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研究生: 林世仁
Lin, Shi-Ren
論文名稱: 穿著壓縮腿套對下坡跑運動後之肌肉損傷與踝臂脈波傳導速率的影響
Effects of wearing lower-body compression garments on muscle damage and brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity after downhill running
指導教授: 王鶴森
Wang, Ho-Seng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 壓縮服飾運動傷害離心運動脈波傳導速率延遲性肌肉酸痛
英文關鍵詞: compression garments, sports injury, eccentric exercise, pulse wave velocity, delayed onset muscle soreness
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202257
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:82下載:9
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  • 目的:探討下坡跑運動時及下坡跑運動後穿著壓縮腿套對運動後誘發肌肉損傷及動脈硬化指標-踝臂脈波傳導速率 (baPWV) 的影響。方法:以24名無規律運動習慣之男性,並隨機分配至實驗一:運動中穿著壓縮腿套實驗,與實驗二:運動後穿著壓縮腿套24小時實驗,並以穿著壓縮腿套腳為試驗腳,另一腳為控制腳。所有受試者於前測後,依實驗處理進行70 %保留心跳率 (70 %HRR) 強度之30分鐘下坡跑運動 (-10度),並於下坡跑運動後24小時進行後測,檢測項目包含:肌酸激酶 (CK)、酸痛指數、主動關節活動度 (AROM)、肌肉腫脹圍 (MSC)、最大自主等長收縮力量 (MVIC)、50%最大自主等長收縮力量-酸痛指數 (50%MVIC-酸痛指數)、股直肌厚度及baPWV。結果:實驗一:1.下坡跑運動後24小時之CK值顯著高於前測 (p < .05),且試驗腳與控制腳的50%MVIC-酸痛指數無顯著差異 (p > .05);2.酸痛指數、AROM、MSC、MVIC、股直肌厚度及baPWV等之交互作用未達顯著,主要效果部分僅時間因子達顯著差異 (p < .05);實驗二:1.下坡跑運動後24小時之CK值顯著高於前測 (p < .05),且試驗腳與控制腳的50%MVIC-酸痛指數無顯著差異 (p > .05);2.酸痛指數、AROM、MSC、MVIC及股直肌厚度在運動前、運動後24小時 (穿著量測,不含MSC、MVIC及股直肌厚度) 及運動後24.5小時 (未穿著量測) 之交互作用未達顯著,主要效果部分也僅時間因子達顯著差異 (p < .05);3.baPWV的交互作用達顯著,運動後24小時試驗腳穿著壓縮腿套進行量測時之baPWV顯著低於控制腳 (p < .05)。結論:運動中或運動後穿著壓縮腿套並無法減緩下坡跑運動所引起的肌肉損傷及隨後的延遲性肌肉酸痛症狀,但可減輕運動後所引起的短暫動脈硬化之現象。

    Objective: To explore the effects of wearing lower-body compression garments on post-exercise induced muscle damage and the arterial stiffness index/brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) during and after downhill running. Methods: Twenty-four male participants without a regular habit of exercising were enrolled in this study and were randomly allocated to either Experiment One: wearing compression garments during exercise or Experiment Two: wearing compression garments for 24 hours (24 h) after exercise. After administering pre-tests to all participants, they were required to carry out 30 minutes of downhill running (−10 degrees) at an intensity of 70% heart rate reserve (70% HRR), followed by post-tests at 24 h after exercise. The test items included: creatine kinase (CK), muscle soreness index, active range of motion (AROM), muscle swelling circumference, maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), 50% maximum voluntary isometric contraction-soreness index (50% MVIC-soreness index), thickness of the rectus femoris muscle, and baPWV. Results: Experiment 1: 1. Twenty-four hours after downhill running exercise, the CK values were significantly higher than those before exercise (p < 0.05) and there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in 50% MVIC-soreness index between the experimental and control legs. 2. The interaction between soreness index, AROM, MSC, MVIC, rectus muscle thickness, and baPWV did not reach statistical significance and out of the main results, only the time factor reached statistical significance (p < 0.05). Experiment 2: 1. Twenty-four hours after downhill running exercise, the CK values were significantly higher than those before exercise (p < 0.05) and there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in 50% MVIC-soreness index between the experimental and control legs. 2. The interaction between soreness index, AROM, MSC, MVIC, and rectus muscle thickness before exercise, 24 hours after exercise (compression garments were wear but this did not include muscle swelling circumference, MVIC, and rectus muscle thickness), and 24.5 hours after exercise (compression garments not wear) did not reach statistical significance. Among the main effects, only the time factor reached statistical significance (p < 0.05). 3. baPWV interactions reached statistical significance. baPWV at 24 hours after exercise with compression garments on the experimental legs was significantly lower than that in control legs (p < 0 .05). Conclusion: Wearing lower-body compression garments during or after exercise could not alleviate the muscle damage induced by downhill running or the subsequent occurrence of delayed onset muscle soreness, but could reduce the risk of transient arterial stiffness.

