. By excluding the invalid questionnaires, there are 985 valid samples for the research. Furthermore, the research tools include the “dorm’s social climate perception”, “questionnaire for the satisfaction of accommodation function” and basic personal information of the students. The total scale reliability are .913 and .981, respectively. Statistical data analysis is implemented with SPSS12.0. Then, statistical tests are conducted with descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and progressive multiple regression analysis.
    Based on the information collected, it is revealed that:
    1. In the case study, the dorm’s social climate perceived by the students have more “support”, “student’s self-determination”, and “independence” climate than “academic achievement”, “knowledge”, and “social interaction and competition” climate.
    2. The satisfaction of accommodation function is above average. Additionally, the highest satisfaction is “recreational and social” function, followed by the “learning and development” function.
    3. In the aspects of dorm’s social climate perception, there are significant differences in the variables which include personal background factor, dormitory halls, acknowledgement of compulsory accommodation, and frequency of returning home during the accommodation period.
    4. In the aspects for satisfaction of accommodation function, there are significant differences for the variables which include academic year, educational system, level of participation in autonomy, dormitory halls and acknowledgement of compulsory accommodation.
    5. There is significant positive relation between the “dorm’s social climate perception” and overall “satisfaction of accommodation function”. The variables of dorm’s social climate perception are explanatory for the total variance of 52% in the overall satisfaction of accommodation function. Among the variables of dorm’s social climate perception, “innovation” and “participation/adaptation” have the largest explanatory power toward the satisfaction of accommodation function in “living environment”, “recreational and social”, and “overall accommodation function”.
    From the summary of the results, conclusion is made and the following suggestions are directed toward related dormitory counseling and service units, students, and parents.
    Suggestions for the related dormitories’ counseling and service units:
    1. Construct dorm’s social climate with “knowledge” and “academic achievement”.
    2. Develop a thorough plan for peer counseling to improve the student’s learning and development.
    3. Emphasize on the “innovation” climate in the dorms to create new and better change, as well as initiating new opportunities.
    4. Encourage the student to participate in students’ associations or dorm autonomous organization which increases learning opportunity.
    5. Establish a dormitory educational learning plan and integrate with the academic administration units to organize series of activities which enhance the students’ learning.
    6. Value the unique advantages of the school and demonstrate the characteristic of “compulsory accommodation”.
    7. Integrate resources from the related units and actively implement the counseling activity for new dormitory students.
    8. Pay attention to the difference in the satisfaction of dormitory students.
    9. Reevaluate the students’ needs and improve the dormitory counseling and service.
    Suggestions for the students:
    1. Value the opportunities for after-lesson studying and self-development in the dorms.
