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研究生: 潘珈逸
Chia-Yi Pan
論文名稱: 一個PROMELA語法分析器並且運用資料流分析以產生簡潔的狀態圖
An Extended PROMELA Parser Which Generates Compact CCS State Graphs Using Data Flow Analysis for Refactoring Automation
指導教授: 鄭永斌
Cheng, Yung-Pin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 組態爆炸局部性分析資料流分析自動驗證分析
英文關鍵詞: state explosion, compositional analysis, data flow analysis, automatic verification
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:353下載:1
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  • 近幾年來,自動驗證分析(automated finite-state verification)已逐漸發展成熟,但是組態爆炸(state-space explosion)的問題仍然是自動驗證分析的致命傷。許多人對於組態爆炸提出解決之道。但是由於受限於理論上的侷限,每個方法的有效與否都具有特殊性。迄今沒有一種方法使得減緩組態爆炸的成效,能夠廣泛被業界所接受。而眾多減緩組態爆炸的方法中,運用局部性分析(compositional analysis)是被公認為較具有潛力的。
    局部性分析的方法就是將原有的系統分割成許多小系統,使之成階層式的架構進行分析。但是局部性分析依賴一個系統的模組性是否良好,很不幸的,大部分複雜系統並不具備這樣的模組性。因此,針對這個問題,我們提出Refactoring的方法:透過一些等價的轉換來打破系統舊有的模組性,以創造出新的系統架構,這樣新的系統架構能夠讓局部性分析發揮divide and conquer的效益。
    在本研究中,我們修改SPIN的設計語言--PROMELA,除了實作PROMELA之外,並且加入了Refactoring的語法以自動化Refactoring。這個新的語法叫做rc-Promela。我們建立了rc-Promela的語法分析器, 將輸入轉換成AST樹(abstract syntax tree)。最後運用資料流分析(Data Flow Analysis)分析PROMELA程式碼,以降低展開狀態圖之狀態空間,減少組態爆炸發生的可能性。

    Automated finite-state verification techniques have matured considerably in the past decades, but state-space explosion remains an obstacle to their use. Theoretical lower bounds on complexity imply that all of the techniques that have been developed to avoid or mitigate state-space explosion depend on models that are “well-formed” in some way, and will usually fail for other models. This further implies that, when analysis is applied to models derived from designs or implementations of actual software systems, a model of the system “as built” is unlikely to be suitable for automated analysis. In particular, compositional hierarchical analysis (where state-space explosion is avoided by simplifying models of subsystems at several levels of abstraction) depends on the modular structure of the model to be analyzed. We describe how as-built finite-state models can be refactored for compositional state-space analysis, applying a series of transformations to produce an equivalent model whose structure exhibits suitable modularity.
    In this thesis, we adopt Promela the as front-end language to automate refactoring. We select a subset of Promela and add some keywords for refactoring. The extended syntax is called rc-Promela, where “r” stands for “refactor” and “c” stands for “ccs.” We build a parser for rc-Promela, and use the parser to construct AST for rc-Promela model. Finally, we apply data flow analysis on AST to generate compact CCS state graphs for refactoring.

    Table of Contents Page List of Figures v Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 1.1.Introduction 1-1 1.2.Objective 1-2 1.3.Thesis organization 1-4 Chapter 2 Background 2-1 2.1.Formal verification 2-1 2.2.Model checking 2-2 2.3.Related software verification tools 2-2 2.4.Communication finite state machine(CFSM) 2-4 2.5.Compositional analysis 2-6 2.6.Promela 2-7 2.7.Background of data flow analysis 2-9 Chapter 3 An Overview of Refactoring 3-1 3.1.Refactoring overview 3-1 3.2.A simple example of unified decomposition transformation 3-4 Chapter 4 Building rc-Promela Parser 4-1 4.1.The architecture of rc-Promela parser 4-1 4.2.rc-Promela grammar 4-2 4.3.Parser—parsing grammar 4-3 4.4.Building abstract syntax trees 4-4 Chapter 5 Adding Refactoring Statements into rc-Promela 5-1 5.1.The semantics and grammar of Refactorby 5-1 5.2.Restriction of refactorby statement 5-6 5.3.Adding enumeration in rc-Promela 5-7 Chapter 6 Using Data Flow Analysis to Generate Compact CCS State Graphs 6-1 6.1.Using state variables to generate compact CCS state graphs 6-1 6.2.Generating data flow graph 6-5 6.3.Data flow analysis equations 6-8 Chapter 7 Examples 7-1 7.1Simple examples 7-1 7.2Chiron user interface system 7-6 7.3The elevator system 7-8 Chapter 8 Summary and Future Work 8-1 8.1Results 8-1 8.2Future work 8-2 Appendix A Grammar of rc-Promela A-1 Appendix B Chiron example written in rc-Promela B-1 Appendix C Elevator example written in rc-Promela C-1 Reference

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