    目 次 中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 目次 iv 附錄 vi 表次 vii 圖次 viii 第壹章 緒論 1 ㄧ、問題背景 1 二、研究目的 4 三、研究假設 4 四、名詞操作性定義 4 第貳章 文獻探討 7 一、壓縮服飾與運動之相關研究 7 二、PWV與運動之相關研究 1 三、本章總結 18 第參章 研究方法與步驟 19 ㄧ、受試者 19 二、實驗時間 19 三、實驗地點 20 四、實驗方法與步驟 20 五、資料處理 26 第肆章 結果 27 ㄧ、受試者基本資料 27 二、運動中穿著壓縮腿套實驗 28 (一) 肌酸激酶 (CK) 28 (二) 踝臂脈波傳導速率 (baPWV) 29 (三) 運動中穿著壓縮腿套實驗各項指標的變化 30 三、運動後穿著壓縮腿套24小時實驗 32 (一) 肌酸激酶 (CK) 32 (二) 踝臂脈波傳導速率 (baPWV) 33 (三) 運動後穿著壓縮腿套24小時實驗各項指標的變化 34 四、實驗ㄧ與實驗二之踝臂脈波傳導速率的差異 36 第伍章 討論與建議 37 ㄧ、運動中穿著壓縮腿套的影響 37 二、運動後穿著壓縮腿套24小時的影響 40 三、結論與建議 43 參考文獻 43 附 錄 附錄一 受試者同意書 50 附錄二 健康篩選問卷表 52 附錄三 受試者基本資料與各變項記錄之表單 53 附錄四 運動中穿著壓縮腿套實驗依變項之原始資料表 54 附錄五 運動後穿著壓縮腿套24小時實驗依變項之原始資料表 55   表 次 表2-1運動中穿著壓縮褲或壓縮腿套的相關研究 9 表2-2運動後穿著壓縮褲或壓縮腿套的相關研究 12 表4-1受試者基本資料 26 表4-2運動中穿著壓縮腿套實驗之各項指標之變化 31 表4-3運動後穿著壓縮腿套24小時實驗之各項指標的變化 34 表4-4運動後穿著壓縮腿套24小時實驗酸痛指數與AROM的變化 35   圖 次 圖1-1壓縮腿套之壓力值 4 圖1-2壓縮腿套建議尺寸表 5 圖1-3踝臂脈波傳導速率量測示意圖 6 圖3-1實驗流程圖 21 圖3-2測驗流程圖 22 圖3-3脈波傳導速率測驗 25 圖4-1運動中穿著壓縮腿套實驗之CK變化 28 圖4-2運動中穿著壓縮腿套實驗之baPWV變化 29 圖4-3運動後穿著壓縮腿套24小時實驗之CK變化 32 圖4-4運動後穿著壓縮腿套24小時實驗之baPWV變化 33 圖4-5試驗腳之實驗ㄧ與實驗二之baPWV的差異 36

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