    2. Participate actively in the students’ associations and dorm autonomous organization to cultivate the ability in multiple social abilities.
    Suggestions for the parents:
    1. Show consideration for the living condition of children accommodating in the school.
    2. Emphasize on the learning environment in the dormitory and actively encourage children to participate in the activities.

    Keywords: Institute of Technology, student residence hall, dorm’s social climate perception, satisfaction of accommodation function

    目 次 第一章 緒論.........................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機.................................1 第二節 研究目的與問題................................11 第三節 名詞釋義.....................................12 第四節 研究範圍及限制................................14 第二章 文獻探討.....................................17 第一節 大學學生宿舍理論基礎...........................17 第二節 大學宿舍功能與輔導管理.........................31 第三節 大學宿舍的社會氣氛.............................64 第四節 大學生的住宿功能滿意度..........................81 第五節 案例學校學生宿舍現況分析........................92 第三章 研究方法.....................................107 第一節 研究架構與方法................................107 第二節 研究假設.....................................110 第三節 研究對象.....................................112 第四節 研究工具.....................................115 第五節 研究流程.....................................129 第六節 資料處理.....................................131 第四章 研究結果與討論................................133 第一節 宿舍社會氣氛知覺現況分析.......................133 第二節 學生住宿功能滿意度現況分析.....................150 第三節 不同背景變項與宿舍社會氣氛知覺分析..............169 第四節 不同背景變項與住宿功能滿意度分析................197 第五節 宿舍社會氣氛知覺與住宿功能滿意度關係之分析.......214 第六節 宿舍社會氣氛知覺對住宿功能滿意度之預測分析.......219 第五章 結論與建議 ...................................229 第一節 研究結論.....................................229 第二節 研究建議.....................................234 參考文獻............................................241 中文部分............................................241 英文部分............................................247 附 錄..............................................250 附錄一 專家效度學者名單..............................250 附錄二 授權書.......................................251 附錄三 專家效度問卷..................................252 附錄四 專家效度問卷紀錄...............................267 附錄五 預試問卷......................................283 附錄六 正式問卷......................................290 表 次 表 2-1-1 美國學生事務發展典範與理論基礎的關係表...........20 表 2-2-1 宿舍人力配置表................................59 表 2-2-2 學生宿舍優先分配方式...........................50 表 2-2-3 各校寢室設施表................................61 表 2-2-4 宿舍休閒設備表................................61 表 2-3-1 大學學生宿舍的社會氣氛表.......................73 表 2-5-1 各舍現況分析比較表............................93 表 3-3-1 研究對象概況表...............................112 表 3-3-2 正式施測樣本分配及回收狀況表...................113 表 3-3-3 正式施測樣本個人背景資料分析表.................113 表 3-4-1 預試樣本分配及回收狀況表......................117 表 3-4-2 預試樣本背景資料表............................117 表 3-4-3 「宿舍社會氣氛知覺問卷」預試七種項目分析結果 摘要表......................................... 119 表 3-4-4 「學生宿舍社會氣氛知覺問卷」預試因素分析結果 摘要表.........................................122 表 3-4-5 宿舍社會氣氛知覺問卷各分量表預試及正式施測信度係數...123 表 3-4-6 「住宿功能滿意度問卷」預試七種項目分析結果摘要表.....124 表 3-4-7 住宿功能滿意度問卷各分量表預試及正式施測信度係數....128 表 4-1-1 「宿舍社會氣氛知覺量表」總得分情形分析表... ........134 表 4-1-2 住宿學生知覺宿舍「參與/適應」氣氛分析摘要表.........135 表 4-1-3 住宿學生知覺宿舍「參與/適應」氣氛現況分析表.........135 表 4-1-4 住宿學生知覺宿舍「支持」氣氛分析摘要表............. 136 表 4-1-5 住宿學生知覺宿舍「支持」氣氛現況分析表..... ........136 表 4-1-6 住宿學生知覺宿舍「知識」氣氛分析摘要表............. 137 表 4-1-7 住宿學生知覺宿舍「知識」氣氛現況分析表............. 138 表 4-1-8 住宿學生知覺宿舍「學業成就」氣氛分析摘要表..........138 表 4-1-9 住宿學生知覺宿舍「學業成就」氣氛之現況分析表...... 139 表 4-1-10 住宿學生知覺宿舍「秩序與組織」氣氛分析摘要表...... 139 表 4-1-11 住宿學生知覺宿舍「秩序與組織」氣氛現況分析表...... 140 表 4-1-12 住宿學生知覺宿舍「社交與競爭」氣氛分析摘要表...... 140 表 4-1-13 住宿學生知覺宿舍「社交與競爭」氣氛現況分析表...... 141 表 4-1-14 住宿學生知覺宿舍「學生自主權」氣氛分析摘要表...... 142 表 4-1-15 住宿學生知覺宿舍「學生自主權」氣氛現況分析表...... 142 表 4-1-16 住宿學生知覺宿舍「革新」氣氛分析摘要表.... ........143 表 4-1-17 住宿學生知覺宿舍「革新」氣氛現況分析表.... ........143 表 4-1-18 住宿學生知覺宿舍「獨立」氣氛分析摘要表............ 144 表 4-1-19 住宿學生知覺宿舍「獨立」氣氛現況表............... 144 表 4-2-1 「學生住宿功能滿意度」總得分情形分析表............. 150 表 4-2-2 住宿學生對宿舍「居住環境」層面滿意度分析摘要表..... 151 表 4-2-3 住宿學生對宿舍「居住環境」層面滿意度之現況分析表.... 154 表 4-2-4 住宿學生對宿舍「學習與發展」層面滿意度分析摘要表.... 159 表 4-2-5 住宿學生對宿舍「學習與發展」層面滿意度之現況分析表...160 表 4-2-6 住宿學生對宿舍「休閒與交誼」層面滿意度分析摘要表.... 161 表 4-2-7 住宿學生對宿舍「休閒與交誼」層面滿意度之現況分析表.. 162 表 4-3-1 不同身份別住宿學生對宿舍社會氣氛知覺T考驗分析摘要表..170 表 4-3-2 五專不同年級住宿學生在整體及各層面宿舍社會氣氛知覺單因子變異數分析摘要表........................................ 171 表 4-3-3 四技不同年級住宿學生在整體及各層面宿舍社會氣氛知覺單因子變異數分析摘要表......................................... 172 表 4-3-4 二技不同年級別住宿學生對宿舍社會氣氛知覺T考驗分析摘要表 ................................................175 表 4-3-5 不同學制住宿學生在整體及各層面宿舍社會氣氛知覺單因子變異數分析摘要表........................................... 176 表 4-3-6 不同自治參與程度住宿學生在整體及各層面宿舍社會氣氛知覺單因子變異數分析摘要表........................................ 177 表 4-3-7 不同家庭經濟狀況住宿學生在整體及各層面宿舍社會氣氛知覺單因子變異數分析摘要表..................................... 179 表 4-3-8 不同宿舍住宿學生在整體及各層面宿舍社會氣氛知覺單因子變異數分析摘要表............................................. 181 表 4-3-9 在學期間住宿知否不同的住宿學生宿舍社會氣氛知覺T考驗分析摘要表.................................................... 184 表 4-3-10 住宿期間每日於課後從事不同最主要活動住宿學生在整體及各層面宿舍社會氣氛知覺單因子變異數分析摘要表.................... 186 表 4-3-11 住宿期間返家次數不同住宿學生在整體及各層面宿舍社會氣氛知覺單因子變異數分析摘要表.................................. 189 表 4-3-12 不同背景變項在「宿舍社會氣氛知覺」各層面綜合摘要表.. 195 表 4-4-1 不同身份別學生住宿功能滿意度T考驗分析摘要表 ........198 表 4-4-2 五專不同年級住宿學生整體及各層面住宿功能滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要表............................................. 198 表 4-4-3 四技不同年級住宿學生整體及各層面住宿功能滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要表............................................. 200 表 4-4-4 二技不同年級住宿功能滿意度T考驗分析摘要表.......... 200 表 4-4-5 不同學制住宿學生整體及各層面住宿功能滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要表................................................ 201 表 4-4-6 不同自治參與程度整體及各層面住宿學生住宿功能滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要表......................................... 202 表 4-4-7 不同家庭收入經濟狀況住宿學生在整體及各層面住宿學生住宿功能滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要表............................. 204 表 4-4-8 不同宿舍住宿學生整體及各層面住宿功能滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要表............................................... 205 表 4-4-9 對在學期間住宿認知學生住宿功能滿意度T考驗分析摘要表... 206 表 4-4-10住宿期間每日於課後從事不同最主要活動住宿學生整體及各層面住宿功能滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要表......................... 207 表 4-4-11住宿期間返家次數不同的住宿學生整體及各層面住宿功能滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要表..................................... 208 表 4-4-12 不同背景變項在住宿功能滿意度各層面綜合摘要表...... 212 表 4-5-1 「宿舍社會氣氛知覺」與「住宿功能滿意度」相關分析摘要表 .................................................215 表 4-6-1 「宿舍社會氣氛知覺」對宿舍「居住環境功能」滿意度逐步多元迴歸分析摘要表......................................... 219 表 4-6-2 「宿舍社會氣氛知覺」對宿舍「學習與發展功能」滿意度逐步多元迴歸分析摘要表......................................... 220 表 4-6-3 「宿舍社會氣氛知覺」對宿舍「休閒與交誼功能」滿意度逐步多元迴歸分析摘要表....................................... 221 表 4-6-4 「宿舍社會氣氛知覺」對「整體住宿滿意度」滿意度逐步多元迴歸分析摘要表............................................ 222 表 4-6-5 不同背景變項、「宿舍社會氣氛知覺」對「整體住宿滿意度」滿意度逐步多元迴歸分析摘要表................................ 224 圖 次 圖 2-2-1 宿舍的五個輔導管理層次圖......... 40 圖 2-2-2 宿舍綜合系統:組織圖............ 46 圖 3-1-1 研究架構圖.................... 108 圖 3-5-1 研究進度流程圖................. 129 圖 3-5-2 研究進度甘特圖................. 130

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